Reverse engineering 32 and 64 bits binaries with Radare2 - 9 (files; read, write, seek and some heaps :O)
Heeello! Today I want to talk you about file operations. File read and write operations are very important as most of the...
Threat intelligence analyst, security enthusiast and constant learner.
Read about meHeeello! Today I want to talk you about file operations. File read and write operations are very important as most of the...
Heeeeeello. No tutorial, only crackmes. So according to Wikipedia: A crackme is a small program designed to test a pro...
So today we are going to work with a more complete example related to structs, the goal is to correctly understand how the...
Hi there, I hope you are all good, as I promised here we have this next part of the reversing with radare2 mini course :) ...
Hi folks and welcome back to the most awesome reverse engineering with r2 post series 8) Today I’m going to drop some note...
On this one, we are going to walk a little bit more through char arrays and strings to set solid fundamentals on the topic...
Yeahyeah, we are back at it! Today I’m going to walk you through some very basic data structures such as uni dimensional ...
Here we go again. In the previous chapter of this radare2 full course, we walked through the very basic structure of an ex...
About keypads Keypads are simple input devices that can be used in embedded projects. Most of the time, we can find keyboa...