Hello I’m Artik Blue and today you will finally understand C pointers.
Let’s start with this code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
int i = 2;
char c = 'c';
char* pc = &c;
printf("Value of i: %d \n",i);
printf("Address of i: %p \n",&i);
printf("Value of c: %c \n", c);
printf("Address of c: %p \n",&c);
printf("Updating the content of the mem address pointed by pc \n");
*pc = 'b';
printf("Value of c: %c \n", c);
return 0;
In C &c is used for indicating the address of the variable c. *p indicates a pointer. We can have multiple pointers to the same memory location so if that memory location is updated that will affect all of the pointers. If you have zero knowledge about pointers, have a quick read at this one: https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/c-pointers and then go on with this post.
So when compiled, the program outputs:
Value of i: 2
Address of i: 0x7ffe948d662c
Value of c: c
Address of c: 0x7ffe948d662b
Updating the content of the mem address pointed by pc
Value of c: b
And now the disasm:
[0x556609210155]> pdf
; DATA XREF from entry0 @ 0x55660921008d
┌ 210: int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
│ ; var int64_t var_15h @ rbp-0x15
│ ; var int64_t var_14h @ rbp-0x14
│ ; var int64_t var_10h @ rbp-0x10
│ ; var int64_t var_8h @ rbp-0x8
│ 0x556609210155 55 push rbp
│ 0x556609210156 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
│ 0x556609210159 4883ec20 sub rsp, 0x20
│ 0x55660921015d 64488b042528. mov rax, qword fs:[0x28]
│ 0x556609210166 488945f8 mov qword [var_8h], rax
│ 0x55660921016a 31c0 xor eax, eax
│ 0x55660921016c c745ec020000. mov dword [var_14h], 2
│ 0x556609210173 c645eb63 mov byte [var_15h], 0x63 ; 'c' ; 99
│ 0x556609210177 488d45eb lea rax, [var_15h]
│ 0x55660921017b 488945f0 mov qword [var_10h], rax
│ 0x55660921017f 8b45ec mov eax, dword [var_14h]
│ 0x556609210182 89c6 mov esi, eax
│ 0x556609210184 488d3d7d0e00. lea rdi, str.Value_of_i:__d ; 0x556609211008 ; "Value of i: %d \n"
│ 0x55660921018b b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x556609210190 e8bbfeffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ 0x556609210195 488d45ec lea rax, [var_14h]
│ 0x556609210199 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ 0x55660921019c 488d3d760e00. lea rdi, str.Address_of_i:__p ; 0x556609211019 ; "Address of i: %p \n"
│ 0x5566092101a3 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x5566092101a8 e8a3feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ 0x5566092101ad 0fb645eb movzx eax, byte [var_15h]
│ 0x5566092101b1 0fbec0 movsx eax, al
│ 0x5566092101b4 89c6 mov esi, eax
│ 0x5566092101b6 488d3d6f0e00. lea rdi, str.Value_of_c:__c ; 0x55660921102c ; "Value of c: %c \n"
│ 0x5566092101bd b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x5566092101c2 e889feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ 0x5566092101c7 488d45eb lea rax, [var_15h]
│ 0x5566092101cb 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ 0x5566092101ce 488d3d680e00. lea rdi, str.Address_of_c:__p ; 0x55660921103d ; "Address of c: %p \n"
│ 0x5566092101d5 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x5566092101da e871feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ 0x5566092101df 488d3d6a0e00. lea rdi, str.Updating_the_content_of_the_mem_address_pointed_by_pc ; 0x556609211050 ; "Updating the content of the mem address pointed by pc "
│ 0x5566092101e6 e845feffff call sym.imp.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
│ 0x5566092101eb 488b45f0 mov rax, qword [var_10h]
│ 0x5566092101ef c60062 mov byte [rax], 0x62 ; 'b'
│ ; [0x62:1]=255 ; 98
│ 0x5566092101f2 0fb645eb movzx eax, byte [var_15h]
│ 0x5566092101f6 0fbec0 movsx eax, al
│ 0x5566092101f9 89c6 mov esi, eax
│ 0x5566092101fb 488d3d2a0e00. lea rdi, str.Value_of_c:__c ; 0x55660921102c ; "Value of c: %c \n"
│ 0x556609210202 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x556609210207 e844feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ 0x55660921020c b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x556609210211 488b55f8 mov rdx, qword [var_8h]
│ 0x556609210215 644833142528. xor rdx, qword fs:[0x28]
│ ┌─< 0x55660921021e 7405 je 0x556609210225
│ │ 0x556609210220 e81bfeffff call sym.imp.__stack_chk_fail ; void __stack_chk_fail(void)
│ └─> 0x556609210225 c9 leave
└ 0x556609210226 c3 ret
Hey ho! Let’s dissect that. At first the program initializes those variables:
│ 0x55660921016c c745ec020000. mov dword [var_14h], 2
│ 0x556609210173 c645eb63 mov byte [var_15h], 0x63 ; 'c' ; 99
│ 0x556609210177 488d45eb lea rax, [var_15h]
│ 0x55660921017b 488945f0 mov qword [var_10h], rax
So the first var is being initialized with 2, then another var is initialized with 0x63 or char C and then the memory address of (lea = load effective address) that var and not the content is being passed to var_10h. As we are almost sure that those first vars are related the i int and the c char, we can rename it using afvn, so for now the thing will look like:
[0x556609210155]> afv
var int64_t char_c @ rbp-0x15
var int64_t int_i @ rbp-0x14
var int64_t var_10h @ rbp-0x10
var int64_t var_8h @ rbp-0x8 = stack cookie
And as var_10h will hold the ADDRESS of c we can rename it as pointer_c
[0x556609210155]> afvn pointer_c var_10h
[0x556609210155]> afv
var int64_t char_c @ rbp-0x15
var int64_t int_i @ rbp-0x14
var int64_t pointer_c @ rbp-0x10
var int64_t var_8h @ rbp-0x8
Let’s inspect the first printf
│ 0x55660921017f 8b45ec mov eax, dword [int_i]
│ 0x556609210182 89c6 mov esi, eax
│ 0x556609210184 488d3d7d0e00. lea rdi, str.Value_of_i:__d ; 0x556609211008 ; "Value of i: %d \n"
│ 0x55660921018b b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x556609210190 e8bbfeffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
Nothing new here, by “[ref]” we indicate that we want the content of whats pointed by int_i, so the value of the i var, we load it in eax (we don’t use rax cause we have enough space using eax only), then we load base address of the string to print “Value of…” as a parameter as well. The printf function will take those two params and do its magic as we already should know. Just note that on this first case, we are passing the value of the variable, instead of its address. Let’s move on:
│ 0x556609210195 488d45ec lea rax, [int_i]
│ 0x556609210199 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ 0x55660921019c 488d3d760e00. lea rdi, str.Address_of_i:__p ; 0x556609211019 ; "Address of i: %p \n"
│ 0x5566092101a3 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x5566092101a8 e8a3feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
Just look how on this next block the progam does lea instead of mov. This time, the program loads the ADDRESS of int_i instead of the value located at whats pointed by int_i. So in general terms using &var internally translates to lea reg, “[var]”. This is a key concept in reverse engineering, exploit development and in general terms anything related to low level program analysis, you should have it very clear. Let’s proceed
│ 0x5566092101ad 0fb645eb movzx eax, byte [char_c]
│ 0x5566092101b1 0fbec0 movsx eax, al
│ 0x5566092101b4 89c6 mov esi, eax
│ 0x5566092101b6 488d3d6f0e00. lea rdi, str.Value_of_c:__c ; 0x55660921102c ; "Value of c: %c \n"
│ 0x5566092101bd b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x5566092101c2 e889feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
Nothing worth commenting here, the VALUE is loaded, movzx is used for mem optimization.
│ 0x5566092101c7 488d45eb lea rax, [char_c]
│ 0x5566092101cb 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ 0x5566092101ce 488d3d680e00. lea rdi, str.Address_of_c:__p ; 0x55660921103d ; "Address of c: %p \n"
│ 0x5566092101d5 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x5566092101da e871feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
Then, again, the ADDRESS is loaded this time.
But at the end of the program we have this:
│ 0x5566092101eb 488b45f0 mov rax, qword [pointer_c]
│ 0x5566092101ef c60062 mov byte [rax], 0x62 ; 'b'
│ ; [0x62:1]=255 ; 98
│ 0x5566092101f2 0fb645eb movzx eax, byte [char_c]
│ 0x5566092101f6 0fbec0 movsx eax, al
│ 0x5566092101f9 89c6 mov esi, eax
│ 0x5566092101fb 488d3d2a0e00. lea rdi, str.Value_of_c:__c ; 0x55660921102c ; "Value of c: %c \n"
│ 0x556609210202 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x556609210207 e844feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
What happens here? The contents of pointer_c are moved to eax, then the content of what is pointed by eax is updated with ‘b’ and then we forget about pointer_c and we just printf what is pointed by char_c (???) Debuging is quite useful for understanding what is happening here.
So we start like this:
│ 0x5566092101eb b 488b45f0 mov rax, qword [pointer_c]
│ 0x5566092101ef c60062 mov byte [rax], 0x62 ; 'b'
│ ; [0x62:1]=255 ; 98
│ 0x5566092101f2 0fb645eb movzx eax, byte [char_c]
│ 0x5566092101f6 0fbec0 movsx eax, al
│ 0x5566092101f9 89c6 mov esi, eax
│ 0x5566092101fb 488d3d2a0e00. lea rdi, str.Value_of_c:__c ; 0x55660921102c ; "Value of c: %c \n"
│ 0x556609210202 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x556609210207 e844feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
[0x5566092101eb]> afvd
var var_8h = 0x7ffd71635228 = (qword)0xa0af6487b4e4ef00
var int_i = 0x7ffd7163521c = (qword)0x7163521b00000002
var char_c = 0x7ffd7163521b = (qword)0x63521b0000000263
var pointer_c = 0x7ffd71635220 = (qword)0x00007ffd7163521b
As you can see, the content of pointer_c (0x00007ffd7163521b) is the mem address of char_c (0x7ffd7163521b) this is how pointers work, pointers store memory addresses.
So after we do the first mov, rax will look like this:
[0x5566092101eb]> ds
[0x5566092101ef]> dr rax
Now rax holds the CONTENT of pointer_c and the content of pointer_c is the ADDRESS of char c, so doing “[rax]” is the same as doing “[char_c]”. And char_c contains a ‘c’ char:
[0x5566092101ef]> afvd
var var_8h = 0x7ffd71635228 = (qword)0xa0af6487b4e4ef00
var int_i = 0x7ffd7163521c = (qword)0x7163521b00000002
var char_c = 0x7ffd7163521b = (qword)0x63521b0000000263
var pointer_c = 0x7ffd71635220 = (qword)0x00007ffd7163521b
[0x5566092101ef]> pxw @ 0x7ffd7163521b
0x7ffd7163521b 0x00000263 0x63521b00 0x007ffd71 0xe4ef0000 c.....Rcq.......
And after doing the second mov
[0x5566092101ef]> ds
[0x5566092101f2]> pxw @ 0x7ffd7163521b
0x7ffd7163521b 0x00000262 0x63521b00 0x007ffd71 0xe4ef0000 b.....Rcq.......
Now it contains a ‘b’ char.
Then the program continues, this time it loads char_c but that’s ok cause the address of char_c is the same as “[rax]” or “[pointer_c]”!
And we are done with this first example, let’s move on with something more complex but easy as well :)
Remember the program we did on one of the past tutorials? The one that was related to an array that needed to be filled by a user in a while loop. Let’s inspect this one:
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
int data[100];
int entered;
int i;
long sum=0;
do {
printf("How many numbers? ");
scanf("%d", &entered);
if (entered>100)
printf("Limit is 100");
} while (entered>100);
for (i=0; i<entered; i++) {
printf("Enter number %d: ", i+1);
scanf("%d", &data[i]);
for (i=0; i<entered; i++)
sum += data[i];
printf("SUM: %ld\n", sum);
We should already know how the program works, no mystery, no pointers used here, just static memory. Let’s see:
[0x55c2a9231155]> pdf
; DATA XREF from entry0 @ 0x55c2a923108d
┌ 335: int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
│ ; var int64_t var_1b0h @ rbp-0x1b0
│ ; var int64_t var_1ach @ rbp-0x1ac
│ ; var int64_t var_1a8h @ rbp-0x1a8
│ ; var int64_t var_1a0h @ rbp-0x1a0
│ ; var int64_t var_8h @ rbp-0x8
│ 0x55c2a9231155 55 push rbp
│ 0x55c2a9231156 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
│ 0x55c2a9231159 4881ecb00100. sub rsp, 0x1b0
│ 0x55c2a9231160 64488b042528. mov rax, qword fs:[0x28]
│ 0x55c2a9231169 488945f8 mov qword [var_8h], rax
│ 0x55c2a923116d 31c0 xor eax, eax
│ 0x55c2a923116f 48c78558feff. mov qword [var_1a8h], 0
│ ┌─> 0x55c2a923117a 488d3d830e00. lea rdi, str.How_many_numbers ; 0x55c2a9232004 ; "How many numbers? "
│ ╎ 0x55c2a9231181 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ ╎ 0x55c2a9231186 e8b5feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ ╎ 0x55c2a923118b 488d8550feff. lea rax, [var_1b0h]
│ ╎ 0x55c2a9231192 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ ╎ 0x55c2a9231195 488d3d7b0e00. lea rdi, [0x55c2a9232017] ; "%d"
│ ╎ 0x55c2a923119c b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ ╎ 0x55c2a92311a1 e8aafeffff call sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf ; int scanf(const char *format)
│ ╎ 0x55c2a92311a6 8b8550feffff mov eax, dword [var_1b0h]
│ ╎ 0x55c2a92311ac 83f864 cmp eax, 0x64 ; 100
│ ┌──< 0x55c2a92311af 7e11 jle 0x55c2a92311c2
│ │╎ 0x55c2a92311b1 488d3d620e00. lea rdi, str.Limit_is_100 ; 0x55c2a923201a ; "Limit is 100"
│ │╎ 0x55c2a92311b8 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ │╎ 0x55c2a92311bd e87efeffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ └──> 0x55c2a92311c2 8b8550feffff mov eax, dword [var_1b0h]
│ ╎ 0x55c2a92311c8 83f864 cmp eax, 0x64 ; 100
│ └─< 0x55c2a92311cb 7fad jg 0x55c2a923117a
│ 0x55c2a92311cd c78554feffff. mov dword [var_1ach], 0
│ ┌─< 0x55c2a92311d7 eb4e jmp 0x55c2a9231227
│ ┌──> 0x55c2a92311d9 8b8554feffff mov eax, dword [var_1ach]
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a92311df 83c001 add eax, 1
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a92311e2 89c6 mov esi, eax
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a92311e4 488d3d3c0e00. lea rdi, str.Enter_number__d: ; 0x55c2a9232027 ; "Enter number %d: "
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a92311eb b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a92311f0 e84bfeffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a92311f5 488d8560feff. lea rax, [var_1a0h]
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a92311fc 8b9554feffff mov edx, dword [var_1ach]
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a9231202 4863d2 movsxd rdx, edx
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a9231205 48c1e202 shl rdx, 2
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a9231209 4801d0 add rax, rdx
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a923120c 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a923120f 488d3d010e00. lea rdi, [0x55c2a9232017] ; "%d"
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a9231216 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a923121b e830feffff call sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf ; int scanf(const char *format)
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a9231220 838554feffff. add dword [var_1ach], 1
│ ╎│ ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x55c2a92311d7
│ ╎└─> 0x55c2a9231227 8b8550feffff mov eax, dword [var_1b0h]
│ ╎ 0x55c2a923122d 398554feffff cmp dword [var_1ach], eax
│ └──< 0x55c2a9231233 7ca4 jl 0x55c2a92311d9
│ 0x55c2a9231235 c78554feffff. mov dword [var_1ach], 0
│ ┌─< 0x55c2a923123f eb1f jmp 0x55c2a9231260
│ ┌──> 0x55c2a9231241 8b8554feffff mov eax, dword [var_1ach]
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a9231247 4898 cdqe
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a9231249 8b848560feff. mov eax, dword [rbp + rax*4 - 0x1a0]
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a9231250 4898 cdqe
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a9231252 48018558feff. add qword [var_1a8h], rax
│ ╎│ 0x55c2a9231259 838554feffff. add dword [var_1ach], 1
│ ╎│ ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x55c2a923123f
│ ╎└─> 0x55c2a9231260 8b8550feffff mov eax, dword [var_1b0h]
│ ╎ 0x55c2a9231266 398554feffff cmp dword [var_1ach], eax
│ └──< 0x55c2a923126c 7cd3 jl 0x55c2a9231241
│ 0x55c2a923126e 488b8558feff. mov rax, qword [var_1a8h]
│ 0x55c2a9231275 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ 0x55c2a9231278 488d3dba0d00. lea rdi, str.SUM:__ld ; 0x55c2a9232039 ; "SUM: %ld\n"
│ 0x55c2a923127f b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x55c2a9231284 e8b7fdffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ 0x55c2a9231289 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x55c2a923128e 488b4df8 mov rcx, qword [var_8h]
│ 0x55c2a9231292 6448330c2528. xor rcx, qword fs:[0x28]
│ ┌─< 0x55c2a923129b 7405 je 0x55c2a92312a2
│ │ 0x55c2a923129d e88efdffff call sym.imp.__stack_chk_fail ; void __stack_chk_fail(void)
│ └─> 0x55c2a92312a2 c9 leave
└ 0x55c2a92312a3 c3 ret
What I want you to note here is the following, at the very beginning of the code you see this = 432:
│ 0x55c2a9231159 4881ecb00100. sub rsp,
You should have seen instructions like this one in many of the binaries we analyzed during our journey. What this does is basically keep some memory space in the local memory related to the function (using the stack) to hold local variables. (check this https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Disassembly/Functions_and_Stack_Frames)
And this time in here it looks like it keeps a bit more than 400 bytes. If you think about it, it makes sense as according to the code, we are declaring an array of 100 ints, assuming 4 bytes per int, those 400 bytes and more make sense. It is very common to see the program keeping a bit more space than the initially needed. Watching this sub rbp at the very beginning of the function will reveal interesting information.
I’m not going to enter into a lot of details on the code, as there is almost nothing new here, you should know how to analyze it very well
What I want to note this time is the following. In this program, we are using a do-while instead of a while, we can see that here:
│ ┌─> 0x55c2a923117a 488d3d830e00. lea rdi, str.How_many_numbers ; 0x55c2a9232004 ; "How many numbers? "
│ ╎ 0x55c2a9231181 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ ╎ 0x55c2a9231186 e8b5feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ ╎ 0x55c2a923118b 488d8550feff. lea rax, [var_1b0h]
│ ╎ 0x55c2a9231192 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ ╎ 0x55c2a9231195 488d3d7b0e00. lea rdi, [0x55c2a9232017] ; "%d"
│ ╎ 0x55c2a923119c b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ ╎ 0x55c2a92311a1 e8aafeffff call sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf ; int scanf(const char *format)
│ ╎ 0x55c2a92311a6 8b8550feffff mov eax, dword [var_1b0h]
│ ╎ 0x55c2a92311ac 83f864 cmp eax, 0x64 ; 100
│ ┌──< 0x55c2a92311af 7e11 jle 0x55c2a92311c2
│ │╎ 0x55c2a92311b1 488d3d620e00. lea rdi, str.Limit_is_100 ; 0x55c2a923201a ; "Limit is 100"
│ │╎ 0x55c2a92311b8 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ │╎ 0x55c2a92311bd e87efeffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ └──> 0x55c2a92311c2 8b8550feffff mov eax, dword [var_1b0h]
│ ╎ 0x55c2a92311c8 83f864 cmp eax, 0x64 ; 100
│ └─< 0x55c2a92311cb 7fad jg 0x55c2a923117a
As you see, the block of code is executed at first, then after that the condition check (cmp 100) is done and the program jumps back to the top of the code or just goes on, but the block of code is executed min once. If we do a while instad of a do while, as we know, the program will jump and do the cmp, then will go to the while block of code or not based on the cmp.
The rest of the program is no mystery, let’s move on and inspect the same program but this time using dynamic memory:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
main() {
int* data;
int valnum;
int i;
long sum=0;
do {
printf("How many vals you need to add? ");
scanf("%d", &valnum);
data = (int *) malloc (valnum * sizeof(int));
if (data == NULL)
} while (data == NULL);
for (i=0; i<valnum; i++) {
printf("ENTER NUM %d ", i+1);
scanf("%d", data+i);
for (i=0; i<valnum; i++)
sum += *(data+i);
printf("SUM: %ld\n", sum);
This is new! So the program at first, will ask the user how many values it wants to add, then it will do this:
data = (int *) malloc (valnum * sizeof(int));
We can break that in parts for a better understanding. At first we do valnum * sizeof(int), sizeof(int) will return the size of an int in bytes in our system ex: 4, then it will be multiplied by valnum, the user input (how many values do you want to add), so if the user wants 4 values it will do something like 4*4 = 16 bytes, the space needed for allocating 4 ints, you got it, right? Then, that will be passed to malloc. This function is used for allocating space in memory. void *malloc(size_t size) allocates the requested memory (heap) and returns a pointer to it(stack) (or NULL if the request fails), that is why the result of malloc is stored in a pointer to int!
Then the program does the following:
scanf("%d", data+i);
Note that normally when using scan we pass in &var, this time we are just passing data+i, being i an integer (1,2.3…), that is why data is a pointer itself, a memory address, so using & won’t make sense here, +i is used here to indicate the next memory address available as data is a pointer to the base addr of that dynamic array.
Then the same logic follows when doing the sum
sum += *(data+i);
Let’s now disasm this program and analyze it:
[0x558471c62175]> pdf
; DATA XREF from entry0 @ 0x558471c620ad
┌ 322: int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
│ ; var int64_t var_20h @ rbp-0x20
│ ; var int64_t var_1ch @ rbp-0x1c
│ ; var int64_t var_18h @ rbp-0x18
│ ; var int64_t var_10h @ rbp-0x10
│ ; var int64_t var_8h @ rbp-0x8
│ 0x558471c62175 55 push rbp
│ 0x558471c62176 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
│ 0x558471c62179 4883ec20 sub rsp, 0x20
│ 0x558471c6217d 64488b042528. mov rax, qword fs:[0x28]
│ 0x558471c62186 488945f8 mov qword [var_8h], rax
│ 0x558471c6218a 31c0 xor eax, eax
│ 0x558471c6218c 48c745e80000. mov qword [var_18h], 0
│ ┌─> 0x558471c62194 488d3d6d0e00. lea rdi, str.How_many_vals_you_need_to_add ; 0x558471c63008 ; "How many vals you need to add? "
│ ╎ 0x558471c6219b b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ ╎ 0x558471c621a0 e8abfeffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ ╎ 0x558471c621a5 488d45e0 lea rax, [var_20h]
│ ╎ 0x558471c621a9 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ ╎ 0x558471c621ac 488d3d750e00. lea rdi, [0x558471c63028] ; "%d"
│ ╎ 0x558471c621b3 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ ╎ 0x558471c621b8 e8b3feffff call sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf ; int scanf(const char *format)
│ ╎ 0x558471c621bd 8b45e0 mov eax, dword [var_20h]
│ ╎ 0x558471c621c0 4898 cdqe
│ ╎ 0x558471c621c2 48c1e002 shl rax, 2
│ ╎ 0x558471c621c6 4889c7 mov rdi, rax
│ ╎ 0x558471c621c9 e892feffff call sym.imp.malloc ; void *malloc(size_t size)
│ ╎ 0x558471c621ce 488945f0 mov qword [var_10h], rax
│ ╎ 0x558471c621d2 48837df000 cmp qword [var_10h], 0
│ ┌──< 0x558471c621d7 7511 jne 0x558471c621ea
│ │╎ 0x558471c621d9 488d3d4b0e00. lea rdi, str.NO_SPACE_AVAILABLE. ; 0x558471c6302b ; "NO SPACE AVAILABLE."
│ │╎ 0x558471c621e0 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ │╎ 0x558471c621e5 e866feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ └──> 0x558471c621ea 48837df000 cmp qword [var_10h], 0
│ └─< 0x558471c621ef 74a3 je 0x558471c62194
│ 0x558471c621f1 c745e4000000. mov dword [var_1ch], 0
│ ┌─< 0x558471c621f8 eb45 jmp 0x558471c6223f
│ ┌──> 0x558471c621fa 8b45e4 mov eax, dword [var_1ch]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c621fd 83c001 add eax, 1
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62200 89c6 mov esi, eax
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62202 488d3d360e00. lea rdi, str.ENTER_NUM__d ; 0x558471c6303f ; "ENTER NUM %d "
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62209 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ ╎│ 0x558471c6220e e83dfeffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62213 8b45e4 mov eax, dword [var_1ch]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62216 4898 cdqe
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62218 488d14850000. lea rdx, [rax*4]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62220 488b45f0 mov rax, qword [var_10h]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62224 4801d0 add rax, rdx
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62227 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ ╎│ 0x558471c6222a 488d3df70d00. lea rdi, [0x558471c63028] ; "%d"
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62231 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62236 e835feffff call sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf ; int scanf(const char *format)
│ ╎│ 0x558471c6223b 8345e401 add dword [var_1ch], 1
│ ╎│ ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x558471c621f8
│ ╎└─> 0x558471c6223f 8b45e0 mov eax, dword [var_20h]
│ ╎ 0x558471c62242 3945e4 cmp dword [var_1ch], eax
│ └──< 0x558471c62245 7cb3 jl 0x558471c621fa
│ 0x558471c62247 c745e4000000. mov dword [var_1ch], 0
│ ┌─< 0x558471c6224e eb20 jmp 0x558471c62270
│ ┌──> 0x558471c62250 8b45e4 mov eax, dword [var_1ch]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62253 4898 cdqe
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62255 488d14850000. lea rdx, [rax*4]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c6225d 488b45f0 mov rax, qword [var_10h]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62261 4801d0 add rax, rdx
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62264 8b00 mov eax, dword [rax]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62266 4898 cdqe
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62268 480145e8 add qword [var_18h], rax
│ ╎│ 0x558471c6226c 8345e401 add dword [var_1ch], 1
│ ╎│ ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x558471c6224e
│ ╎└─> 0x558471c62270 8b45e0 mov eax, dword [var_20h]
│ ╎ 0x558471c62273 3945e4 cmp dword [var_1ch], eax
│ └──< 0x558471c62276 7cd8 jl 0x558471c62250
│ 0x558471c62278 488b45e8 mov rax, qword [var_18h]
│ 0x558471c6227c 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ 0x558471c6227f 488d3dc70d00. lea rdi, str.SUM:__ld ; 0x558471c6304d ; "SUM: %ld\n"
│ 0x558471c62286 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x558471c6228b e8c0fdffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ 0x558471c62290 488b45f0 mov rax, qword [var_10h]
│ 0x558471c62294 4889c7 mov rdi, rax
│ 0x558471c62297 e894fdffff call sym.imp.free ; void free(void *ptr)
│ 0x558471c6229c b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x558471c622a1 488b4df8 mov rcx, qword [var_8h]
│ 0x558471c622a5 6448330c2528. xor rcx, qword fs:[0x28]
│ ┌─< 0x558471c622ae 7405 je 0x558471c622b5
│ │ 0x558471c622b0 e88bfdffff call sym.imp.__stack_chk_fail ; void __stack_chk_fail(void)
│ └─> 0x558471c622b5 c9 leave
└ 0x558471c622b6 c3 ret
The malloc is first done here:
│ ╎ 0x558471c621b8 e8b3feffff call sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf ; int scanf(const char *format)
│ ╎ 0x558471c621bd 8b45e0 mov eax, dword [var_20h]
│ ╎ 0x558471c621c0 4898 cdqe
│ ╎ 0x558471c621c2 48c1e002 shl rax, 2
│ ╎ 0x558471c621c6 4889c7 mov rdi, rax
│ ╎ 0x558471c621c9 e892feffff call sym.imp.malloc ; void *malloc(size_t size)
So, we load the user input (var_20h) in eax, and we multiply it with 4 with shl rax, 2. As we see, sizeof is not called here, that is because the compiler already knows the size of an int. So the user input * 4 is passed to malloc. Let’s actually run that.
│ ╎ 0x558471c621ce b 488945f0 mov qword [var_10h], rax
│ ╎ 0x558471c621d2 48837df000 cmp qword [var_10h], 0
│ ┌──< 0x558471c621d7 7511 jne 0x558471c621ea
│ │╎ 0x558471c621d9 488d3d4b0e00. lea rdi, str.NO_SPACE_AVAILABLE. ; 0x558471c6302b ; "NO SPACE AVAILABLE."
│ │╎ 0x558471c621e0 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ │╎ 0x558471c621e5 e866feffff call sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
[0x558471c621ce]> dr rax
[0x558471c621ce]> dmhg
Heap Layout
│ Malloc chunk @ 0x5584735cf250 │
│ size: 0x410 status: allocated │
│ Malloc chunk @ 0x5584735cf660 │
│ size: 0x410 status: allocated │
│ Malloc chunk @ 0x5584735cfa70 │
│ size: 0x20 status: allocated │
│ Top chunk @ 0x5584735cfa90 │
Nice, the function returned a pointer there and some heap space has been created! Then the pointer is saved to var_10h
│ ╎ 0x558471c621ce b 488945f0 mov qword [var_10h], rax
│ ╎ 0x558471c621d2 48837df000 cmp qword [var_10h], 0
Let’s now watch how the memory manipulation for the user input is done:
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62213 8b45e4 mov eax, dword [var_1ch]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62216 4898 cdqe
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62218 488d14850000. lea rdx, [rax*4]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62220 488b45f0 mov rax, qword [var_10h]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62224 4801d0 add rax, rdx
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62227 4889c6 mov rsi, rax
│ ╎│ 0x558471c6222a 488d3df70d00. lea rdi, [0x558471c63028] ; "%d"
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62231 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62236 e835feffff call sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf ; int scanf(const char *format)
Assuming that var_1ch is the loop counter, we see how it gets moved to eax and then THE CONTENT of rax*4 is loaded into rdx and added to the base addr of the dyn array, being 4 the size of the int it makes all the sense, the counter will go 4 by 4 up the dynamic array and assign the new values right there! Then the address related to there will be passed to scanf
The next block of code calculates the sum. Based on what we know, this shoul not be a mystery:
│ ┌──> 0x558471c62250 8b45e4 mov eax, dword [var_1ch]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62253 4898 cdqe
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62255 488d14850000. lea rdx, [rax*4]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c6225d 488b45f0 mov rax, qword [var_10h]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62261 4801d0 add rax, rdx
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62264 8b00 mov eax, dword [rax]
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62266 4898 cdqe
│ ╎│ 0x558471c62268 480145e8 add qword [var_18h], rax
│ ╎│ 0x558471c6226c 8345e401 add dword [var_1ch], 1
Same thing is done but this time var_18h is used for storing the sum.
At the end of the program free is called. I like this answer of stack overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14986543/calling-free-in-c
In general terms calling free will tell the program that this area of memory can now be used for writting new memory. If a developer does not use free after malloc, and then uses malloc multiple times again, the program memory will grow and grow and that may cause a lot of performance issues and even security problems.
│ 0x558471c62290 488b45f0 mov rax, qword [var_10h]
│ 0x558471c62294 4889c7 mov rdi, rax
│ 0x558471c62297 e894fdffff call sym.imp.free ; void free(void *ptr)
Just note that we pass the base addr of our dyn array to free.